
Coronavirus Updated 3rd April

Solo Open – Cancelled.

It probably won’t come as any surprise, but we have taken the decision to Cancel the Solo / Single- hander Open meeting due to be held at Rollesby Broad on April 19th.

At present we see no point in trying to rearrange a date, we will keep an eye on the situation and if normal service resumes quickly we may try to find a date at the end of the season. This seems unlikely and we wish you all well and look forward to being able to welcome all of our regular visitors in April 2021.

Ian Ayres 

March 23rd…..

I regret that following the Prime Ministers broadcast Informing us of the new restrictions on movement/meetings etc tonight the club will close with immediate effect. 

I hope that you all remain fit and healthy and look forward to seeing you all at the club later in the summer.

Coronavirus Update

The general committee, myself and the club safety officer have discussed the matter and considering the serious situation with the coronavirus

  • Organised club racing will be suspended until further notice.
  • Group meetings in the clubhouse are cancelled
  • The club workday on the 28th March cancelled
  • Try Sailing events are postponed.

Unless further restrictions are made by the government the club will not close and members may visit the site and sail if they wish. If you do sail please consider your own safety and it would be worthwhile ensuring that at least one other boat is afloat to render assistance if necessary. Of course it remains the sailors own responsibility to decide if they are confident to sail safely in the prevailing conditions.

You can use the WhatsApp group to find a sailing buddy. 

Please limit your use of the clubhouse and facilities, avoid using the kitchen and crockery and bring your own prepared food and drink. Ensure that you follow the government guidelines regarding hand washing and personal distancing when on site. Please change into and out of your sailing kit in your cars or arrive ready to sail. If you have any symptoms however slight or have been in contact with someone with the symptoms please follow government advice and stay away from the club. 

Don’t forget from the 1st April you can sail on any day of the week.
It’s a shame to take this step but the safety of members must come first. I hope that you all keep well and look forward to getting the club up and sailing again.


Report – 16th March

Survival Mode in full operation!

Given the wind strength it was impressive to see 16 boats come to the line for racing at Rollesby on Sunday 16th March. Needless to say there were not 16 who reached the finish line.

A squall just the race started allowed Howard Astley-Jones in his Vareo to port start the fleet as everyone else struggled to reach the inner distance end of the line. Daniel Bull in his Laser was first round the very distant windward mark with Chris Foster in closest pursuit and Matt Boreham, Terry Palmer (Solos), Dave Houghton & John Symonds (Wayfarer) and Astley-Jones completing an early but clear front group.

Further back the two Richards, Foster and Brown along with Keith Sykes were actually blown downwind from the start line. Foster took the decision to simply go for a blast whilst the others recovered to chase Stuart Highfield and Steve Leigh up the first beat.

There were capsizes a plenty, on the second lap Highfield and Leigh spent long enough upside down to retire, Clive Girling got back down the broad successfully bit decided on discretion along with Brown, Palmer and Bob Sparrow! With the fleet now down to nine, the rescue service were busy catching up……. Sykes retired too as the leaders were about to lap him.

By lap 3 Boreham, having stayed up right had worked his way past the Lasers and seemed to enjoy the last lap as he led all the way round. Astley-Jones was getting the hang of the run, in absolute turbo mode flying his kite! And worked his way through to second on the water. Bull looked set for third before a capsize at the last gybe, Foster looked like gaining but produced an exact carbon copy a few seconds later! This let the Wayfarer through to third.

Special mention should go to the other survivors, Phil Alison (Solo) sailed a lonely, but always upright, race alone in the gap between the front group and ‘the rest’ whilst Ellie Edwards battled her Splash round and John Saddington sporting the clubs B-plan sail on his Solo brought up the rear.

Only four boats ventured out for race two, Houghton and Boreham the only survivors to take the wins in their respective fleets.


Race 1 (3 entries)

1. Howard Astley-Jones (Vareo)
2. Dave Houghton & John Symonds (Wayfarer)

Race 2 (2)
1. Dave Houghton & John Symonds (Wayfarer)


Race 1 (12 entries)

1. Matt Boreham (Solo)
2. Daniel Bull (Laser)
3. Chris Foster (Laser)
4. Ellie Edwards (Splash)
5. Phil Alison (Solo)
6. John Saddington (Solo)

Race 2 (2)
1. Matt Boreham (Solo)

HORNING Workshops Postponed

Due to the recent advice from the government the following winter talks have been postponed.

Come and learn new skills at a series of Winter Workshops hosted by Horning Sailing Club. 

Thursday 20th Feb 7pm: Horning Sailing Club – Aerodynamics – Carl Brady

Thursday 26th March 7pm: Horning Village Hall – Rig Tuning – Mike McNamara                                

Thursday 9th April 7pm: Horning Sailing Club – Running the line and timekeeping – Toby Fields


For more information contact Holly Hancock on

Learn to Sail with us 2020.

The general committee, myself and the club safety officer have discussed the matter and considering the serious situation with the coronavirus

Try Sailing events are postponed.

Free lessons provided for new club members

Courses will run on Saturdays

April 18th
April 25th
May 9th
May 16th
From 10:00 to 16:00

Click On image for details

Please pass on to any interested parties.  

The course will be run by club members in both members’ boats and our own club boats.

The course will be open to both youngsters and adults.

Sailing is perceived as being an expensive sport. Nothing could be further from the truth. You don’t even need to own a boat since we have a fleet of club boats available.  

For more information all Rachel or Pete on 01953 606334.

Report 8th March.

It was another windy day at Rollesby for the fifth instalment of the Frostbite series. There were several white horses visible on the broad which may have deterred a few from venturing out.

Twelve boats took to the water with the Singlehander fleet once again the larger of the two fleets. The race team set a course using almost the full length of the broad with a course providing two beats, a reach and a run. There were several capsizes during the two races although only one retirement with Keith’s day brought to a wet and early conclusion when his toe strap failed in his Laser.

In race one of the Multisails the fleet were reasonably close going up the first beat. Once on the run Dave & John benefited by using their spinnaker, gradually opened up a gap on the others to take the win. Howard, sailing his Vareo kept far enough ahead of the two chasing Wayfarers to take second.  Bob & Chris and Dan & Andy enjoyed a close battle throughout the race with the latter just taking third position.

In the Singlehander fleet Daniel (Laser) took an early lead which he gradually extended throughout the race. Matt (Solo) managed to keep close for the first lap but was overtaken by Tamsin in the family Streaker on the second lap opening up a sufficient gap to claim second.

In race two both fleets started together.  Dave & John rounded the windward mark first closely followed by Daniel. These two gradually pulled ahead with a few place changes throughout the race with Daniel ahead at the finish.  Howard recovered well from a capsize to cross the line next with Tasmin not far behind.

Race 1 Multisail :
1 Wayfarer 10000 (D Houghton & J Symonds),
2 Vareo 516 (H Astley-Jones),
3 Wayfarer 1809 (D Harvey & A Smith). 

Race 1 Singlehanders :
1 Laser 207011 ( D Bull),
2 Streaker 1490 (T Highfield),
3 Solo 035 (M Boreham). 

Race 2 Multisail : 
1 Wayfarer 10000,
2 Vareo 516,
3 Wayfarer 10213 ( R Sparrow & C Gibbons)

Race 2 Singlehanders : 
1 Laser 207011,
2 Streaker 1490,
3 Solo 035

Dave Houghton

More Photos on Flickr

Sailing Sunday

Yes the club is open on Sunday, winds look a bit fresh but let’s get down to the club and hopefully onto the water. Even if you decide not to sail it will be worthwhile coming down to check your boats and have a tea, snack and a chat
See you on Sunday 

No Sailing Sunday 23/2

An inspection of the trees at the club was made by our landlords tree surgeon and he has identified a number of trees that are considered to be in their words  ‘a potential danger to life’ the area affected has marked with tape. Unfortunately the tree surgeon can only deal with the trees on Sunday and we have been requested to  stay away from site until the work has been completed therefore we have no option but to cancel sailing again this coming Sunday. (23rd  February).
Please keep away on Sunday but If anyone has to go to the club at any other time please ensure that you do not enter into the taped off area for any reason.
Just to keep your minds at rest the trees are mainly affecting the car park area and no dinghies appear to be threatened at present. Lets hope that the weather is good for the following Sunday and we can all get out on the water.


Stuart (commodore)