
Report 11th November

Who has the fastest survival mode, was the order of the day at Rollesby Broad this Sunday; following a delayed start to observe two minutes silence at 11 am.

The singlehanders made up the majority of the sailors on the water, with Chris Toothill rightly leading the fleet round the course in his Phantom in both races. However an ability to stay upright was more important than outright speed and Ian Ayres led (all be it by a long way) a trio of Solos to handicap victory with Phil Alison and John Saddington having survived the rather scary long run second and third.

A zig-zag downwind with several gybes proved a more stable course in race two, favouring the Lasers of Keith Sykes, who worked really hard in the later stages to catch Stuart Highfield, as they enjoyed some great planing reaches; neither however could quite get far enough ahead of Ayres as he won by a handful of seconds.

In race one for the multisails, Dave Houghton & John Symonds put their Wayfarer into hyper-drive by flying their spinnaker and left the opposition lagging far behind. The only other finishers were Daniel Harvey & Andy Smith with a somewhat more cautious but very seaman like performance. When Houghton & Symonds performed their ‘once a year’ capsize before the start of race two the rest of the fleet elected to stay ashore, only to watch them very nearly repeat the feat on lap two!

‘once a year’ 

Race 1 (5 entries)
1 Dave Houghton & John Symonds (Wayfarer)
2. Daniel Harvey & Andy Smith (Wayfarer)

Race 2 (2)
1 Dave Houghton & John Symonds (Wayfarer)

Single Handers
Race 1 (11 entries)
1. Ian Ayres (Solo)
2. Phil Alison (Solo)
3. John Saddington (Solo)

Race 2 (8)
1. Ian Ayres (Solo)
2. Keith Sykes (Laser)
3. Stuart Highfield (Laser)

Video Nov 4th – Race 2 starts

November 4th

Some Clips of the Race 2 starts. 
Multi Fleet Start Race 2
Single Fleet Start Race 2

Thanks to Clive for these.

Check them out on our Flickr Page its easier to view and offers a full screen slideshow.

Full size images can be down loaded from the RBSC Flickr Page,
How To Downlaod a Photo from the RBSC Flickr page 2014

Last Eel’s Foot of 2018

Rollesby Broad SC – Sunday 4th November

The arrival en masse of our friends from Gorleston and the last Eel’s Foot race of the year indicate the start real start of winter sailing at Rollesby Broad; only the unseasonably warm weather indicated anything else!

A rare outing in their Tasar saw the Sallis’ rightly lead pretty much from start to finish, with Mike McNamara’s Harrier in closest pursuit. With 20 boats on the start line, it was a good job the southerly wind spread the pack on the 1km beat to the cut. Ian Ayres in his Solo led the main pack with Dave Houghton & John Symonds (Wayfarer) recovering from a mid-fleet start and slowly working their way through to the front group. Good spinnaker conditions meant the Wayfarer slowly pulled clear enough of the single-handers to take the win from Ayres with Roger Wilson (Solo) leading home the next group to take third.

A short split fleet second race saw Houghton again win in his Wayfarer from the Sallis. The single handers had a very close finish with boats from 4th to 11th finishing nose to tail but Ayres and McNamara had started sufficiently well to once again escape the melee behind.

The perfect conditions saw nine boats race in the afternoon and though the dying breeze meant a shorten course, with McNamara this time taking the win from Houghton.

Eels Foot Race (Mixed) 20 entries

  1. Dave Houghton & John Symmonds (Wayfarer)
  2. Ian Ayres (Solo)
  3. Roger Wilson (Solo)
  4. Mike McNamara (Harrier)
  5. Chris & Angela Sallis (Tasar)


Race 2 (7 entries)

  1. Dave Houghton & John Symmonds (Wayfarer)
  2. Chris & Angela Sallis (Tasar)
  3. Bob Sparrow & Steve (Wayfarer)


Race 2 (14 entries)

  1. Ian Ayres (Solo)
  2. Mike McNamara (Harrier)
  3. Matt Boreham (Solo)

Mixed PM Race (9)

  1. Mike McNamara (Harrier)
  2. Dave Houghton & John Symmonds (Wayfarer)
  3. Roger Wilson (Solo)

Photo’s from Oct 28th

October 28th

Thanks to Kevin for these.

Check them out on our Flickr Page its easier to view and offers a full screen slideshow.

Full size images can be down loaded from the RBSC Flickr Page,
How To Downlaod a Photo from the RBSC Flickr page 2014

Wednesday 25th – Report

Last night saw a great turnout of 12 boats (4 solos, 2 lasers, 2 mirrors, Streaker, Wayfarer, D-zero, Rs300) who enjoyed a great sail with a good northerly breeze.  The ever-popular Wednesday night figure of eight course allowed some good racing with a good bit of overtaking and some close battles. At the end is was  Tamsin (Streaker) taking the win from the 2 lasers or Richard and Daniel.   One of the best evening sails of the year.

Why not come and join us for the last 4 of the year?


22nd July, Race, Sunset and Sunrise.

Yesterdays Racing followed by, a stunning sunset and sunrise over our beaytiful Sailing Club. How lucky are we?.

July 22nd


Check them out on our Flickr Page its easier to view and offers a full screen slideshow.

Full size images can be down loaded from the RBSC Flickr Page,
How To Downlaod a Photo from the RBSC Flickr page 2014

RBSC Novice/Youth Regatta and BBQ This Saturday

Tamsin will be running a sailing afternoon this Saturday July 14th aimed at our new sailors  young and old.
There will be some informal racing with the first start expected around 13:00. So if you’re coming along then I’d get their around 12:00 to get rigged and ready.

For those of you who don’t fancy racing please come along and just have a sail with some help at hand if you need it.

We’ll follow the sailing with a club BBQ around 15:30. If you want to pop down for a pleasant late afternoon BBQ then please bring your own food and drink and we’ll provide the coals.


Look forward to seeing you there on Saturday.

Kind Regards
Pete and Rachel

CANCELLED Treasure Hunt 7th July 2pm


Due to a number of people been away and Englands progression in the World Cup 😀  the Treasure Hunt is CANCELLED look out for another date in the future.

7th July 2pm onwards. Fun for all the family. Find clues on and off the water. BBQ available, bring your own food; salads provided courtesy of the club.

For more information contact Sarah on 07920387655


RBSC Rescue Boat Training 2018

Sunday Afternoons 1st and 29th July starting approx 1.30pm

Slots are still available for both sessions on 29th July though we do still need another instructor if we are to run two separate sessions, If you can help or wish to attend on the 29th please let me know by the weekend before.


We have had several requests to offer rescue boat training however due to other commitments it has not been possible for us to arrange any Saturday training this year so we are offering the above instead.

The above sessions will not be a full training but will offer two options over each afternoon and should last about 2 hours maximum.

We will start with a quick ‘tour’ of our main rescue boat for everyone; to familiarise people with what is onboard.

Option 1 – Refreshers for existing / up grading rescue officers to concentrate primarily on boat /person recovery using the main rescue boat.

Option 2 – For those starting out – boat handling exercises – coming alongside / to a standstill and leading to person recovery if time allows using one (or possibly even both of our smaller boats).

Chris Toothill has agreed to run the Option 1 sessions on both afternoons and Ian Ayres is available to run the Option 2 on the 1st July. We do need a volunteer to do this on the 29th, and some ‘bodies’ willing to get wet on both afternoons.

Provided there is sufficient uptake we are proposing that we run these sessions instead of afternoon racing on these dates.

If you would like to take part (first come first served) or are willing to volunteer to help, please contact me on my email or give me a ring 01692 670457 letting me know what you are interested in doing.
