
Website Update and Web Cam

You will have noticed that the website has had an update, it is now table and phone friendly.  We also have a webcam  under the Gallery menu.

Here is the webcam timelapse from last Sunday.

Christmas Catering

Hi all Angie has kindly agreed to do delicious snacks of both Christmas Eve and Boxing Day with a full meal available for the New Years Day Regatta

Report from December 10th

Race report Sunday 10th

Members arrived on a wet cold morning to find the Broad largely sheltered from the Easterly breeze by the trees. Ten boats sailed, in the rain with a single start, on a course with planning lifts on one side of the water and drifting conditions on the other.
In the first race Nick Eastwood, in his Finn, lead the way round, but on the corrected results the win went to Dave Houghton and John Symonds in their Wayfarer just four second ahead of the Solo of Matt Boreham with John Saddington in another Solo a further eight second behind.
The marks were moved for the second race and the faster boats pulled ahead with the Wayfarer gaining a substantial win against the Finn in second and Keith Sykes in his Laser third.

Race 1 (10)
1. Wayfarer, D.Houghton & J.Symonds
2. Solo, M.Boreham
3. Solo, J.Saddington

Race 2 (10)
1. Wayfarer
2. Finn, Nick Eastwood
3. Laser, Keith Sykes

December 10th


Thanks to Kevin for these.

Check them out on our Flickr Page its easier to view and offers a full screen slideshow.

Full size images can be down loaded from the RBSC Flickr Page,
How To Downlaod a Photo from the RBSC Flickr page 2014

Christmas and New Year Sailing

Christmas & New Year Sailing 2017/18

As usual there is some interruption to our usual program over the festive season,

however there are plenty of opportunities to get out on the water (properly equipped of course!)

Sunday 24th Normal Club Racing (AM Only)

Tuesday 26th Pursuit Race (10.30 start for Mirrors)

followed by the Watson Cup – double handed boats sailed single handed,

and a bottle race for normal single handed fleet if demand.

NOTE there will be snacks / drinks available but No Hot Lunches on either of these days.

Sunday 31st – NO Sailing!

Monday 1st January – Our renowned – FREE – New Year’s Day Open Meeting, tell your friends!

3 races, 2 to count, catering as per normal Sundays.


Winter Regatta Report

As a forerunner to its winter series, Rollesby Broad Sailing Club held its Winter Regatta on Sunday.  Unfortunately, the forecasted winds never reached the Broad so sailors had to contend with some light and shifty winds.

In the multisail fleet the top two places were clear cut with John Saddington and Dennis Manning in their Albacore winning all three races and Val and Chris Hanson in their Wayfarer finishing second in each.  Third place overall was closely contended with Mike Broadbent and Hugh Rout in a Xenon and Bob Sparrow and Mike Horwitz in a Wayfarer equal on points after the first two races.  In the final race, the Wayfarer kept ahead of the Xenon throughout the race and therefore claiming third place overall.

The larger single-hander fleet had an entry of fifteen dinghies ranging from a RS300 to a group of five Solos.  After two races, three boats were vying for overall honours, with Tamsin Highfield in her Streaker on three points and the Solos of Jim Rosser and Sam McNamara on four and five, respectively.  In the final and deciding race Chris Toothill, sailing a Phantom, led from start to finish on the water but close behind were the Solos of Jim Rosser and Sam McNamara. Approaching the final mark, Jim suffered a ‘navigational malfunction’ allowing Sam to slip pass.  This made the final points interesting, with three boats equal on three points and so the overall places were decided by the last race making Sam McNamara the winner.

David Houghton

Race Officer

November 26th

Winter Regatta

Multisails (8) 

Race 1: 1 Albacore 8066 (John Saddington & Dennis Manning), 2 Wayfarer 9090 (Val & Chris Hanson), 3 Wayfarer 10213 (Bob Sparrow & Mike Horwitz)

Race 2: 1 Albacore 8066, 2 Wayfarer 9090, 3 Xenon 7534 (Mike Broadbent & Hugh Rout)

Race 3: 1 Albacore 8066, 2 Wayfarer 9090, 3 Wayfarer 10213

Overall: 1 Albacore 8066, 2 Wayfarer 9090, 3 Wayfarer 10213

RBSC Winter Regatta 2017 Multi Full Results

 Single-handers (15)

Race 1: 1 Streaker 1493 (Tamsin Highfield), 2 Solo 5365 (Sam McNamara), 3 Solo 5478 (Jim Rosser)

Race 2: 1 Solo 5478, 2 Streaker 1493, 3 Solo 5365

Race 3: 1 Solo 5365, 2 Solo 5478, 3 Solo 4896 (Kevin Postlethwaite)

Overall: 1 Solo 5365, 2 Solo 5478, 3 Streaker 1493

RBSC Winter Regatta 2017 Single Full Results

26th November Report & Pics

End of Autumn Series – 26th November

The chill in the wind at Rollesby Broad on Sunday 26th November certainly made it feel like winter is approaching even though this was actually the climax of our Autumn series.

The breeze wouldn’t quite shift southwards enough (until the afternoon!) to avoid having to sail at least part of the course under the tricky conditions to leeward of the trees on the west bank of the broad. Whilst it was marginal planning on the windier east side, it was the rounding of the windward marks which separated the top contenders from the rest.

Mike McNamara in his Harrier won both the singlehanded races, working hard in race 1 to stay as close as possible to Darren Pike’s Phantom and then just (and really only just!) pulling out enough of a lead from Bob Hawkins Solo in race two. Ian Ayres (Solo) sailed consistently to take the minor podium spots in both races.

John Saddington & Dennis Manning found the conditions absolutely to their liking in their Albacore; winning comfortably in the multsail fleet and the afternoon mixed fleet race. Behind there was a really close battle for second between the Wayfarers of Val & Chris Hanson and Dave Houghton & John Symonds; the Hanson’s narrowly took the honours in race 1 with the roles reversed all be it with slightly more separation in race 2.

There were four different winners across the five Autumn Series; we can’t really do much better at spreading out the silver ware / wine than that! The club has its winter regatta on Sunday 3rd and its NewYear’s Open on Jan 1st, visitors welcome at both events, first races at 10.45 on both days.

November 26th


Race 1 (7 entries)

  1. John Saddington & Dennis Manning (Albacore)
  2. Val & Ryan Hanson (Wayfarer)
  3. Dave Houghton & John Symonds (Wayfarer)

Race 2 (7)

  1. John Saddington & Dennis Manning (Albacore)
  2. Dave Houghton & John Symonds (Wayfarer)
  3. Val & Ryan Hanson (Wayfarer)


Race 1 (10 entries)

  1. Mike McNamara (Harrier)
  2. Darren Pike (Phantom)
  3. Ian Ayres (Solo)

Race 2 (9)

  1. Mike McNamara (Harrier)
  2. Bob Hawkins (Solo)
  3. Ian Ayres (Solo)

Mixed PM Race 3 (7)

  1. 1. John Saddington & Dennis Manning (Albacore)
  2. Ian Ayres (Solo)
  3. Mike Broadbent & Hugh Rout (Xenon)

Autumn Series Results Overall


Race 1 (21 entries)

  1. Bob Sparrow & Various Crew (Wayfarer) – 10pts
  2. John Saddington & Dennis Manning (Albacore) – 15
  3. Dave Houghton & John Symonds (Wayfarer) – 19

Race 2 (24)

  1. Bob Sparrow & Various Crew (Wayfarer) – 9pts
  2. Dave Houghton & John Symonds (Wayfarer) – 16
  3. John Saddington & Dennis Manning (Albacore) – 17


Race 1 (31 entries)

  1. Tamsin Highfield (Streaker) – 10pts
  2. Daniel Bull (Laser Radial) – 12
  3. Bob Hawkins (Solo) – 14

Race 2 (33)

  1. Ian Ayres (Solo) – 13
  2. Bob Hawkins (Solo) – 35
  3. Daniel Bull (Laser Radial) – 36

Mixed PM Race 3 (18)

  1. John Saddington & Dennis Manning (Albacore) – 4
  2. Bob Sparrow & Various Crew (Wayfarer) – 6
  3. Daniel Harvey (Pico) – 10

Monday Sailors Xmas Party.

Monday Sailors Xmas Party. Will be held at the Club House on Monday the 11th December at lunchtime.

We look forward to catching up with Monday sailors past and present.

Please bring a small bite to share either sweet, savoury or liquid.

Workday Saturday Nov 4th postponed to the Nov 11th

The weather looks atrocious for Saturday. So decided this evening to postpone the workday for a week.
This will now take place next Saturday the 11th November.


This is a reminder that Saturday November the 4th 11th is RBSC workday, there are lots of jobs BIG and small to be done so come along and meet other members – remember this help to keep our fees down.

Mainly need lost of gardening done around the clubhouse and boat park. Please bring gardening tools of any sort, a couple of spades would be useful too.


Tea & coffee  will be provided FOC.

Here is the regular list of jobs so you know what tools to bring if you have them

Workday Jobs List

