
New Years Day Regatta Report

It was feared that with the forecast over the Christmas holiday period being what it was and for some suffering the effects of a late night seeing in the New Year, that some people may have been deterred from turning out but as the car park started to fill and the dinghy park was abuzz with boats being rigged with plenty of friendly banter and shouts of “Happy New Year” any fears were soon dispelled.

The day was bright with blue skies , wall to wall  sunshine and a moderate south westerly breeze – possibly too much westerly blowing over the trees to make it a perfect direction and resulting in some wicked wind shifts to master.  

With 3 races scheduled, the Sallis family, who once again had kindly volunteered to run the regatta, made the decision to set a conservative 3 Lap first race to “test-the-water” and see how everyone would manage shifting wind conditions. With 28 boats including 6 visitors representing  12 different classes (I bet nobody had heard of the “Unit” class before!) all sharing the same start line this seemed very sensible.  With a long start line set across the broad in front of the clubhouse the decision was to either take advantage of the starboard bias and start at the far end of the line closer to the trees or hedge your bets and go for the middle of the line where the wind was more consistent.  A long first leg down the length of the broad to No 3 mark meant that tactics would also come into play as to whether to point high, stay on the wind, taking advantage of any lifts to possible lay the mark without needing to tack at the risk of maybe sailing slower and capsizing to windward in the vicious headers as the wind came over the trees,  or to go for speed and sail freer, with the possible downside of needing to tack to make the mark.

It was the single handers who seemed to make the best calls in Race 1 with Daniel Bull in his Laser leading the way and a visitor from WOBYC Adam Yoraston in his Streaker 2nd and Chris Barker with his Radial rig on his Laser in 3rd.

With wind continuing to shift further right for Race 2 the start line was once again loaded with boats all keen to pull the trigger and get clear of line as soon as possible, so much so that a general recall was required (much to Phil Highfield’s relief in his Streaker) . Everyone got away cleanly on the second time of asking and with a longer 4 Lap Race now set it was possible for the Wayfarers of Mike McNamara and Dave Houghton with their deft spinnaker handling to pull clear of the fleet and secure 1st and  2nd place respectively. Daniel and Adam, after their stella performance in Race 1 were both buried well down in the pack making everything to play for in Race 3 after lunch.

As the wind became lighter and continued to shift further right in the afternoon a course change was needed to try and get a couple of true upwind beats diagonally across the broad from No 6 to No 4 and No 2 to No 3 . It was Daniel Bull securing 2nd place, making him the overall winner and Adam who came 3rd, securing 2nd place overall who once again found their touch to make the most is this new course and the lighter wind conditions but the story of  Race 3 was the spectacular asymmetric spinnaker work of Howard Ashley-Jones in his RS Vareo which gave him the race win and pull him up to 3rd place overall, ahead of Dave Houghton in 4th and Mike McNamara in 5th,  both of whom had decided not to venture out in the afternoon.

At the prize giving Jon Sallis presented the New Years Day Regatta Binnacle, surely the Norfolk Broads most sought after trophy , to Daniel Bull in his Laser and thanked all the competitors, particularly the visitors, for  turning out to make it such a spectacular way to kick-off the new year.

Full set of results can be found on the website at

Sailwave results for 2024 New Years Day Open Regatta at Rollesby Broad 2024 (


Seventeen boats turned out on a rare dry day for the annual Pursuit Race. The initial fresh S.W. wind veered during the morning to eventually become a light Westerly

There were two Fathers competing against their daughters in the fleet. Emily Pike in her Topper was the first to start whilst her Father Daren in his Phantom was the last.  Emily held the lead for two laps but was overtaken by some of the faster boats in the sheltered parts of the course on lap three. Daren worked his way up to a mid fleet position overtaking Emily during lap four.

Ellie Edwards started  second in her Splash. She held her place until lap four when she was passed by some of the faster boats. Dad Kevin and Sister Pipa started mid fleet  in their Enterprise but by lap four they had become the lead boat and went on to take the Bent Vase Trophy as this year’s winners.

The first three boats spent the race in close competition. Ian Ayres in the Solo was close on the Enterprise’s tail  and Dan Bull in the laser just behind.  The other front runner was Roger Wilson in his Solo who was fourth. Dave Houghton and John Symonds in the Wayfarer had to be satisfied with a fifth place having won this event for the previous three years.

Initial Spread Out Fleet

Leader Close Up

At the end of the race competitors and spectators enjoyed Angie’s mince pies and mulled wine.

Ten boats took part in the next All-commers race. The first beat was “hiked out” sailing but as the veering wing dropped sailing conditions down the Broad become difficult. Getting round the marks on the sheltered side of the broad was the key to the race. Ian Ayres in his solo took an early lead and was a long way ahead when the course was shortened after two laps. Ellie Edwards in the Splash was second and Dan Bull in his Laser third.

Full Results

Boxing Day 2023 Pursuit Race results.

  1. Enterprise – Kevin & Pipa Edwards
  2. Solo – Ian Ayres
  3. Laser – Daniel Bull
  4. Solo – Roger Wilson
  5. Wayfarer – Dave Houghton & John Symonds
  6. Wayfarer – Phil & Tamsin Highfield
  7. Splash – Ellie Edwards
  8. Harrier – Phil Alison
  9. Phantom – Daren Pike
  10. Laser – Howard Astley Jones
  11. Laser – Keith Sykes
  12. Laser – Stuart Highfield
  13. Topper – Emily Pike
  14. Wayfarer – Ian Curtis
  15. Solution – Richard Brown
  16. Wayfarer – Phil Harlow & Lorna
  17. Phantom – Clive Wells

Boxing Day All- commers race

  1. Solo – Ian Ayres
  2. Splash – Ellie Edwards
  3. Laser – Daniel Bull
  4. Wayfarer – Phil & Tamsin Highfield
  5. Solution – Richard Brown
  6. Enterprise Kevin & Pipa Edwards
  7. Laser – Keith Sykes
  8. Harrier – Phil Alison
  9. Solo – Mike Horwitz
  10. Solo – Kevin Postlethwaite
A few Pics from Pursuit Race

Xmas and New Year Sailing

Christmas & New Year Sailing.

Sunday 24th December – No Racing or Sailing

Tuesday 26th Boxing Day –
Pursuit, Watson Cup & Bottle Race
(See details below.)

Sunday 31st December – No Racing or Sailing

Monday 1st January
Our renowned – FREE – New Year’s Day Open Meeting, tell your friends! 




( Solo 10.43,Wayfarer 10.45 ) ( An oppi start is 10.17)

Click here for Full Start times list……








No afternoon races

Junior and Adult Novice Racing Regattas

Combined Report of Junior and Adult Novice Racing Regattas

Two sailing events were held on the 22nd of July and 23rd of September to promote racing to both juniors and adults in a beginner friendly way. Adults who considered themselves ‘novices’ at racing were encouraged to take part to enable them to build confidence and get some close races with others of similar abilities. Juniors competed to gain extra knowledge and have new experiences, with some starting their first ever proper race. There were three categories to enter based on age and experience criteria, Adults (self-explanatory!), Junior Gold (for sailors’ stage 2 and above) and Junior Silver (for ‘newer’ sailors aiming for stage 1).

Saturday 22nd of July 2023

The previous agreed date was postponed due to very high winds and a new date was set before the BBQ summer social which was planned later that afternoon. Due to this last minute cancellation and an unseasonably cold, wet and windy day, numbers were lower than expected. Despite this the sailors took on the tricky conditions, spurred on by the promise of prizes and of course the amazing BBQ after. Racing was extremely closely fought at the top end between both the junior and adult fleets, with lots of position swapping and nail biting finishes. It was two races to count from two so no slip-ups could be afforded if the competitors were aiming for a medal. The results are as follows below.


  1. Rhiannon (Splash) – 3 points
  2. Andy (Splash) – 4 points
  3. Gary (Laser) – 7 points
  4. Jane B and Jane M (Wanderer) – 8 points
  5. Chris and Angus (Heron) – 11 points

Junior Gold:

  1. Henrietta (Optimist) – 2 points
  2. Evie (Optimist) – 4 points
  3. Matthew (Topper) – 9 points
  4. Nicholas (Optimist) – 10 points
  5. Saturday 23rd September

Saturday 23rd of September 2023

With the end of the Friday evening junior celebrations the day before, spirits were high and the turnout was great with 19 boats taking to the water. The wind was a shifty and gusty westerly, with some sailors opting for reefs to manage these conditions and all dressing warmly for the cooler air. The day started off quite windy and cold, but by lunch time the sun made an appearance but took the wind away! Again there was very close racing to be had in all fleets but this time sailors were allowed to discard their worst result from the three races with countback being taken into consideration. The rescue boat crew worked hard, relaying information about shorten courses and giving the newest racers in the junior silver fleet some additional guidance and support to get around their course. Things went down to the wire in the final junior gold race, as first place could have gone to anyone and the positons at the top end were constantly changing. Everyone displayed great tactics and skill to navigate the headers, lifts and patchy wind often inadvertently ending up with two beats! Slower boats seemed to benefit as their ‘good’ handicaps worked out well in the hotly contested races where most boats finished close together. By the end of the last race the wind had dropped to almost nothing and some boats drifted round to the finish. The sailors had well-deserved prizes waiting for them and the results follow below with a more detailed breakdown available in the club house.


  1. John (Laser 13) – 2 points
  2. Suzanne (Topper) – 3 points
  3. Andy (Splash) – 5 points
  4. Ed (Laser) – 7 points
  5. Don (Solo) – 8 points
  6. Toni (Pico) – 10 points

Junior Gold:

  1. Henrietta (Optimist)  – 2 points
  2. Matthew (Topper) – 3 points
  3. Evie (Optimist) – 5 points
  4. Kerry (Topper) – 7 points
  5. James (Topper) – 11 points
  6. Adam (Pico) – 11 points
  7. Eleanor and Elsa (Wayfarer) – 12 points
  8. Nicholas (Optimist) – 14 points
  9. Una (Optimist) – 17 points

Junior Silver:

  1. Josef (Topper 4.2) – 2 points
  2. Bronwen (Optimist) – 4 points
  3. Jack (Topper 4.2) – 4 points
  4. Ketty (Optimist) – 7 points

A huge thank you is owed to our rescue boat crews, training team and the parents who all volunteered their time to help the event run smoothly. Another big thanks is given to all competitors who came out to support the club at these new events and showed such great determination and racing skills. A special mention also goes out to those juniors whose very first races were had as they all did amazing, taking to the race course in some challenging conditions and all completed at least once race. We look to run more events in the future so keep your eyes out! The team looks forward to seeing more of you out on the water racing on Sundays, doing the Wednesday Evenings Series next summer and the junior blocks in 2024, or just out for a casual sail next season when the weather returns. We hope you have enjoyed this season’s programme and will hopefully see you again sometime!

Club Junior and Novice Start Racing Regatta

🌟The planned date is Saturday 23rd September and hopefully the weather will be better this time around! The overall plan and pre-event information is basically the same as last time but notable changes are 3 planned races (rather than 2) and if anyone has already paid for club boats their fee will roll over.

💫A polite reminder for members to please read the full information before signing up. You can WhatsApp me if you have questions but I am at the club Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays as well.

✏️I have not deleted any sign ups so members can use the digital form in the document again to add/remove “comments” which I will then update as I get an email when ever someone suggests a change. If you are on mobile, you can click on the 3 dots and switch to ‘print layout’ to make it easier to read and ‘suggest changes’ but on a desktop mode I believe you just click and type in the box you want to make a comment on.

📝Paper copies and the cash tub will be in the club house from this Friday evening for people to sign up with and I will of course be checking those weekly on Sundays! Looking forward to having a great turn out again.

⛵There will hopefully be a mass email coming round soon so those who are not in the WhatsApp group can get the document as well, but please share this link with other members who may be interested. I will also produce a ‘report’ of the combined events (Saturday 22nd of July and this upcoming regatta) that could hopefully be posted on the website but that will all be in due course!

Here is the link for the updated document for our upcoming RBSC Junior and Novice Start Racing Regatta.

Wednesday Eve 2023 – Final Report

The Wednesday evening series has now finished for this year and was once again enjoyed by Club Members. Thirty-five different helms took part with about twelve boats out each week.  Two nights were lost because of thunder and lightning arriving at the wrong time, but racing took place over sixteen summer evenings.

Picture by Daniel Harvey

Although this series is known for a relaxing time the pursuit race is still keenly contested. The early leader was Phil Alison this year sailing his newly acquired “fast Harrier.”  Followed by Clive Girling and Henrietta Highfield the series looked close for some weeks. 

It was nice to see Roger Wilson out with his lovely Classic Merlin Rocket. We were all pleased to see new sailor Andy Adcock improving his position each week in the splash.  Daniel Harvey was regularly racing again and getting very good results in his laser, but with his personal handicap increasing to plus 6 minutes he was having to work hard at the end of the series. As usual with the pursuit races the boats closed  together towards the end of each race with competitors checking their watches to see who would end up in front of whom at the bell.

After discards kicked in and at the penultimate race, Phil Alison and Henrietta Highfield were level on points. The series winner would come down to the last night.  Henrietta crewed by Dad Phil in the Mirror started in front and held the lead until passed on the last lap by Bob Hawkins in a Wayfarer. With Phil Alison and Daniel Harvey close behind Henrietta manage to hold on to second place and so take the series trophy. Phil came second overall with Daniel third just leading Clive Girling by 2 points.

So well done to Henrietta whose personal handicap this year has increased from -4 to +3 minutes.

We are all looking forward to next years series with the current handicaps carried forward.

SO reserve your Wednesday evenings for Rollesby in 2024

Full Series Results can be found here…………

John Saddington

Solo Open – Sat 15th April

Eastern Area Solo Open Meeting

Saturday 15th April 2023

Organising Authority : Rollesby Broad Sailing Club (RBSC)

Event Location: Rollesby Broad Sailing Club, Burgh Wood Rd, Rollesby, Norfolk

Racing Schedule.

There will be a race briefing in front of the club house at 10.30 am. The first start with be scheduled to start no sooner than 10.45.

It’s planned to schedule 4 races . 2 races in the morning a 2 races after lunch.


Competitors may enter on the day by completing the entry form.  Entry Fee will be £5. We can accept cash payment only.

A maximum of 20 entries will be accepted.

Full Notice of Race Here…….

Solos racing during the 2010 Open regata
Solos racing during the 2010 Open regata

2023 – 2024 Season Membership


Season runs from 1st April 2023 – 31st March 2024

Half year Winter membership from October to March is available 

Joining Fee £30.00,
Family £100.00,
Couple £90.00,
Single £75.00,
Junior £35.00,
Berth £55.00,
Extra Berths £55.00,

Join Online Please click here

If you have further questions

Phone Pete or Rachel, our Membership Secretaries, on 01953 606334 



Come down to Rollesby and meet us on a Sunday morning.



The recent poor weather improved on Boxing Day and 16 boats turned out on a sunny morning with a varying N.E. Breeze.
Kevin & Joe Edwards in their Norfolk set of first at the start of the Pursuit Race followed by daughter Ellie in her Splash. These two held the lead for three laps but were eventually passed by the faster boats.

Roger Wilson in his Solo built a substantial lead by laps four and five but during the sixth lap a number of the positions changed.

David Houghton and John Symmonds in their Wayfarer came through at the end to take first place and won the “Bent Vase” for the third consecutive time.

Mulled Wine and mince pies, organised by Roger, warmed competitors up between races.
Three helms took part in the Watson Cup Race by sailing double handed boats with no crew. Tony Fulford in the Comet Trio and Ian ayres in his Leader raced in close proximity for all three laps. At the line Tony was just ahead but Ian took the Trophy on handicap result.

Seven boats stayed for the Allcomers race. Howard Astley-Jones lead the way round in his Vareo and finished a few seconds ahead of Dan Bull in his Laser. Dan took the win on handicap.

Full Results for all Races Here………….

Photos on WhatsApp thanks to Toni Hancock.

John Saddington.