
Return to ‘Near Normal’ Sunday sailing.

Following another successful Sunday morning sailing (16 boats in July!) the committee have been considering how we can return to a somewhat more normal program for most of August and September.

Please note – this was written before the RYA’s latest instructions of 29th July – we will keep you updated as we know more ourselves! – see footnote

This weekend (Sun 2nd August) will run as we have been, with two informal pursuit races; race officer already sorted!.

Sunday 9th August – Summer Regatta
2 morning handicap races – both to count! 

Subsequent Sundays
2 handicap races, in the mornings only, to count for the summer series. At present we cannot return to normal catering so have no intention to run afternoon racing (which to be fair is poorly supported – especially in the summer). We hope this might change by September (who knows?) and will continue to keep Angie updated.

Racing will continue to be subject to lower wind limits than usual due to safety boat restrictions, competitors need to be aware of this.

There will be no Eels Foot Race in August due to the safety boat / race crew restrictions.

Currently we can have two people in the race box – provided they are socially distanced, but only one in the rescue boat.
Wed evening racing will continue as per the program, but the 4pm race will hopefully continue through September (and possibly beyond) subject to demand – this could become a permanent fixture next year? 
Cheers All 

Nice to be back on the water even if one race was enough for me!


NB.RYA update of 29th July – this implies that for the Regatta on the 9th we will be able to accept entries from double handed crews who are not within an ‘existing household / bubble’ and that similarly we can man the rescue boat with two people in a similar manner. Please bear with us, we need to check the slightly blurry details in this document and how it relates to our Covid risk assessment before we can put these changes into action.

Informal Pursuit racing on a Sunday!

The ten boats who ignored the forecast (west force1) enjoyed two informal pursuit races in a gentle north easterly force 2. – Well what else would you expect at Rollseby!

The Solos starting first showed a little ring rust as they headed off to the wrong mark, allowing the Lasers of Clive Girling and Daniel Harvey to over take on the first lap. Clive took full advantage of the shifting winds to eke out a commanding lead, Simon Strode recovered to pull through to second, with Daniel third and Chris Foster using his spinnaker to good effect to bring his Laser 2 through from the last sater tto fourth at the finish.

Race two saw the Solos of Simon and Mike Horwitz slowly pull away from the fleet, using the cleaner air they had to good effect and some better angles at mark approaches. Mike taking the win from Simon after a close battle througout. The Lasers used their close quarter tacking ability to eventually get away from the Wayfarers with Daniel taking class honours this time.

We intend to run this format for the next three Sundays (safe weather permittng), why not come and join in.

Race 1 (9 entries)

1. Clive Girling (Laser)
2. Simon Strode (Solo)
3. Daniel Harvey (Laser)
4. Chris Foster (Laser 2)

Race 2 (8)

1. Mike Horwitz (Solo)
2. Simon Strode (Solo)
3. Daniel Harvey (Laser)
4. Clive Girling (Laser)

Daniel is this weeks Star

With the roll of the dice last week selecting the Star class for this weeks sailing it was a rather more sedate week for the e-sailors.

Dave was first off the start line in race one. The fleet split with Phil and Tamsin choosing the left hand side which proved to be the best route and lead rounding the windward mark. It was tight going into the final run with Dave and Phil tussling for wind leaving Tamsin to take the win and Phil second.

Phil hit the line with speed in race two to take and early lead.  After a poor start (for him!) Dan recovered well to challenge Phil on the final leg with both crossing the line with the same time but the e-judge decision gave the win to Phil.

Dave took an early lead in race three and lead until the final hundred metres when Dan covered well and snuck past.

In race four the fleet were fairly close with Dan just ahead at the windward mark but then built a good lead at the finish with Phil a comfortable second.

In the final ‘official’ race of the day Antony appeared to have fitted foils to his Star as he sped away at the start building up a good lead at the finish. Ian rounded the windward mark second and sailed well to hold on to second ahead of a charging Dan and Keith.

After two weeks Dan and Phil lead, clearly these two  have the x-factor compared with the rest of the fleet but it’s getting closer every week as the rest begin to work out the finer points of the ‘game’.

As has become the norm,  we then decided to compete in some unofficial racing in the other classes so we opted to race a few of the faster classes for some fun.


Todays Results

Full Series Results here…

Good luck to Phil Highfield representing the club in East Region eSailing heats. These will take place at 18:30 on Monday evening (18th) and hopefully the regional finals at 18:30 on the 20th May. (I pop the details of how to watch on Whatsapp group when we have them,)

Cork of the Broads

This year the traditional Cock of the Broads race, sailed annually from time immemorial at the Thurne Mouth Open Regatta on the late May Bank Holiday, has had to be cancelled.

In its place a new one-off event has been arranged, the Cork of the Broads. Corks, each numbered with the sail or identification number of any vessel entered, will be started from a bucket at a convenient, if somewhat socially isolated, bridge “somewhere” on the Norfolk Broads. You don’t even have to have a boat to enter. A numbered cork allocated to you will still race.

After tackling a tricky course, beset by swans, adverse currents and flukey winds, the winning cork will be deemed to be the first to reach the floating line across the water at the finish. A lifetime’s collection of a racing fleet of corks has been assembled for the race. The corks will be retrieved to avoid clogging the waterways, and maybe to be used again…

Please pass the word amongst your clubs, chums and rich relations. The cause is a worthy one we believe. The Care Workers Charity looks out for those who have become the Cinderella service in the fight against Covid-19. Very much in the front line, since they care for the most at risk, they have not received the charitable support that the NHS has deservedly enjoyed. We hope that this bit of fun on the water will help, in a small way, to do something for those who carry so much of a burden at this terrible time.

If you haven’t yet, please donate on the link below, and if you have, please pass on the link so we can reach the target, or even surpass it!

P.S. Don’t forget to email your entry details to to be sure of your entry/entries. Thank you for your support. 

RBSC E-series 2 Report

With the lockdown restrictions still in place,  today saw the commencement of the second e-series.   This follows the conclusion of the clubs initial series last week in which Phil was crowned overall winner and hence having the responsibility of representing the club in the e-sailing regional championship.

With the ‘newbies’ to the game now getting to grips with their craft the racing is proving to be closer with just about everyone heading the fleet at some point. And with the exception of one race everyone finished with 46 seconds of each other, another indication of how everyone was improving.

It proved to be a slow start for our newly crowned champion as it took a couple of races to get back to his winning ways !

In race one Tamsin, Dan & Keith led the fleet by some distance with Phil having to go back after a premature start.  On the final downwind leg Tamsin appeared to have the race until the technical gremlins ejected her from the game leaving Dan to take the win. The has led to a new race classification of GBO !

Dan took an early lead in race two which he held throughout the race with Keith, Phil and Dave fighting over the next three places. On the line Keith crossed just ahead of Phil then Dave.  Just behind Antony and Ian enjoyed a close tussle throughout the race with Antony crossing the line 1.5 seconds ahead. Tamsin again ‘disappeared’ from the water, perhaps she needs to speak to technical support !

The fleet were closely bunched up the first windward leg in race three. Dan was choosing the upwind routes well and edged round the windward mark first followed by Dave. By the final downward leg Dan had opened up a good lead over Dave who was just ahead of Keith and Phil who were covering each other, Phil eventually crossing the line half a second ahead of Keith.

Phil finally got back to his winning ways in race four after leading Dave and Dan round the course with Dan edging Dave out of second place by 0.1 seconds and Keith and Ian just behind.

In the final ‘official’ race of the day Phil again lead the fleet closely followed by Dan. Only a few seconds separated Dave and Keith on the final downwind leg with Dave just managing to hold on against a charging Keith.

So Dan takes an early lead in the series but Phil is close behind. With the racing thus far taken place in 49er’s the general consensus was to try another craft for next week. This lead to the decision to try all them so for the following weeks we will be sailing, Stars, Formula 18, F50, J70, Offshore Yachts and finally the Nacra 17. So in order to prepare for this Keith kindly set up a few practise races in Stars, F18 and F50.

Full Results on Website here…..

Highfield – E Club Champion.

This week is was time to put all the training to good use in the RYA eSailing Spring Club Championships – Qualifier, each registered club puts forward a Club Champion to go onto the Regional Heats to be completed by 24th May.  Recent form had 2 clear favourites in Phil Highfield and Daniel Harvey who were neck and neck in the Spring E-series.  It was going to be 5 races of 3 laps  in the 49er with 3 to count.  (The higher discard count to cater for unforeseen technical difficulties) . 

In the First race the usual 2 suspects were at the front in a close battle, Phil just pipping Daniel to the line by 2 seconds with Tamsin not far behind in third.  Race 2 a close battle to the end,  Phil first over the line with Keith pushing Daniel back into third. Phil was looking good to be club champion just needing 1 more win to claim the title.  Race 3 – Another closely fought race this time Daniel taking the win by 3 seconds and Dave finding his form in Third. So at this stage Phil the Daniel with a three way tie for third.  Race 4 – Would Phil seal the deal?  Not this time, for a change Phil was back in the pack, Dave wining, Daniel and Keith 3rd.  Still it wasn’t over if Daniel could take the win the title would be his.  Race 5 – Phil got away at the windward mark with Dave a few seconds back and Daniel hot on his heals.  Phil managed to hold for a comfortable win and the title, Daniel overall 2nd and Dave 3rd.

So Phil is off to the RYA East regional Qualifier (more details to follow),  and he also takes the RBSC E-Spring Series title from Daniel and Tamsin in 3rd.

Full Series Results Here……

In a post race interviews when asking the top 2 for their race tips.

Phil – “Auto Vmg is very good on a phone or tablet, but it can hide the shifts a bit”

Daniel“I tend to keep an eye on the top left circle and the darker areas where the wind is stronger (Phil really uses this well!) This is especially beneficial at the start. Also, if behind on the downwind leg, try and use your wind shadow to slow the other boat. A good WiFi signal helps too, it’s really frustrating when in a good position and you get kicked out! and good footwear too, I nearly came a cropper between races walking to get another beer!”

So next week a new series, format as to be confirmed, although it will still be five races each week.

The racing is getting closer and a bit more tactical. So come and Join us next week.  (we can always do some informal races before Sunday if required.)

Good luck to Phil and See you all next week.


E-sailing Report’s– 26th April 2020

Round 4 of Virtual sailing at Rollesby

The fourth instalment of the Rollesby Broad e-Spring series was held on the 12th April in Cagliari (Italy) with a few missing from previous weeks. Phil was leading the series but Daniel had been challenging him lately. The fleet opted to stay in the now familiar 49er.

The first 2 races saw Daniel then Phil take the wins with the other 2nd, Races 3 and 4 and Daniel got out in front but Dave then Tamsin pushing Phil back into 3rd.

Race 5 and positions back to normal with Daniel taking the win from Phil. So with 1 week to go in the series it really couldn’t be closer as both are tied on 15 points

The Fulls Days results Here.

Next Week RYA Region Qualifier

As we have entered the RYA ESailing championship and we need to have a club champion by 3rd May thats on Sunday. It looks like it will be Daniel or Phil on current form but you never know. The format is a 5 race series using the now familiar “49er” – We will have the 5 race series on the 3rd May and also include the results in the current series. (Its 2 discards in 5 to cater for technical issues).. Keith ERO

If you haven’t tried it yet it is relatively straightforward. It is easy and free to arrange an account, there is a ‘Training School’ to take you through the basics and a practice option to allow you to sail each of the craft. If required we could hold another practice session next Saturday if anyone would like to try before joining the racing on Sunday. If interested ping a message on the RBSC Sailors Chat WhatsApp group.

All these tips also apply to the real thing – And a good explanation!!

Full Series Results So far

E-sailing Report’s– 12th April 2020

Round 2 of Virtual sailing at Rollesby

The second instalment of the Rollesby Broad e-Spring series was held on the 12th April in sunny Keil (Germany) with a few new helms joining the racing.  Club members opted to stay with the 49er’s for the second set of five races. It did appear that the short journey had caused a a few glitches with the boats. (That’s my excuse- Keith)

Leading ladies

The ladies got off to a good start in the first race with Tamsin Highfield and Anna Zmura leading at the windward mark. Phil however managed to slip through on the final lap to just take the win, an annoying habit he’s very good at!

Tamsin managed to reverse this in the second race by just beating Phil in what was the closest finish of the day with two seconds between second and fourth place.

After a DSQ and a DNC Dan Harvey finally got back on track in race three, beating Phil by two seconds after a race long tussle.

In race four Dave Houghton had a rare moment leading the fleet for just about the whole race only to see Phil cross the line one second ahead.

Phil nicks Dave’s win!

It was a family one two in race five with Phil taking another win and Tamsin just beating Antony Barnes who took his second podium position of the day.

Overall Phil Highfield continued his good form finishing in the top two in every race and now has a clear series lead.

This week’s sailing proved to be more competitive and despite the larger fleet the time difference between first and last positions was smaller than last weeks.

The Fulls Days results Here.

If you haven’t tried it yet it is relatively straightforward. It is easy and free to arrange an account, there is a ‘Training School’ to take you through the basics and a practice option to allow you to sail each of the craft. If required we could hold another practice session next Saturday if anyone would like to try before joining the racing on Sunday. If interested ping a message on the RBSC Sailors Chat WhatsApp group.

All these tips also apply to the real thing – And a good explanation!!

Spring e-series overall (top five)
1st  49er 836 P Highfield (8pts), 
2nd  49er 666 D Harvey (19pts),
3rd  49er 748 K Sykes (20 pts),
4th  49er AntB  A Barnes (29 pts),
5th  49er Tazhi T Highfield)  (34 pts)

Full Series Results So far

Many thanks to Dave for another great report.

E-sailing Report’s– 5th April 2020

Great Minds or Buses?? (Buses I think!)

Now this really is a First, 2 reports for 1 event!!!!!

Training started on Saturday  – with 7 crews getting to grips with the 49er (or how to Login) which concluded with 3 quick races, Young master Highfield (Phil)  taking the honours in all 3 and by a considerable margin of around 20secs after just 6 mins of racing. 
So we all had a clue how next the days racing would go.

Phil – Showing us how it’s done – Race Training.


The fleet gathered at the slight earlier time of 10am.  (A Stunning day for sailing but we wont go there!)
With the Fleet traveling to Aarhus – Weather a good F4 coming of the shore and a W/L course (2 laps) We were in for some exciting if not unpredictable racing!.  Some pre-sailing whatsapp banter, a virtual cuppa and E-ccles cake and the fleet were ready to launch.  There were some hopeful faces as the first boats launched,  then those faces fell.  “Dam there’s Phil!!!”

Race 1 started
A good start saw Phil and Keith get away from the rest of the fleet heading for the upwind mark,  It was all very tight at the mark,  Keith on Starboard and Phil coming in hard on Port,  Phil decided there was room and tacked in front, Keith failed to avoid (was there room!!),  The Jury said yes,  and a Keith took the Penalty, Phil now with a near 100m lead and Daniel taking 2nd spot,  Phil must have made a mistake as Daniel closed to within 2 seconds at the finish but couldn’t quite overhaul him,  Keith in 3rd some 15 seconds behind. 
Phil was still looking good but not quite as convincing as the night before.

“Probably shouldn’t have run into the back of Phil” – Keith

“I probably shouldn’t have clipped the committee boat at the start 🙄” – Daniel

“I started doing 360s at the start !!”  – Dave

Race 2
Finished in the Same order as Race 1 with Anthony just outside the top 3.

“Sorry to whoever’s boat I cut in half, send me the bill 🙄

“I think I ploughed thro Anthony just after the start.  Sorry – Dave   “No Probs” Anthony

“I thought I had a great start, the OOD disagreed” – Keith (Sadly no Protests)   
“Welcome to my world” -Dave

Race 3
Racing was even closer just 8 seconds between the top 3,  Keith – Just pipping Phil to the Line by 1 second, Daniel then Dace just behind.

Race 4
Phil and Daniel in that order just separated by 7 seconds the Anthony taking a well deserved 3rd.

Race 5
This was the closest race , with all 5 finishers within  40 seconds,   It may have been Phil’s Day with 3 bullets and 2 seconds to discard but this race when to Daniel by just 1 second having battled hard all day.

The Fleet returned to shore to lick there wounds and do some major repairs,

Back on shore………..

“I think Phil should be given a handicap (maybe tie one hand behind his back? Or he has to have Henrietta on his lap to ‘help’ with pressing buttons?) 🤪” – Daniel
“She was wondering in and out while he was playing…but I can arrange for her to sit on his lap…” Tamsin
Thanks, it’s only fair! 😇 – Daniel

Click image for full results, including Race tables.

Same Time next week……    The more the merrier.  (Max 20 boats, 1st come basis)


Great Minds or Buses?? (Busss I think!)

Now this really is a First, 2 reports for 1 event!!!!!

With the current situation preventing all sporting events normal club sailing has temporally been cancelled until further notice. However, this has not stopped members of RBSC who took to their pc’s and tablets to join in the Spring e-sailing series. Using one of the best virtual sailing platforms members swapped their normal craft of Solos. Lasers and Wayfarers for 49er’s, sailing around a course in Aarhus in Denmark!

With races lasting for less than ten minutes five races were held.  Penalties are automatically enforced for any rule infringements and the Virtual Race Officer takes a dim view when you plough through the Committee boat at the start!! 

Phil Highfield and Dan Harvey were the front runners in the first two races with Highfield just holding of Harvey by a few seconds each time.

In race three Keith Sykes was first off the line and took an early lead. Highfield slowly closed the gap over the two lap race and at the finish Sykes crossed the line just one second ahead.

Unfortunately for Sykes he was unable to produce another perfect start ending up last over the line in race four. Highfield and Harvey lead the fleet opening up a good lead with Highfield taking line honours. Antony Barnes led the rest of the fleet home to finish third.

In the final race the usual suspects were again at the front of the fleet with just a few seconds separating Highfield, Harvey and Sykes. This remained right up to the finish with Harvey beating Highfield by just one second.

With everyone appearing to enjoy the friendly competition all were looking forward to the second installment next Sunday.


Race Results

Rollesby Broad Sailing Club

Spring e-series

Race 1 : 1 49er 836 (P Highfield) , 2 49er 666 (D Harvey), 3 49er 748 (K Sykes)
Race 2 : 1 49er 836 (P Highfield) , 2 49er 666 (D Harvey), 3 49er 748 (K Sykes)
Race 3 : 1 49er 748 (K Sykes) , 2 49er 836 (P Highfield) , 3 49er 666 (D Harvey)
Race 4 : 1 49er 836 (P Highfield) , 2 49er 666 (D Harvey), 3 49er AB (A Barnes)
Race 5 : 1 49er 666 (D Harvey) , 2 49er 836 (P Highfield), 3 49er 748 (K Sykes)


E-sailing – Why not give it a go,  It’s Free PC, Phone or Tablet.

Has some interesting concepts like MARK room Port / Starboard. 😜 (with autopenaltiess)

Give it a go, there is a training bit so you can get the hang of it.  I have had a little play and no capsizes yet!!

It’s just like real sailing,  I’m rubbish!

I have our free Club login from the RYA so if there interest we can set up our own club races.  (you will need an account for these, but still FREE)

RYA Demo Race on You tube a 3pm…

PC Controls

If you want to join a race the RBSC password for now is “shiftywinds”. I’ll set a test one up at 7pm and see if there are any takers.

More updates on whats app group. – Link to join at bottom of your renewal email.

Or email me with your mobile