
Whats Appening

Hi All,
A number of people have suggested that it would be useful to have an RBSC – Whats App group so members can keep in touch,

  • See if anyone is planning to sail during the week or on a Saturday
  • Find a a Crew
  • Grab a lift to the club.
  • General Sailing hints and ideas

People can opt in or out at any time. (Remember you are sharing your mobile number with the group.)

Contact with your mobile number to be added to group.

You need to open the link on your phone where whatsapp is installed. (Not on your PC)

Or give me a shout on and I’ll add you.


Last Eel’s Foot – 3 Nov 19

23 boats came to the line for the final Eel’s Foot Race of 2019 at Rollesby on Sunday 3rd November. With the breeze blowing straight down the broad race officer Auriel Gibson was able to set a true line and an absolute maximum first beat!

Race Start – thanks to Daniel

Several normally single-hander helms switched to double handed boats and it was Mike McNamara and Andy Smith in an Albacore who had a narrow lead from the Wayfarers of Dave Houghton & John Symonds and Roger Wilson & Dennis Manning by half way up the beat, with Chris Toothill’s Phantom also in the mix to reach the cut first. 

With greater experience of sailing together; or perhaps of deciding if / when to switch to paddle mode; it was the Wayfarers who emerged ahead. Meanwhile John Saddington and Matt Boreham in their Solos were leading the mid-speed boats with Ian & Sharon Ayres in their Leader and Dan Bull in his Laser also in the mix. 

After two triangular laps of the Eel’s Foot (Ormesby Little) Broad it was time for a long running return leg. The Wayfarers were able to hoist their kites and despite the Albacore and Phantom finishing with them, Wilson took the win from Houghton. The Solos and Leader however had kept close enough and took the next three places on handicap. So by winning the last race, Wilson secured the series from Saddington with McNamara third.

Last Race (23 entries)

1. Roger Wilson & Dennis Manning (Wayfarer)
2. Dave Houghton & John Symonds (Wayfarer)
3. John Saddington (Solo)
4. Matt Boreham (Solo)
5. Ian & Sharon Ayres (Leader) 

Series Results (38 participants)

1. Roger Wilson (Solo) – 5 pts
2. John Saddington (Solo) – 10
3. Mike McNamara (Harrier+) – 12
4. Daniel Bull (Laser) – 14
5. Matt Boreham (Laser) – 14

RBSC Autumn Regatta 2019

With a forecast of plenty of wind and plenty of rain it was not surprising that numbers were much reduced for the Autumn Regatta at Rollesby.  Whilst the forecast of rain was spot on the wind was much lighter than expected. Thirteen boats launched and joined the race team on the far bank as they had taken the wise decision to have a committee boat start as the wind was blowing across the broad. 

With a single start for both fleets there was plenty of competition for prime spot on the start line with just one boat over the line. By the first mark the Wayfarer of Dave Houghton & John Symonds held a short lead over the Solo of Roger Wilson and the Streaker of Tamsin Highfield with the latter two enjoying a close battle over the first two laps.  Chris Toothill, sailing a Phantom  recovered well from a poor start and fought his way through the fleet to take the lead on the final lap crossing the line ahead of Houghton & Symonds and Wilson.  

By the start of race two the rain had arrived and the race team may have regretted their decision to leave the comfort of the start box and head out to the start line in the open topped committee boat. Houghton & Symonds led at the windward mark but were soon caught up by a group of three boats.  Halfway down the run the Wayfarer of Robert Sparrow & Chris Gibbons took the lead for a short while until Keith Sykes, sailing a Laser sailed pass the group to windward to lead at the next mark.  

On the second lap the heavens opened and everyone endured a thorough soaking, although the race team by this time had sensibly gone back ashore to enjoy the comforts of the start box. After three laps Houghton & Symonds crossed the line just ahead of Wilson.  Although a third race had been scheduled everyone had decided they were wet enough and voted en masse to call it a day, or was it the lure of Angie’s cooking was just too much!

Next week the club’s Winter season begins commencing the Autumn series.

Rollesby Broad Sailing Club Autumn Regatta (13)

Overall Results

Multisail Fleet

  1. W10000 (D Houghton & J Symonds),
  2. W10213 (R Sparrow & S Gibbons),
  3. W9627 (A Gibson & S Crow)

Monosail Fleet

  1. Solo 5259 (R Wilson),
  2. Laser 137024, (M Boreham)
  3. Solo 5443 (J Saddington)

Thanks to Dave for the Results and Report.

Nicks Clipper RTW Challenge

Hi All
I am about to embarque on a major new challenge for the next year,starting today 1st September from Tower Bridge London I will be circumnavigating the world as part of the crew on a 70ft ocean racing yacht in the ‘Clipper Round the World Challenge’. The race & my progress can be followed by going to and selecting the races viewer.
A part of that challenge is to raise funds for Unicef, one of the boat sponsors. So to help achieve my goal of raising £500 towards a boat total of £33000. I will put in the sea miles if you can spare a little of your hard earned cash for a good cause. You can make a contribution via the JustGiving page.
I am funding the trip myself and any contribution you might make will all go to UNICEF

Some facts

  • No of boats in race fleet: 11
  • Our boat: CV20 ‘Imagine Your Korea’
  • Distance traveled: 41165nm
  • Oceans: 6
  • Days of racing: 228
  • Legs: 8
  • Races: 15
  • Ports visited: 16

best regards & wish me luck!!

Nick Whittle

Summer sailing – the story so far!

Rollesby sailors have been out and about around the area and beyond with several more trips planned for the rest of the summer!
Congratulations to Mike Mc and Simon on winning the Wayfarer UK Nationals (and Internationals) in Ireland.

Sailing is continuing throughout the summer at Rollesby, and what little weed growth we had seems to have receded (as is usual by now).

Roger W has been practising hard for the Solo Nationals next week.
He wrapped up both Whit series, John S finished second in the main morning series with Chris M and Heather pipping Dave and Diane G to third place, and the wine, by one point! 

The summer regatta was sailed on a warm light wind day and Roger won overall (but not all the races) Dan B beat Dan H to second place on countback.

Can we remind anyone using a club boat that there is a nominal fee (for maintenance!) that should be paid to a committee member (John S is best if he is there). Also we need the record book (under the results noticeboard)to be filled out so we can monitor their use and more significantly know about any breakages – we are aware these happen, but can’t fix anything we don’t know about!

We also need a volunteer (actually two!) to represent the club at the interclub Ramuz trophy event – this year to be on Sat 28th Sept at WOBYC in Squibs – please let Ian A know – or phone him by end of August if you are interested.

Enjoy the rest of the summer on the water.


Moth trapping

Hi All, Norfolk Wildlife Trust are doing a moth trapping activity in the woods by the Sailing Club on Saturday 3rd August from 8pm.

Eilish will take a couple of bat detectors. If any members are interested and would like to come along they would be very welcome.

Unless they want to see the trap in daylight I would suggest coming along after 9pm (and bring a torch).

Many thanks


Warden – Trinity Broads

Raffle for a Great Cause

Hi All,

Daniel has organised a Raffle in aid of Heart2Heart a great charity that instals public use Defibrillators in Norfolk in Suffolk, one of which saved Richard Brown’s life back in 2018, so why not buy a ticket or 5.

Tickets are £1.00 each with all proceeds going to Heart2Heart Norfolk.  If people would like to donate could they please remember to leave their name on the JustGiving page (Click Here) so I can then private message them with their raffle ticket numbers.  

Prizes include:-
£100.00 cash, multiple tickets to Pleasurewood Hills, Pleasure Beach, Model Village, Sea Life Centres, Hippodrome Circus, Time & Tide (and lots of other local museums), ‘Bar 1’ buffet for up to 50 people, bottles of wine, candles, beauty products, large cuddly toy and more……..

The raffle will be drawn at the Heart2Heart charity shop on Bells Rd on the 10th of August (tickets also available from the shop).

Many Thanks
