
Ramuz Trophy Sat 10th Sept – Help / Boats Required

Calling all members.

The date for this event is rapidly approaching.

Due to responses this week I now need one more boat simply for this event to go ahead (and preferably two to make it run smoothly). If you are a Wayfarer owner who could lend your boat please consider helping – otherwise we will have to cancel the event, this decision would have to be taken by end of Sunday 4th Sept and would be a very sad outcome given the time some people have already put in.

Do you have a Wayfarer you would be willing to lend for the day? No need for a spinnaker, insurance covered by the event; does need to be in good working order, we have just enough boats but could really do with one more to make the organisation more comfortable.

Please contact me directly – or 01493 750148 if you can lend your boat. (Many thanks to those who have already done so).

We have a principal race officer (John Saddington) and rescue officer (Paul Warnes) but do need assistants; preferably two for the race box and enough to run two rescue boats on the water; also some ‘jetty hands’ to help rig, launch and recover boats.

This is a great chance for the club to show off its facilities and friendly nature to sailors from all over Norfolk! Please come and show your support.

If you can help in anyway, even for only part of the day, please get in touch.


Ian Ayres

01493 750148

Blind Week Shipping Forecast

Dennis has been out and about again, this time to Blind Week in Cornwall, he has kindly provided a recording of one of the closing speeches in the form of a Shipping Forecast and its well worth a listen.

What is Blind Week?

Over 20 yachts take part in the week and they are divided into smaller groups or ‘fleets’ to sail to different destinations each day. The week starts on a Saturday where you are greeted by your skipper and fellow crew followed by dinner at the host yacht club.  Sailing starts on the Sunday and continues until Friday.  The week ends with another dinner back at the yacht club on the Friday evening before travelling home on Saturday morning. Sailing is dependant on the weather and the coastline you are sailing. Depending on the plan for your fleet and weather conditions, sailing days can be long or short. Your skipper will talk through the plan for each day, and your first day will be a careful introduction to sailing and the feel of the boat and will often involve only a short sail.

For more info on Blind Week ask Dennis or see





Kidz Afternoon Saturday 6th August

Chris has organised a fun packed afternoon of water activities for everyone.

Members are welcome to bring friends. Let’s hope everyone has as much fun as the last time.

This will run from 2.00pm till 4.00 pm.

Remember to bring a change of clothes.

If you require more information you can phone Chris Toothill on 01603 211606.

Out and About – with some more success!

Well done to John Saddington who won the handicap fleet at Gorleston’s Beach Regatta in his Solo. Richard & Tony also took their Xenon to give it a run out in a bit more space.

Unfortunately despite leading at the halfway stage Ian & Sharon couldn’t bring home a second National Title to Rollesby; they had a one, two in the river races but had to concede to the locals in the round the cans races held for the Leaders at Hickling.

Rollesby sailors have been out and about at various locations over the last few weekends.

Congratulations to Mike McNamara and Simon Townsend on winning the Wayfarer nationals at Medway representing RBSC! – Looks like they were tested quite hard – winning 3 of the 7 races in a fleet of 31. – Check out the report on the yachts and yachting website.MIke Mc 2

Elsewhere 5 Solos made up a quarter of the fleet at Hickling (John, Mike H, Paul, Simon and Ian) with varying degrees of success on a testing broadland day! 4 – again almost a quarter of the fleet (John, Ian, Paul and Ashley) had a far better sail in far greyer conditions at Ardleigh.

Three boats completed the 3 rivers race – Ian and Sharon won the slow dinghies class finishing 24th overall at a very respectable 12.40 am. Marcin & Jolanda and Chris and Sarah both completed the course, finishing just a few minutes apart after 18 hours of sailing!

If anyone else travels to other events please let me know and I’ll update this post (I don’t need to let people know your positions unless you want me too!)

Finally if anyone fancies some sea sailing don’t forget to get down to Gorleston for their beach regatta this weekend.

Happy Sailing

Kidz Afternoon Saturday 25th June

Chris has organised a fun packed afternoon of water activities for everyone.

Members are welcome to bring friends. Let’s hope everyone has as much fun as the last time.

This will run from 2.00pm till 4.00 pm.

Remember to bring a change of clothes.

If you require more information you can phone Chris Toothill on 01603 211606.

Sign Up for Duties – July to December

If you wish to choose your own duty date for July to December please sign up on results board by 19th June.

Earlier is more helpful!

Or email me with at least 2 options for your dates before the deadline.

As usual the paper copy overrides emails but I will endeavour to put emailed dates in at least once a week.

Thanks   Ian

Sail ‘n’ Sizzle Sat 21st May Postponed

The weather is not looking to good for Saturday. So unfortunately we have decided to postpone both the training and the BBQ until next week when hopefully we will have better weather.

Both events will now take place on Saturday 28th May, training starting as usual at 10:00 am and BBQ from 16:00 pm.

Would those members who have kindly helped out with the training let me know if they are available for Saturday 28th May?

Kind regards Pete Smith Membership Secretary Tel Home: 01953 606334

Sail ‘n’ Sizzle Sat 21st May

Sail ‘n’ Sizzle


Saturday 21st  May


Afternoon / Evening sail with BBQ


Over the last few weekends several new members have been getting their first taste of sailing, this is their opportunity to sail alone with more experienced members on hand.


Come and enjoy a casual sail and enjoy the view with some food!


BBQ is strictly bring your own, coals will be hot from about 4 pm until 6 (longer if there is demand).




Reminder – we need an experienced member to be on site from 1pm to 4pm on Saturdays through May, June and July, if you can cover an afternoon please sign up on the duty board. Thanks John S

Wednesday Personal Handicap Racing

The Wednesday Evening race series has started.

Races are in a pursuit format, slowest start first, with personally adjusted start times – so you can’t blame the condition of your equipment for your finishing position!

Earliest starters at 7pm, best eight out of possible 18 races to count.

Baked potato meals available after sailing.

See you there?