Report – 1st Annual Summer Weekend Regatta

Report – 1st Annual Summer Weekend Regatta – Saturday, 24th July 2021

It was a good start for an event which was delayed by Covid for a year plus. It finally happened, a chance to enjoy some socialising as a Club over a BBQ and some drinks.

The day started with a well contested pursuit race made up of 11 boats. The finish was quite exciting with Daniel Bull over taking Mike Horwitz in the last 30 seconds to take 3rd. And with seconds to go Roger Wilson’s bow crept ahead of Ellie Edwards to take 1st place.

The social began with prize giving: Roger 1st, Ellie 2nd, Daniel 3rd. The BBQ was then lit and the drinks came out. The evening ended with the three campers enjoying some whisky and putting the world to rights.

For those of you that missed it, no worries our plans are to do it again next year, but this time with Covid hopefully out of the way, we will be able to publicize and set a date earlier. And who knows maybe we will even expand it a bit and encourage more of you to join us.


Wed 18th June – Eve Report

Halfway through the series, the evening handicap pursuit racing is proving popular with members.
In spite of our annual weed event the broad remains “sailable.”
Sixteen boats turned out on a “tropical” night. Shorts and tea shirts were the order of dress in the evening sunshine.

Daniel Bull recently joining the Wednesday sailors had an easy win but is now adding minutes to his start time to build up to a proper handicap. Richard Bailey in the Wayfarer in second place is also building minutes to his start. Mike Horwitz and Kevin Edwards had a competitive race with Mike edging in front for a third place.
At the other end of the fleet some of our members are on minus handicaps and enjoy leading round the first laps.

So far 28 boats have taken part in the series this year.

Results upto the 9th June here….

Solo Open – 26th June – Cancelled

Unfortunately due to the weed growth in the Broad, which seems to be
worse than for the last 4 or 5 summers
We have decided to cancel the event rather than run a sub-standard one.

Club sailing will continue as normal and we will be back (hopefully)
on our normal April date next year!

Thank you to all who offered to help – it’s this type of volunteering
which keeps our club ahead of the rest!

Solo Open – 26th June

We are pleased to announce a new Date for the Solo Open that was postponed in April,

The New date will be Saturday 26th June

First race 10.45 approx;

4 races
2 back to back am
2 back to back pm

More info nearer the time.

Race report – Wed 12th May

The third race of our summer pursuit season started under auspicious circumstances; it was not too cold and the wind was moderate!

It was good to see a couple of people who had not sailed before in a Rollesby race amongst the turn-out of 13 boats. We hope to see you back next week!

There was one Wayfarer, flying the flag for the double-handers! The wind behaved (as well as Rollesby wind ever does) and the sun sank slowly as the race progressed.

The Officer of the Day team was kept busy tracking movements up and down the fleet, so they never did manage that second cup of tea.

The result:

  • R Bailey (Wayfarer)
  • K Edwards (Solo)
  • C Foster (Laser)

Perhaps all of us who, after the race, heard the bittern booming over the Broad were winners.


Wed Report 5th May

There was a lack of wind at 6 pm and some members decided to give the race a miss. By the time the race got going though the sailors who stayed had the benefit of a gentle South West breeze. The breeze  gradually increased giving a lovely evening sail.

Jack Ibbotson joined the evening sailors this week and started in his Finn on a “scratch handicap.” Jack soon got to the front and stayed ahead to win the race. Next time he starts a minute latter and will soon establish his personal handicap.

Report Wednesday Sailing 28-04-2021

The forecast for strong winds kept many regular participants at home. Six keen members went out however, to enjoy the pursuit race, with the north wind blowing down the broad.

With fast lap times Ellie Edwards in her Splash completed the first lap as the four Lasers were just starting.

The laser sailors had many capsizes and Ellie kept pace with them to keep the lap ahead and win. Clive Girling eventually pull clear other the other lasers for a second place.

Special mention of our new member David Taylor. With limited experience Dave set of sailing his GP 14 single handed and managed several laps of the course to finish the race still dry,