
Race report Sunday 16th

A sunny day saw 23 boats on the water for the winter series races. A light wind down the length of the Broad gave rise to mixed fortunes with large gaps between front and back of the fleets.
The eight boats in the multi sail fleet included a turn out of six Wayfarers. David Houghton and John Simmons in a Wayfarer used their spinnaker with usual aplomb to pull away and win both races.
The fifteen single sail boats consisted of eight Solos and a mix of other dinghies. Mike McNamara, in his Harrier, lead round the first race but did not get far enough ahead, giving a win to Kevin Postlethwaite in a solo, followed by the streaker of Phil Highfield and solo of Roger Wilson. In the second race McNamara built up a substantial lead to take an easy win in front of Highfield and Wilson.
Six boats stayed out for the afternoon combined alcommers race. McNamara in the harrier and John Saddington with Dennis Manning in a Wayfarer pulled clear of the rest. McNamara was first on the
water but not far enough ahead, giving Saddington the win by 5 seconds on handicap.

Multi Sail Races 1 and 2 – (8)
1, W10000 David Houghton & John Simmons
2. W11111 John Saddington & Dennis Manning
3. W 10213 Robert Sparrow & Tony Gibbs.

Single Sail Race 1 (15)
1. Solo 4896 Kevin Postlethwaite.
2 Streaker Phil Highfield.
3 Solo 5259 Roger Wilson

Single Sail Race 2 (15)
1. Harrier Mike McNamara.
2. Steaker.
3. Solo 5259

Combined PM Race
1. W11111,
2. Harrier.
3. Solo 3941 Steve Leigh

Christmas and New Year Sailing

Christmas & New Year Sailing 2018/19

For a Change there is no interruption to our usual program over the festive season, so

NO Sailing on Boxing Day this year.

however there are plenty of opportunities to get out on the water (properly equipped of course!)

Sunday 23rd Normal Club Racing (Snacks)

Sunday 30th Pursuit Race  (10:30 start for Mirrors) (Hot Meal)

followed by the Watson Cup – double handed boats sailed single handed,

and a bottle race for normal single handed fleet if demand.

Good News!!!!! Angie will be catering on all 3 days


Tuesday 1st January – Our renowned – FREE – New Year’s Day Open Meeting, tell your friends! – Hot Meal

3 races, 2 to count.


Report 9th December

Twenty boats came to the starting line on a bright December day at Rollesby. The fresh breeze coming over the trees along the Broad meant some difficult course setting and blustery conditions, giving plenty of thrills and spills.

The single sail fleet had sixteen boats turn out, the nine solos being  the majority class. In the first race Mike MacNamara in his harrier crossed the finish line in front, neck and neck with Roger Wilson in his solo.  The solo wonon handicap with Ian Ayre’s solo second and Dan Bull third in his laser radial.  In the second race MacNamara had a better lead but could not make the podium on handicap with Roger Wilson againtaking first spot followed by Phil Highfield in a streaker and Matt Boreham in his solo.

The small multi sail fleet consisted of three wayfarers and aD1.  A sudden drop in the wind made atricky start in race 1 but Dave Houghton and John Simmons got away in  their Wayfarer and stayed well in front.  In the second race John Saddington and Dennis Manning stayed on Houghton’s tail for three of the four laps but did not get past.


Multi Sail races 1 & 2 (4)  1. Wayfarer D Houghton & John Simmons,  2 Wayfarer  J Saddington & Dennis Manning.

Single Sail (16)  Race1  1 Solo 5259 R. Wilson, 2 Solo  5232 Ian Ayres,  3 laser Radial Dan Bull. 4 Solo 4896 K. Postlethwaite

Single Sail (16)  Race 2  1 Solo 5259,  2 Steaker Phil Highfield,   3 Solo Matt Boreham.  4 Harrier M. MacNamara

Electronic Race Management

Hi All,

You may have noticed me (Keith) with a tablet over the last few weeks,  I have been working with a chap Robbie to improve his Android race management and scoring app.

If anyone fancies giving it a try alongside our manual race management system give me shout, even it is just for one race on a Sunday, and any feedback would be most useful.  I have attached a crib sheet and test fleet file below.

Any questions just drop me an email

It will run on any Android device.  (I have sourced the club an old 7 inch tablet so you can take a look)  or just download it to your android phone of tablet.

Details and download of the Android Race management system can be found on google play here

Videos on

(Google Play and the App help are the best place to start for a comprehensive overview)

It can be used to assist with paper results or as a stand alone scoring app as the output can be imported into sailwave and is available via a could drive, Dropbox, Google etc.

You just select the boats that are racing and just tap on them when they complete each lap.

It now copes with multiple starts, general recalls etc.

App Overview

  1. ·      Race Start Countdown (5,4,1,Go & 3,2,1 Go)
  2. ·      Competitor selection and edit.
  3. ·      Lap times, Result Codes, and Finish Sounds
  4. ·      Instant results corrected times & PDF , Sailwave result export.
  5. .      Currently supports a fleet / race of up to 160 competitors
  6. ·      Multiple fleets and rolling starts, including General Recalls.
  7. .      Sailwave Integration Competitor export to App, Results Import.
  8.        Trigger on external Bluetooth Relay for operation of external Horn

Winter Regatta (Sunday 2nd December)

A good south westerly breeze, which rise for race 2 causing several capsizes, greeted the fleet for Rollesby’s Winter Regatta on 2ndDecember.

The direction meant a long initial beat down the broad, which later in the day needed splitting in two, and a run / broad reach back which at times proved an exciting ride. Continuing their excellent form in what became a Wayfarer fleet race, David Houghton & John Symonds flew their spinnaker with great effect on the run of race one for a comfortable win from John Saddington & Dennis Manning. This however was their undoing in race two asa double capsize with kite up let the Saddington & Manning through and they took the meeting.

The single handers were much more mixed up! Mike McNamara unsurprisingly led the fleet round in race one in his Harrier, however hot on his transom throughout was Phil Highfield’s Streaker who won comfortably on handicap, Ian Ayres and Matt Boreham in Solos led home the rest of the tight pack some way back in 3rd and 4th.

The wind rose for the start of race two before briefly rising to some people’s survival limit on the second lap. McNamara led up the first beat from James Letts (Laser) and Highfield, whilst Daniel Bull had also joined the front pack in his Laser Radial. On the second run McNamara capsized (adopting anew coaching position – mid- broad on a centre-board?) and Bull took off to win by a good margin from Highfield with Carl Buck (Laser) also enjoying the down wind ride for third.

Only single handers took to the water after lunch and the fleet was tightly packed for a perfect false start 5 minutes early! Keith Sykes caused some mayhem at the restart, putting his Laser in a rapidly disappearing gap but thankfully all remained upright. Bull and Highfield enjoyed some excellent match racing, just in front of the Solos, doing the same thing.Highfield piped Bull on the line but not on handicap and the first five finished with tired limbs in regatta order, Bull, Highfield, Ayres, Boreham and Whitby……. with Sykes also finishing.

Multisails (5 entries)

  1. John Saddington & Dennis Manning (Wayfarer)
  2. Dave Houghton & John Symonds (Wayfarer)

Single Handers (15 entries)

  1. Daniel Bull (Radial) – 2 pts
  2. Phil Highfield (Streaker) – 3
  3. Ian Ayres (Solo) – 6
  4. Matt Boreham (Solo) – 9
  5. Steve Whitby (MiniSail) – 9
  6. Carl Buck (Laser) – 11
  7. Bob Hawkings (Solo) – 12
  8. Keith Sykes (Laser) – 15
  9. James Letts (Laser) – 18
  10. Mike Horwitz (Solo) – 20
  11. Phil Alison (Solo) – 22

Rollesby Broad SC – End of Autumn Series

Those who looked out at the flat water before the start of raceone and opted not to rig probably thought themselves wise until they missed out on an exciting ride through a squally race two and a pleasant race three at Rollesby for the completion of the Autumn series.

Mike McNamara must have taken note of some of his own instructing (elsewhere in the Broads) as he produced two good starts in his Harrier to lead round the course in both the mornings’ single hander races. Given the very lightwinds for race one he was probably surprised to win on handicap; with John Saddington (Solo) and Tamsin Highfield (Streaker) leading home the main pack in second and third. Second place gave Saddington the series without having won a race.

The sky darkened and the breeze kicked in for race two and there were several calls for water at the three downwind marks as the pack compressed and stretched out behind McNamara whilst the gusts came and went. Steve Whitby brought his MiniSail home in mid-fleet to take second on handicap and the series; he didn’t win a race either!; with Phil Highfield third in the family Streaker.

In the Multisails Dave Houghton & John Symonds (Wayfarer) had already won both series but were pushed harder than usual by Ian & Sharon Ayres in their Leader. These two finished nearly half a lap clear in race one after escaping the rest early on the downwind part of the course. As the wind picked up for race two Richard Foster & Tony Ingram brought their Xenon to the front and as these three boats arrived overlapped and planing with kites up at the first gybe of race two there was a moment of ‘it’s not like Rollesby’ panic before a successful synchronised rounding! Houghton & Symonds eventually stole just enough distance to win by a few seconds from the Ayres’. 

McNamara continued his good form after lunch to win from Ayres (now in Solo mode) and Saddington and take the afternoon series.

Race 1 (7 entries)

  1. Dave Houghton & John Symonds (Wayfarer)
  2. Ian & Sharon Ayres (Leader)
  3. Bob Sparrow & Steve (Wayfarer)

Race 2 (6)

  1. Dave Houghton & John Symonds (Wayfarer)
  2. Ian & Sharon Ayres (Leader)
  3. Richard Foster & Tony Ingram (Xenon)

Race 1 (13 entries)

  1. Mike McNamara (Harrier)
  2. John Saddington (Solo)
  3. Tamsin Highfield (Streaker

Race 2 (14)

  1. Mike McNamara (Harrier)
  2. Steve Whitby (MiniSail
  3. Phil Highfield (Streaker

Mixed PM Race 3 (9)

  1. Mike McNamara (Harrier)
  2. Ian Ayres (Solo)
  3. John Saddington (Solo)

Autumn Series Results Overall

Race 1 (15 entries)

  1. Dave Houghton & John Symonds (Wayfarer) – 3
  2. Bob Sparrow & Steve (Wayfarer) – 7pts
  3. Daniel Harvey & Andy Smith (Wayfarer) – 8

Race 2 (18)

  1. Dave Houghton & John Symonds (Wayfarer) – 4
  2. Bob Sparrow & Steve (Wayfarer) – 9pts
  3. Jim Anderson (Wayfarer) – 19

Race 1 (27 entries)

  1. John Saddington (Solo) 7 -pts
  2. Tamsin Highfield (Streaker) – 8
  3. Matt Boreham (Solo) – 12

Race 2 (29)

  1. Steve Whitby (MiniSail) – 8
  2. Ian Ayres (Solo) – 9
  3. Phil Highfield (Streaker) – 13

Mixed PM Race 3 (13)

  1. Mike McNamara (Harrier) – 4
  2. John Saddington (Solo) – 8
  3. Ian Ayres (Solo) – 13

Eels Foot Series (41 Entries)

  1. Ian Ayres (Solo) – 8
  2. John Saddington (Solo) -8
  3. Ian Hanson (solo) – 13

Saturday Social – Reminder

Hello to everyone who has booked their place at the club social this Saturday 25th November; just a quick note to remind you to bring your own drink and maybe glasses, and more importantly please bring your cash for the meal  (£12.00 per person)

Please try to bring the correct money as it simplifies the collection on the night) 

PS Should you wish to donate a raffle prize they will be gratefully received.

Many Thanks


Report 18th November

The fine weather and slightly lighter breeze than the previous week brought out a fantastic turnout at Rollebsy Broad on Sunday 18thwith 38 sailors taking to the water at some point during the morning.

In the multisails; Chris Sallis & Matthew Frary won both raceson the water in their Tasar; but they couldn’t pull out enough of a lead overthe pack of five Wayfarers, Dave Houghton & John Symonds wrapping up the Autumnseries with a week to go by winning both races on handicap. Bob Sparrow &Steve completed the podium places with a third and a second place.

The short first beat meant the eighteen boat single-hander fleet remained more mixed up on handicap. Mike McNamara (Harrier) and David Frary (Finn) managed to break clear of the pack in race 1. Steve Leigh in his OK led the mid fleet pack before a navigation error brought him back into the clutches of Tamsin Highfield’s Streaker and John Saddington & Ian Ayres Solos. After pulling well clear on lap 2 a further course reading error by Ayres cost him the race, giving Saddington third; Steve Whitby hung on to the back of the pack in his MiniSail to take fourth.

It looked like the same service at the first mark in race two; but some smart downwind sailing by Phil Highfield (Streaker) and Gareth Thomas (Phantom) meant these two had the lead after a lap, with Ayres in closest pursuit. McNamara did eventually get clear on the water but could only count 4th on handicap with Highfield well clear of the rest and Whitby again in close enough proximity, this time for second.

The weather was even nice enough to entice eight boats back out after lunch!


Race 1 (7 entries)
1. Dave Houghton & John Symonds (Wayfarer)
2. Chris Sallis & Matt Frary (Tasar)
3. Bob Sparrow & Steve (Wayfarer)

Race 2 (8)
1. Dave Houghton & John Symonds (Wayfarer)
2. Bob Sparrow & Steve (Wayfarer)
3. Chris Sallis & Matt Frary (Tasar)


Race 1 (18 entries)
1. Mike McNamara (Harrier)
2. David Frary (Finn)
3. John Saddington (Solo)
4. Steve Whitby (MiniSail)

Race 2 (17)
1. Phil Highfield (Streaker)
2. Steve Whitby (MiniSail)
3. Ian Ayres (Solo)
4. Mike McNamara (Harrier)

Mixed PM Race 3 (8)
1. Ian Ayres (Solo)
2. Mike McNamara (Harrier)
3. John Saddington (Solo)