
RBSC Attend Broadland Youth Regatta

Fantastic news everyone. The club put a team into the Broadland Youth Regatta last weekend for the first time in over 10 years. For the newbies amongst you this is an annual one day racing regatta attended by most of the youngsters (19 and under) from clubs all over Norfolk.

The team was made up of Alex, Luke, Libby, Mickey and Ed. Tamsin, Richard, Mark and Chris did an awsome job in getting the kit from the club to WOBYC and looking after the team on the day. but not as cracking a job as the team did on the water. Much of the team had done little racing and some of them only started sailing in the Spring at Try Sailing. So to be brave enough to go and compete with 50 boats and national standard youth sailors on a large broad like Oulton is quite an achievement. Well done to all you participants, You’ve done the club proud.

IMG_1463Luke and Alex won the Endeavour Trophy on the day. This is awarded to the sailors who attend the regatta and show grit and determination at the event. Both these guys and our other members seemed pretty undaunted by the volume of boats on the water. Mike Mac was helping out with the event and commented on how fantastic Alex was given how little experience he has. To gain credit from Mike, Wayfarer National Champion is indeed an accolade to be cherished. Indeed it’s something I’d like to aspire to.

Credit has also to go to Tamsin and Richard who have both been working with the youngsters during the season. When Tamsin offered to help out with youth sailing earlier in the year I challenged her to get a team into the regatta in three years. So to do it first year is magic. Well done Tamsin.

Broadland Youth Regatta

Thanks to Rachel and Pete for these.

Check them out on our Flickr Page its easier to view and offers a full screen slideshow.

Full size images can be down loaded from the RBSC Flickr Page,
How To Downlaod a Photo from the RBSC Flickr page 2014

Duty Rota 2017 July to December – Updated 26th June

All members

Due to other commitments and swaps to fill gaps we are now desperately short of
race officers during August. If anyone can help out, even by running just the first
race ofthe day and coaching one of the assistants to run the rest I would be very grateful.
I may be able to cover one of the later August dates myself to coach someone but very
unlikely to be there on the 6th.

Those who chose their date are shown in blue on emailed / club noticeboard copies.

2017 (B) July to December Duties (P1)


Date Event Race Officer Asst 1 Rescue Boat Asst 2
July 2 John Saddington Jon Ayres Brin Ward Jackie Ward
July 9 Eels Foot Barry Graver Daniel Harvey Mark Porter Nigel Trevellyan
July 16 Ian Ayres Sharon Ayres Steven Lloyd Gary Bircham
July 23 David Bull Letitia Davis Antony Barnes Tracy Barnes
July 30 Auriel Gibson Suzanne Thompson Tony Ashford Rob Galloway
Aug 6 Summer Regatta TBC Daniel Bull Andrew Turner Colin Sapsford
Aug 13 Eels Foot Jeff Jordan Davina Balls Phil Holt Alison Holt
Aug 20 TBC TBC Simon Strode Peter Dodds
Aug 27 TBC Ben Lowe Mike Horwitz Craig Morris
Sept 3 Martin Cornwell Vince Steele Dave Murphy Michael Pywell
Sept 10 Eels Foot Bernard O’Donnell Hilary O’Donnell Clive Wells Mike Cubitt
Sept 17 Gill Stevenson Jon Burnell Malcolm Page Derek Page
Sept 24 Daren Pike Luke Henderson Richard Mackirdy Margaret Shearing
Winter Race Format Starts
Oct 1 Autumn Regatta Ian Hanson Amy Ross Paul Warnes Darius Schubert
Oct 8 Eels Foot Liz Phillips Geoff Phillips Ian Curtis Alan Cox
Oct 15 AM only


Val Hanson Chris Hanson Jo Sapsford Bob Brown
Oct 22 Roger Wilson Sarah Hipperson Chris Toothill Sarah Toothill
Oct 29 Hugh Rout Julie Johnson Mike Broadbent Ken Johnson
Saturday 4th November – Work Day – Everybody!
Nov 5 Pete Smith Rachel Smith Richard Foster Tony Ingram
Nov 12 Eels Foot

Remembrance Sunday

Chris Sallis Ang Sallis Steve Gray Terry Seegar
Nov 19 Dave Goodwin Diane Goodwin Tom Russell-Grant Jason Elmar
Nov 26 Anna Zmura Keith Sykes Stuart Highfield Phil / Tamsin
Dec 3 Winter Regatta Dave Houghton Cliff Smith Richard Brown Jon Symonds
Dec 10 Bob Sparrow Gareth Thomas Tony Gibbs Nick Whittle
Dec 17 Chris Mann Heather Vaughan Phil Harlow Lorna Pierce
Dec24 AM only Richard Vaughan Chris Codling Steve Leigh Phil Alison

* Members shown in Blue chose their own duty date.

Multisail Open Regatta 13/14th May 2017

This year the Multisail Open Regatta at Rollesby incorporated the Leader National Championship and as usual a Bittern Travellers event.

The Leaders enjoyed three short races on Saturday afternoon. The first race was held in marginal planning conditions; and despite breaking several different small items; home sailors Ian & Sharon Ayres won narrowly from Chris & Jane Wharmby from Milton Keynes. Trish Hudson & Sarah Cole from Hickling were third and Roger & Cybil Morse from Welwyn Garden fourth. The wind eased for the second race but the first two remained the same with the Morses third. The Ayres had a more comfortable win in race three as the Wharmby’s put all effort into finishing last; only to jump three places to second at the last mark of the race!

Sunday dawned grey and wet and a smaller than perhaps anticipated home fleet joined the Leaders. The Ayres led the fleet up the first beat with Pete & Rachel Smith’s Wayfarer hot out of the blocks close on their tale (perhaps being race officers on Saturday put them in tune with the conditions). Chris Mann & Heather Vaughan in their Enterprise made the most of the easing conditions to slide through the fleet late on and take the handicap win from the Smiths; an admin error in the race box meant the Ayres time was not recorded! In race 2 the Smiths took the win after an epic battle with Ian Hanson & Mike Horwitz, regular Solo sailors joining up for the day in a Wayfarer; the Ayres recorded a third to leave the meeting wide open with only the non-discardable Eels Foot race to come.

After a long lunch break, the Morses won the afternoon start, but the Ayres were through by the first mark with Dave & Diane Goodwin and Mann & Vaughan in Enterprises in close pursuit. Bob Sparrow & Tony Gibbs (Wayfarer) broke through in the cut with Mike Broadbent and Hugh Rout in their ISO clawing their way back from a poor start. The long reach back should have worked in the ISOs favour, but with spinnaker flying well the Ayres just held on to win on the water, no handicapping needed when the highest PY boat leads the fleet home! Sparrow was second but Mann pipping Goodwin for third was enough to give them the meeting on countback.

In the Bitterns, Bruce Thompson sailing single handed took the first race by a hairs breadth on a downwind finish from John Atkinson with Leona Levine crewing. The result was reversed though with a slightly larger margin in race two meaning the afternoons Eels Foot race became winner take’s all. Unfortunately Thompson struggled through the cut on the way out giving Thompson a commanding lead which he managed well; showing some of the faster boats how to make the best of limited boat speed on the return leg.


Multisail Open Regatta

  1. Chris Mann & Heather Vaughan – Enterprise
  2. Ian & Sharon Ayres – Leader
  3. Pete & Rachel Smith – Wayfarer
  4. Ian Hanson & Mike Horwitz – Wayfarer

Leader Nationals

  1. Ian & Sharon Ayres – Rollesby Broad
  2. Chris & Jane Wharmby – Milton Keynes
  3. Roger & Cybil Morse – Welwyn Garden
  4. Trish Hudson & Sarah Cole – Hickling Broad

Bittern Open

  1. John Atkinson & Leona Levine – NPC
  2. Bruce Thompson – NPC
  3. Graham Barhwl & Dennis Manning – BOA
  4. Colin Burrow & L Southwood – BOA

GYGSC – Spring Regattas and Open Day.

Gt Yarmouth and Gorleston Sailing Club would like to invite friends to a number of events the first on Monday 29th May.

Event Details.

Monday 29th May – Bank holiday open Day. – Start time 10:30

Come with or without you boat, and experience the joys of clean wind and open spaces, GYGSC – members will be available to offer an introduction to the Sea sailing experience.

Sunday 11th June – Lowestoft passage Race. – Start time 10:30

The planned race is to Lowestoft and back depending on favourable conditions

Thursday 15th June – Thursday Evening Regatta – Start time 7pm

This is likely to be 2 races over a shorter inshore course than Sundays and with usually lighter evening winds a great opportunity to race on the sea. The evening sailing tends to attract more Single Handers especially Lasers than the larger weekend courses.

Saturday 17th June Beach Regatta . – Start time 13:00 Briefing 12:00

Sunday 18th June Beach Regatta  – Start Time 10:30

This is our main open event of the year with 3 races back to back races each day.

Sunday 16th July Britannia Pier Race. – Start Time 10:30

“It’s back”, race out to Britannia Pier and back.

If guests would like to leave their boats on site for the Week this should not be a problem.

Directions to GYGSC can be found here (Club, Location)

Please feel free to display this advert 2017 Regatta Poster

Solo Open Report and Results

Rollesby Broad hosted their annual Solo open on Sunday 23rd April. Ten visitors joined eight home boats for some very close racing (the first three all finishing with 5 points). Winds were light and variable early on before settling to the predicted south westerly by the start of the second of four races, increasing in strength during the day.

Local sailor Ian Ayres led at the first mark in race 1 with Steve Ede from Ardleigh in close pursuit, Alan Bishop from Girton joined these two on the first run as they pulled away from the pack. Matthew Frary and Sam Woodcock from Norfolk Broads took a gamble up the second main beat, and as the wind swung around trying to settle, Jarvis Simpson from Brightlingsea joined this very close top pack. Bishop showed his usual downwind speed on the last run to win from Ede and Frary.

Ede and Ayres made the best starts in race 2 at the leeward end of the line, with Frary best from the windward end. Frary and Ede pulled away into a strong lead with a large pack closing on Ayres as the fleet ran back down the broad. Frary held on to win, with Woodcock coming through to third from behind a very closely packed bunch on the final run.

After lunch there was the breeze was steadier and a little stronger, Ede led race 3 from start closely pursued by Robert Hawkins from Hickling. Ede went on to finish with the biggest lead of the day as places behind changed regularly, Bishop and Frary eventually proving their worth finishing nose to tail in second and third as five boats finished overlapped!

This meant the meeting was still wide open going into race 4. Frary narrowly led from Woodcock at the windward end of the broad. Woodcock chose to luff Ede down the long run on the less windy side of the broad allowing the low sailing Bishop through in to second, Giles Bradford (Hickling) led the rest of the fleet, with the front four some distance away. Bishop and Ede closed significantly on Frary on the last lap but he held on for the win to produce a three way tie on points. This led to some head scratching in the race box but a quick check of the rules gave the meeting to Frary with Ede second and Bishop third. Couldn’t have started the Solo Eastern series with a closer result, which bodes well for a competitive season…


Posn Sail No Name Club Pts
1 5586 Matthew Frary Norfolk Broads 5
2 5608 Steve Ede Ardleigh 5
3 5723 Alan Bishop Girton 5
4 5704 Sam Woodcock Norfolk Broads 11
5 5406 Jarvis Simpson Brightlingsea 15
6 5232 Ian Ayres Rollesby Broad 17
7 4903 Giles Bradford Hickling Broad 19
8 5649 Steve? Bishop Girton 21
9 5724 Terry? Palmer Upper Thames 25
10 5472 Robert Hawkins Hickling Broad 26
11 5138 Patrick Overs Paxton Lakes 32
12 4461 John Saddington Rollesby Broad 34
13 5648 Simon Strode Rollesby Broad 39
14 4258 Ian Hanson Rollesby Broad 43
15 4180 Phil Alison Rollesby Broad 44
16 4405 Mike Horwitz Rollesby Broad 45
17 4494 Paul Warnes Rollesby Broad 48
18 4864 Chris Mann Rollesby Broad 52

Spring Regatta Report

The spring weather was certainly in force as Rollesby held their Spring Regatta on Sunday 2nd April marking, turnout was a splendid 21 boats as winter members marked their last event of the season and with just a single mixed handicap fleet, starting well was essential.

In race 1 Tamsin Highfield (Laser) was uncomfortably close to the pin mark but just snuck round it chased hard by Bob Hawkins (Solo) and Ian & Sharon Ayres (Leader). These three read the first beat best and whilst joined by faster boats round the course had established enough of a lead on lap one to ensure the podium places; Hawkins eventually using his superior upwind manoeuvrability to take the win.

A windshift just before the start of race 2 saw the Wayfarers of Pete & Rachel Smith and Bob Sparrow & Jason able to reach the first mark in a single tack. Simon Strode (Solo) followed them well to finish third with only Hawkins able to make some sort of recovery on the considerably shorter course to take fourth.

The meeting was wide open as more breeze greeted the fleet for race 3. The Ayres started well to windward of the majority with Highfield emerging best from the leeward end of the line. The Solos of Hawkins and Strode worked their way through well on the upwind legs with the Smiths enjoying the increased breeze most taking their time but taking places on nearly every leg of the course, eventually Hawkins took the win over Highfield by a handful of seconds.

Spring Regatta Results (21 entires)

  1. Bob Hawkins – Solo – 2 pts
  2. Pete & Rachel Smith – Wayfarer – 4
  3. Tamsin Highfiled – Laser – 5
  4. Simon Strode – Solo – 7
  5. Ian & Sharon Ayres – Leader – 8
  6. Bob Sparrow & Jason – Wayfarer – 8
  7. Mike Horwitz – Solo – 11
  8. Chris Mann – Solo – 11
  9. Ian Hanson – Solo – 15
  10. Auriel Gibson & Crew – Wayfarer – 18
  11. Paul Warnes – Solo – 20
  12. Mike Broadbent & Hugh Rout – ISO – 21
  13. Gareth Thomas – Phantom – 24
  14. Phil Alison – Solo – 25
  15. Steve Leigh – Vareo – 27
  16. Chris Toothil & Libby – Stratos – 28
  17. Ashley Warnes & Crew – Wayfarer – 28
  18. Richard & Ed Brown – Wayfarer – 29

3 competitors only started one race.

Frostbite Series Results

Multisails Race 1

  1. John Saddington – 4 pts
  2. Bob Sparrow – 14
  3. Phil Highfield – 17

Race 2

  1. John Saddiongton – 4
  2. Tamsin Highfield – 8
  3. Bob Sparrow – 11

Single Handers Race 1

  1. Ian Ayres – 6
  2. Matt Boreham – 12
  3. Keith Sykes – 21

Single Handers Race 1

  1. Ian Ayres – 9
  2. Matt Boreham – 15
  3. Keith Sykes – 23

Mixed Fleet Race 3

  1. John Saddington – 3 pts
  2. Tamsin Highfiled – 3
  3. Ian Ayres – 3