The social was held on a cloudy summer day. The rain held off for the afternoon races with a variable WSW wind.

THE ANNUAL PURSUIT RACE was keenly contested with 16 entries. A range of boats from three Toppers, four Splash and other classes up to the faster Phantom gave a wide range of start times.

The Toppers held for the first lap with Charlie Purkiss leading, but by lap 2 Ellie Edwards gained a substantial lead in her splash. Places changed throughout the race. As the wind increased towards the finishing time the faster boats pulled through.  Dan Bull just took the lead from  Ellie in the last minutes to win the “Pike Goblet”

Clive Girling in his laser generously capsized 30 seconds from the race end to allow Dan Harvey’s laser into third place and Auriel Gibson with Lindsey in the Wayfarer fourth.

RESULTS:  1 Laser Dan Bull,   2  Splash Ellie Edwards,   3 Laser Dan Harvey,  4 Wayfarer Auriel Gibson & Lindsey,  5 Laser Clive Girling,  6 D zero Tom Quayle,  7 Albacore Keith & Jane Minster,  8 Wayfarer Geof & Liz Phillips,  9 Topper Suzanne Tompson,  10 Topper Matt Pittam,  11 Wayfarer Ken & Julie Johnston,  12 Topper Charlie Purkiss  13, Phantom Clive Wells,   14 Splash Andy Adcock,  15 Joe Sagger,  16 Splash Rhiannon Alger (rtd)

At the break, prizes were given for the junior races, the Club Spring series and the Pursuit Race. Everyone enjoyed the wonderful cake baked by Angie.

THE WATSON CUP where a double handed boat is crewed by the helm only, was contested by three good sports. Phil Harlow had a good start in his Wayfarer and held the lead to win the Cup. Keith Minster followed in the Albacore and Commodore Wells took out an old Enterprise to finish third.

IN THE SINGLED HANDED BOATS RACE seven boats took part. Tom Quale in the D Zero lead all the way to the finish but on handicap was beaten into third place by Dan Bull second and Ellie Edwards who won and took the “Gray Cup”

RESULTS S.H.  1 Splash Ellie Edwards,   2 Laser Dan Bull,   3 D Zero Tom Quayle,  4 Laser Dan Harvey,  5 Harrier Phil Alison,  6 Splash Liz Phillips,  7 Topper Matt Pittam.

 A special mention for Matt Pittam a junior, sailing a topper who took part in the morning junior races, the Pursuit race and stayed for the single hander race.

John Saddington

Wed Report May 1st.

Race Report – Personal Handicap Pursuit – Wed 1st May 2024
The first of May came with some warmer weather at last. Thirteen boats went out to enjoy the race in a moderate North Breeze which held up all evening for the second week running.

Henrietta Highfield set of first, this week sailing a Topper. She held her lead for two laps before being overtaken by Mike McNamara and Ian Curtis in their Wayfarer who went on to win the race. Three generations of the Highfields were out with the senior, Stuart showing the way with a second place in his Laser. Chris Foster helming the wayfarer with Auriel claimed a third.

At the end of the race there was a close competition between the Streaker’s of
Roger Wilson and Phil Highfield.
With the number of boats racing the first and last three will all have changed
handicaps for next week.


Wednesday Race report.

Wednesday Evening Personal Handicap Pursuit Race  – Report 24/04/2024

The cold fresh wind during the day put members off coming for an evening sail.  By the time of the race, however, the evening turned out to be bright, with a pleasant steady N.W. sailing breeze. Six boats took part.

Henrietta Highfield had an early start in the Oppie and had a couple of fast laps while the wind was still fresh but then decided to retire. David Taylor, returning  after the winter, was next away in his solo. David was soon overtaken by the next starter, Auriel Gibson in her Wayfarer crewed by Chis Foster. Auriel then held the lead for five laps to win the race.

As the race timed out Mike McNamara with Ian Curtis was 2nd, Dave Taylor 3rd, John Saddington 4th, Jason Elmer with Steve Gibbons in a Wayfarer 5th followed by Phil Alison who can now start a minute earlier next week!


Solo open report

RBSC Eastern Area Solo Open Meeting Report – 20th April 2024

The freezing cold and strong northerly wind conditions may have deterred some from travelling  to the RBSC Solo eastern area travellers open meeting on the 20th April but at least it made the decision about what to wear simple. Spring may be here, but full winter thermals and dry suits were the order of the day.  There were 12 entries including 6 visitors. 

Four races were scheduled but with wind speeds recorded up to 29 knots  and gusting regularly in excess of 23-24 knots and mindful that some competitors would be headed to Hickling the following day, the OOD settled on a 3 race format with a single discard.  With the wind direction predominantly in the north to north/west it was possible to set a long upwind/downwind course starting from a committee boat half-way down the broad. However, there were frequent shifts to the west, coming over the trees,  which inevitably meant that the beat to No 5 mark would have to be a bit one sided. 

Race 1 was won by Mathew Frary from NBYC with Chris Bunn from LYC 2nd and another visitor from NBYC, Duncan Ellis, taking 3rd.  In Race 2 the positions were reversed with Chris Bunn taking 1st and Mathew taking 2nd and Steve Ede from Ardleigh SC coming 3rd

Conditions were taking their toll and many of the competitors, having done enough to qualify already , decided not to push their luck and venture out for the 3rd race after lunch but with Mathew and Chris each recording a 1st and 2nd place, the podium positions were still all to play for. Conditions remained challenging and with Mathew leading Chris Bunn up the 2nd beat, rather than deciding to cover Chris,  Mathew  split left over towards the trees and was hit by a particularly vicious gust which resulted in a capsize and, alas, the end the race for him, gifting Chris the overall win. Steve Ede finished 2nd which secured him 3rd place overall and Roger Wilson finished 3rd securing him 4th place overall and  1st local  club boat. The full set of results can be found here Sailwave results for 2024 RBSC Solo Eastern Area Open Meeting at 2024

At the prize giving Chris Bunn thanked the OOD, Clive Girling and his team of assistants and safety boat crews for their excellent race management in tricky conditions and the competitors travelled home tired but very satisfied with an excellent day’s racing. 


Junior and Adult Novice Racing Regattas

Combined Report of Junior and Adult Novice Racing Regattas

Two sailing events were held on the 22nd of July and 23rd of September to promote racing to both juniors and adults in a beginner friendly way. Adults who considered themselves ‘novices’ at racing were encouraged to take part to enable them to build confidence and get some close races with others of similar abilities. Juniors competed to gain extra knowledge and have new experiences, with some starting their first ever proper race. There were three categories to enter based on age and experience criteria, Adults (self-explanatory!), Junior Gold (for sailors’ stage 2 and above) and Junior Silver (for ‘newer’ sailors aiming for stage 1).

Saturday 22nd of July 2023

The previous agreed date was postponed due to very high winds and a new date was set before the BBQ summer social which was planned later that afternoon. Due to this last minute cancellation and an unseasonably cold, wet and windy day, numbers were lower than expected. Despite this the sailors took on the tricky conditions, spurred on by the promise of prizes and of course the amazing BBQ after. Racing was extremely closely fought at the top end between both the junior and adult fleets, with lots of position swapping and nail biting finishes. It was two races to count from two so no slip-ups could be afforded if the competitors were aiming for a medal. The results are as follows below.


  1. Rhiannon (Splash) – 3 points
  2. Andy (Splash) – 4 points
  3. Gary (Laser) – 7 points
  4. Jane B and Jane M (Wanderer) – 8 points
  5. Chris and Angus (Heron) – 11 points

Junior Gold:

  1. Henrietta (Optimist) – 2 points
  2. Evie (Optimist) – 4 points
  3. Matthew (Topper) – 9 points
  4. Nicholas (Optimist) – 10 points
  5. Saturday 23rd September

Saturday 23rd of September 2023

With the end of the Friday evening junior celebrations the day before, spirits were high and the turnout was great with 19 boats taking to the water. The wind was a shifty and gusty westerly, with some sailors opting for reefs to manage these conditions and all dressing warmly for the cooler air. The day started off quite windy and cold, but by lunch time the sun made an appearance but took the wind away! Again there was very close racing to be had in all fleets but this time sailors were allowed to discard their worst result from the three races with countback being taken into consideration. The rescue boat crew worked hard, relaying information about shorten courses and giving the newest racers in the junior silver fleet some additional guidance and support to get around their course. Things went down to the wire in the final junior gold race, as first place could have gone to anyone and the positons at the top end were constantly changing. Everyone displayed great tactics and skill to navigate the headers, lifts and patchy wind often inadvertently ending up with two beats! Slower boats seemed to benefit as their ‘good’ handicaps worked out well in the hotly contested races where most boats finished close together. By the end of the last race the wind had dropped to almost nothing and some boats drifted round to the finish. The sailors had well-deserved prizes waiting for them and the results follow below with a more detailed breakdown available in the club house.


  1. John (Laser 13) – 2 points
  2. Suzanne (Topper) – 3 points
  3. Andy (Splash) – 5 points
  4. Ed (Laser) – 7 points
  5. Don (Solo) – 8 points
  6. Toni (Pico) – 10 points

Junior Gold:

  1. Henrietta (Optimist)  – 2 points
  2. Matthew (Topper) – 3 points
  3. Evie (Optimist) – 5 points
  4. Kerry (Topper) – 7 points
  5. James (Topper) – 11 points
  6. Adam (Pico) – 11 points
  7. Eleanor and Elsa (Wayfarer) – 12 points
  8. Nicholas (Optimist) – 14 points
  9. Una (Optimist) – 17 points

Junior Silver:

  1. Josef (Topper 4.2) – 2 points
  2. Bronwen (Optimist) – 4 points
  3. Jack (Topper 4.2) – 4 points
  4. Ketty (Optimist) – 7 points

A huge thank you is owed to our rescue boat crews, training team and the parents who all volunteered their time to help the event run smoothly. Another big thanks is given to all competitors who came out to support the club at these new events and showed such great determination and racing skills. A special mention also goes out to those juniors whose very first races were had as they all did amazing, taking to the race course in some challenging conditions and all completed at least once race. We look to run more events in the future so keep your eyes out! The team looks forward to seeing more of you out on the water racing on Sundays, doing the Wednesday Evenings Series next summer and the junior blocks in 2024, or just out for a casual sail next season when the weather returns. We hope you have enjoyed this season’s programme and will hopefully see you again sometime!

Wednesday Eve 2023 – Final Report

The Wednesday evening series has now finished for this year and was once again enjoyed by Club Members. Thirty-five different helms took part with about twelve boats out each week.  Two nights were lost because of thunder and lightning arriving at the wrong time, but racing took place over sixteen summer evenings.

Picture by Daniel Harvey

Although this series is known for a relaxing time the pursuit race is still keenly contested. The early leader was Phil Alison this year sailing his newly acquired “fast Harrier.”  Followed by Clive Girling and Henrietta Highfield the series looked close for some weeks. 

It was nice to see Roger Wilson out with his lovely Classic Merlin Rocket. We were all pleased to see new sailor Andy Adcock improving his position each week in the splash.  Daniel Harvey was regularly racing again and getting very good results in his laser, but with his personal handicap increasing to plus 6 minutes he was having to work hard at the end of the series. As usual with the pursuit races the boats closed  together towards the end of each race with competitors checking their watches to see who would end up in front of whom at the bell.

After discards kicked in and at the penultimate race, Phil Alison and Henrietta Highfield were level on points. The series winner would come down to the last night.  Henrietta crewed by Dad Phil in the Mirror started in front and held the lead until passed on the last lap by Bob Hawkins in a Wayfarer. With Phil Alison and Daniel Harvey close behind Henrietta manage to hold on to second place and so take the series trophy. Phil came second overall with Daniel third just leading Clive Girling by 2 points.

So well done to Henrietta whose personal handicap this year has increased from -4 to +3 minutes.

We are all looking forward to next years series with the current handicaps carried forward.

SO reserve your Wednesday evenings for Rollesby in 2024

Full Series Results can be found here…………

John Saddington


The recent poor weather improved on Boxing Day and 16 boats turned out on a sunny morning with a varying N.E. Breeze.
Kevin & Joe Edwards in their Norfolk set of first at the start of the Pursuit Race followed by daughter Ellie in her Splash. These two held the lead for three laps but were eventually passed by the faster boats.

Roger Wilson in his Solo built a substantial lead by laps four and five but during the sixth lap a number of the positions changed.

David Houghton and John Symmonds in their Wayfarer came through at the end to take first place and won the “Bent Vase” for the third consecutive time.

Mulled Wine and mince pies, organised by Roger, warmed competitors up between races.
Three helms took part in the Watson Cup Race by sailing double handed boats with no crew. Tony Fulford in the Comet Trio and Ian ayres in his Leader raced in close proximity for all three laps. At the line Tony was just ahead but Ian took the Trophy on handicap result.

Seven boats stayed for the Allcomers race. Howard Astley-Jones lead the way round in his Vareo and finished a few seconds ahead of Dan Bull in his Laser. Dan took the win on handicap.

Full Results for all Races Here………….

Photos on WhatsApp thanks to Toni Hancock.

John Saddington.

Summer Series Report

Summer Series concludes with convincing win for Howard Astley-Jones

Sunday’s sailing marked the end of a competitively fought summer series. The winner was never in doubt with Howard Astley-Jones enjoying a stella series and sealing an impressive 10-point margin victory, securing a 2nd  and 1st place in the final two races of the series.  2nd place was all to play for with Daniel Bull just pipping Tony Fullford into 2nd place on countback, having secured a 2nd place in the final race of the series. 3rd was then Tony, with Richard Bailey and Ian Curtis in their Wayfarer close behind in  4th .  There were 38 entries  and 14 races in total with 15 competitors completing the qualifying number of races. Members completing in their first series at Rollesby included Mike and Jenny Harris in their RS Vision who finished a respectable 16th and Keith and Jane Minster who finished 13th in their Albacore. It was also nice to see Merlin Rocket “Warpath” crewed by various willing volunteers (for some their first taste of racing!) successfully qualifying in 10th place after a 40 year absence from Rollesby.  The afternoon series was also won  by Howard, with Tony 2nd and Bob Sparrow in his Wayfarer 3rd. The full set of results are on the website. Trophies for all the summer series will be presented at the AGM on the 16th Oct.

As we reflect on a glorious Summer Series and the temperature begins to drop it’s time now to don our wetsuits and drysuits and get ready for the Autumn Series which kicks-off this weekend with a one-day Autumn Regatta which is open to both club members and visitors. 3 races, split into two fleets, with best two results to count. We also look forward to welcoming back our winter members in the weeks to come as they start to return from their summer adventures. 

Wed Eve- Series Report


The evening races again proved to be a popular event this year with 36 different helms taking part. The entrants spanned the generations from young Henrietta Highfield in her mirror to the “long time members” in their favourite boats. One evening saw a record 17 boats joining the pursuit race and several others out practicing sailing.

The lovely warm evenings made this year series particularly enjoyable and it was nice to see new members from the training courses coming along. The event also attracted non sailing spectators out for an evening by the water.

The early series leader was Ian Curtis sailing his Wayfarer crewed by Richard Bailey with a number of first places. Later months though, saw Ian unable to attend enough evenings leaving the way open for David Taylor to take the trophy sailing his Enterprise single handed. Great to see David winning the series as a relative new comer to sailing and racing. With a changing personal handicap he will have to work hard next year!

Full results can be seen on the race results section of the web site

Fifty years on the Water

2022 marked the 50th anniversary of RBSC

It was great to see so many members, new and old, turn out to help the club celebrate our 50th anniversary last weekend.  It was a real collective effort by lots of members to stage the event.  The car park was extended, gazebos erected, bunting put up, food prepared, and club boats rigged.  We were blessed with fine weather and the celebration was attended by over 100 members and guests, some who joined when it first started in 1972. It was especially pleasing to see so many of our younger members sailing the club Oppies and Toppers.  The day was marked by a barbeque and a huge cake cooked and magnificently decorated by Angie, along with a pursuit race, a junior race and social sailing.  Some members even camped under the stars overnight.

The Pursuit race attracted 21 boats to race in a warm southerly moderate breeze.
Early starters were David Taylor in the rarely seen 11plus dinghy and Suzanne Thompson in her Topper.
Long standing Club member Heather Vaughan set out in a Pico next.
Over five laps places rapidly changed, with the faster boats chasing . At one stage the Edwards family held the first three places with Ellie and Jo each sailing a splash followed by Kevin in his Solo.
As the race progressed Ellie built up a commanding lead and stayed ahead for the win. Daniel Bull in his Laser was catching up fast at the end but had to settle for second place. Tamsin Highfield in her Streaker enjoyed a good race and was not far behind in in third position. Daniel Harvey who we have not seen on
the water for while was next in his Laser. Tom Quale with his D Zero handicap was the last to start with a 19 minute delay but pulled through to a mid fleet 11th place.

1 Splash Ellie Edwards
2 Laser Daniel Bull
3 Streaker Tamsin Highfield
4 Laser Daniel Harvey
5 Comet Trio Tony Fulford
6 Leader Ian & Sharon Ayres
7 Solo Kevin Edwards
8 Splash Jo Edwards
9 Ent David & Diane Goodwin
10 Wayfarer Pete & Rachael Smith
11 D Zero Tom Quale
12 Laser Clive Girling
13 Wayfarer Steve Vaughan & Jim Anderson
14 Stratos Chris Toothill & Libby
15 Wayfarer Phil Harlow & Lorna
16 Wayfarer Auriel Gibsin & Lindsey
17 Splash Elenor Holmes
18 Topper Suzanne Thompson
19 Spash R Alger
20 Pico Heather Vaughan
21 11Plus David Taylor

The Pursuit race was followed by a cake cutting ceremony. We were very pleased and grateful to Bob Haines and  Margaret Shearing, two of original members of the club, for their help in cutting the cake and to John Sallis for his recollections on sailing at RBSC as a junior in the mid 70’s.  After consuming more cake than many of us should have, the club Oppies and Toppers were rigged and took to the water with their young helms . The race was one by Henrietta highfield closely followed by Evie brown.

Many members took the opportunity to take to the water. Amongst the flotilla of craft was “Warpath”, one of the original fleet of Merlin Rockets that sailed at Rollesby, still proudly owned and sailed by Roger Wilson who learnt to sail in her back in the 70’s .

Barbeques were then lit and the delicious smell of sizzling burgers and sausages cooked over charcoal soon filled the air accompanied by a delicious spread salads and side dishes all prepared by Auriel. The celebrations continued well into evening. After securing a special concession from our landlord, some members chose to camp out overnight on part of the site specially prepared down by the water’s edge making for a truly memorable evening.

There are lots of people to thank for their help organizing the event, but special recognition must go to Auriel for the salad and side dishes, to Mike for his excellent Barbecue cooking skills, to Angie for the  most fantastic cake anyone will have ever seen, to John Saddington for doing the race management on the day, and the Tom Quale for all his hard work preparing the site.

It truly was a special celebration that will last long in the memory of many members.