Spring Regatta – Report

Twenty-six boats truned out for our first event of 2021! on a bright sunny morning with a reasonable if somewhat patchy south-westerly breeze. Three diagonal beats were set across the Broad with long downwind return allowing those with spinnakers to fly them.

With the wind shifting occasionally to south, before it rose and settled, Roger Wilson was able to get a port flyer in race one as a lull passed across the fleet in the last minute before the start leaving many drifting around at the wrong end of the line. Matt Boreham also stared well and these two led through the upwind legs on the first lap. Howard Astley-Jones hoisted his spinnaker at the far end of the Broad and was able to lead after the first lap, with Dave Houghton and John Symmonds using theirs to great effect too, recovering from an early navigational error!

On the downwind leg Phil Highfield and Richard Brown escaped from the pursuing pack to join the front bunch. The spinnaker flyers could not gain enough on the Solos who took the first two places on handicap.

In the middle of the fleet a large pack arrived at the last mark on a puff descending on an unfortunate Steve Leigh and Stuart Highfield who had led them into the wind hole at the mark. Eight boats crossed the line in a 5 second period! With Ellie Edwards gaining most having raced well with the faster craft and enabling her to take third on handicap.

Race two saw a slightly increased breeze in a more steady direction, indeed it rose on lap two enough to provide a couple of capsizes. Daniel Bull took advantage of his boatspeed to lead for much of the race, but had to settle for second a mere couple of seconds behind Dave and John who were enjoying the spinnaker run.

There was a very close second bunch with Jack Ibbotson, Roger, Matt, Phil, Daniel Harvey, Pete & Rachel Smith and Steve Whitby all largely abreast at one point on the first run. Phil did escape from the rest on the second lap, but couldn’t quite clear Roger and they tied on handicap for third place.

A great turnout for our fist sail of the year with prizes distributed throughout the fleet.

Full results are on the website page.

Flickr Photos – Thanks to the Race Team.

Spring Regatta

You will be very pleased to know that the club Spring Regatta is still going ahead this coming Sunday as scheduled.2 races, both to count, as we haven’t sailed for a while there will be a briefing just before 10.30! The forecast is looking chilly but with a bit less wind than last Sunday!

Unfortunately the clubhouse (other than access to toilets) remains closed and there will be no catering. Please as far as possible maintain social distancing rules. 

General sailing on Rolesby Broad is now allowed (from April 1st) please be sensible and remember the water is still very cold. No access to Eels Foot at present and all scheduled Eels Foot races will be just a normal club race until further notice.
See you on the water.



Sailing Restart

According to Government / RYA guidelines sailing clubs can reopen from the 29th March. In practice that means we can sail any day of the week from 1st April and the first day racing will be 4th April. The risk assessment taking into account the latest guidelines has been updated by Ken Johnston and is attached to this email. In short; The Rule of 6 and 2m social distancing still apply. The Club house and changing rooms will be closed, toilets open.

Please read the RA here for full details before you arrive at the Club, thanks.


According to Government guidelines we will be able to serve food outside from the 12th April. Therefore the plan is to bring Angie back and her excellent food on the 18th April. There will be full details on how we plan to go about this, closer to the date.

Duty Rota

In order to run races we all need to take our turn doing a duty either in the race box or in the safety boat. So please get in touch with Clive Girling (dutylist@rbsc.org.uk), with a date.

To see what dates are available refer to the Duty Rota list on our web page: https://www.rbsc.org.uk/club-info/duty-rota/

Open meetings 2021 -Postponed

2021 Open meetings – Postponed

It probably won’t come as the greatest surprise but we have decided to postpone the Single Handed Open at Rollesby Broad scheduled for 18th April
and the Mutlisail Open on 9th May.

With some travel restrictions likely to still be in place, and definitely restrictions on clubhouse access / land side, the committee feel we would want a few weeks of club sailing in place before being ready to welcome visitors!

Look forward to seeing members back on the water in April.


Site Closed for Tree Works



The tree works that were carried out earlier this month were completed last week. No boats had to be moved during this operation and the site was inspected on Sunday so we can report that all looks good with our boats. Also, the site looks a lot more open. Hopefully, next time there is a serious gale we will have fewer issues with the trees.


Essex and Suffolk Water, our landlord has put in place a fairly comprehensive plan for carrying out tree works at our Club Site, involving the felling or removal of dead wood from approx 20 trees (see attached). Their contractor will commence the work this Tuesday  5th January. We met with the contractor just before Xmas. They are a professional outfit who have carried out tree works at our site before. They are will aware of the importance of looking after our boats, they will either move dinghies as need be (and return) and/or carefully lower any branch. They have request that we don’t come down to the Club whilst they are working for safety reasons (unlikely with Covid lockdown). I will let you all know when the works are completed.

The value for us in having this tree work done, is that when the next storm comes through, any damaged branches / fallen trees should be limited, so not distributing our sailing, as in the past. If you have any questions, do get in touch.

Wishing you all, the best for 2021,


See attached for details of tree work.

RBSC Lockdown 3 – Information

I am sure by now you all know that the Government has moved Norfolk into Tier 4 (Now National Lockdown).

As a result I am afraid we are going to have to discontinue sailing. The Government has given no indication as to how long, but let me assure you that as soon as we are given the go ahead to restart, we will get right back on the water.

If you want to check your boat or take it home, you may want to take the opportunity tomorrow (Xmas Eve). The Club site will continue to be open, but the Government guidelines say “you must not leave your home unless you have a reasonable excuse”.

Have a good Christmas and we hope see you all soon in the new year,


Xmas Racing

Sailing Programme For 27th December 2020

10.15 Course Set For Pursuit Race

10.20 Ten Minute Warning

10.30 Race Start For Base Boat -Mirror
Other Boats Follow Based On Py No
(Eg  Solo 10.43 – Wayfarer 10.45 )
Please Note – Any Oppies start at 10:17!!!!

Please see here for full list of Class start times.

11.42 Race Finish

11.45 Refreshments

Presentation Of “Bent Vase” To Pursuit Race Winner

12.10 Ten Minute Warning

12.20 Watson Cup Race

This Is For Double Handed Boats Sailed By The Helm Only

12.25 Allcomers Single Handed Race For Bottle Of Wine

13.15. Refreshments

13.30 Presentation Of Cup And Race Prizes

No Afternoon Races

New Years Day

Sadly, due to the current restrictions the club is operating under we have taken the decision that this year’sNew Year Open will not take place. We know there are a handful of regular visitors who look forward to this event, but are sure you understand the current situation and we look forward to welcoming you to Rollesby on January 1st 2022, or earlier if our other opens are able to proceed.

For club members there will be a one off regatta – 2 races, both to count – this year, weather permitting!

New Year’s Day Open (Closed!)

Sadly, due to the current restrictions the club is operating under we have taken the decision that this year’sNew Year Open will not take place. We know there are a handful of regular visitors who look forward to this event, but are sure you understand the current situation and we look forward to welcoming you to Rollesby on January 1st 2022, or earlier if our other opens are able to proceed.

For club members there will be a one off regatta – 2 races, both to count – this year, weather permitting!

There is also a pursuit race format on Sun 27th, pay attention to the briefing!

Have a safe and happy festive season.

Club Reopening – Sunday 6th December


The lock down has now ended and we are in Tier 2. According to government guidelines we can restart sailing, which is to happen this Sunday 6th December. It will be the same format as prior to shut down. This Sunday is the Winter Regatta, there will be two races, both to count.

Catering will also restart. In Tier 2 we can only have take away service. As you are all dressed for sailing this should not be an issue. If we move in to Tier 1, we will be looking at opening the clubhouse for eating.

I must emphasise the importance of SOCIAL DISTANCINGat all times and the RULE of 6 also the wearing of Face Coverings when entering the Clubhouse for food or the use of the toiletAn outbreak of Corona Virus linked to our Club would most likely shut us down for a couple weeks and none of us want that.


In October Killer Shrimp were discovered in our Broad. They have been found all around our jetties and quay headings along with other locations along the top half of the Broad. To prevent the spread sailing is restricted for the time being to the upper portion of the Broad.

This will be reviewed in January when another survey will be carried out.

The following is from Eilish Rothney, The Norfolk Wildlife Trust, Trinity Broads Warden:“Please do make sure that all the buoys and any other equipment is thoroughly dry before being put in the water and can you remind all attendees to be especially careful around the quay heading and jetties – not to allow ropes/sails etc to trail in the water. If any wading is done to launch boats please clean clothing/boots in very hot water (preferably boiling) and dry thoroughly. We need to be aware of the importance of not spreading the shrimp to any other water-bodies.”

I would like to add to the above, that if anyone takes a boat away from Rollesby, that it is thoroughly cleaned before it is used in any other body of water. By Spring, we hope to have a cleaning station set up.

I would like to add, that despite Covid, Killer Shrimp and blown down trees the Committee is doing all it can to keep sailing going, maybe not as we are used to, but as near as possible.

It has often been said to me that bad things come in three’s, if true it should all be good from here on out…

All the best,



Catering will start on Sunday at the club and the committee request that members observe the restrictions put in place and follow the one way system through the club. The number of chairs have been reduced to allow distancing and you may eat in the clubhouse but it is preferred that you do not stay inside but move outside whenever possible. No standing to eat drink or chat will be allowed in the clubhouse. 

Also please observe the following Enter the clubhouse from the front door exit through the back door and out towards the boatshed, access to the toilets is via the righthand back door. Hands must be sanitised before entering the clubhouse
Masks must be worn in the clubhouse until you are seated to eat or drink. They must be put on when you stand to leave, Sanitiser spray will be available on the tables and each member must sanitise his/her area of table and sanitise the chair used before leaving..
Please move around the clubroom in the direction of the arrows. Place used cups etc on the table provided. If eating outside return your cups  etc to the table placed outside the clubhouse.
Try to bring some change to the club so that you can tender the correct amount for your purchases.

Do not form groups of more than 6.Observe social distancing;-  2m normally or if wearing a mask 1m

When you come to the club you must have your attendance recorded if you are racing the race entry sheet will suffice but if not you must either use the QR codes with the NHS Covid app on your phone or sign in with your contact details in the visitors book.

On jetties if you have to pass do it quickly and back to back. If helping to recover a boat on the slipway remember to social distance. We are afraid that the changing rooms and showers remain close The changing situation will be monitored and changes will be made if government restrictions are increased or reduced.

We hope thing run smoothly however if it is evident that members are not obeying the rules it may be necessary to close the clubhouse again. 

Thanks Stuart