Summer Series Report

Summer Series concludes with convincing win for Howard Astley-Jones

Sunday’s sailing marked the end of a competitively fought summer series. The winner was never in doubt with Howard Astley-Jones enjoying a stella series and sealing an impressive 10-point margin victory, securing a 2nd  and 1st place in the final two races of the series.  2nd place was all to play for with Daniel Bull just pipping Tony Fullford into 2nd place on countback, having secured a 2nd place in the final race of the series. 3rd was then Tony, with Richard Bailey and Ian Curtis in their Wayfarer close behind in  4th .  There were 38 entries  and 14 races in total with 15 competitors completing the qualifying number of races. Members completing in their first series at Rollesby included Mike and Jenny Harris in their RS Vision who finished a respectable 16th and Keith and Jane Minster who finished 13th in their Albacore. It was also nice to see Merlin Rocket “Warpath” crewed by various willing volunteers (for some their first taste of racing!) successfully qualifying in 10th place after a 40 year absence from Rollesby.  The afternoon series was also won  by Howard, with Tony 2nd and Bob Sparrow in his Wayfarer 3rd. The full set of results are on the website. Trophies for all the summer series will be presented at the AGM on the 16th Oct.

As we reflect on a glorious Summer Series and the temperature begins to drop it’s time now to don our wetsuits and drysuits and get ready for the Autumn Series which kicks-off this weekend with a one-day Autumn Regatta which is open to both club members and visitors. 3 races, split into two fleets, with best two results to count. We also look forward to welcoming back our winter members in the weeks to come as they start to return from their summer adventures. 

Wed Eve- Series Report


The evening races again proved to be a popular event this year with 36 different helms taking part. The entrants spanned the generations from young Henrietta Highfield in her mirror to the “long time members” in their favourite boats. One evening saw a record 17 boats joining the pursuit race and several others out practicing sailing.

The lovely warm evenings made this year series particularly enjoyable and it was nice to see new members from the training courses coming along. The event also attracted non sailing spectators out for an evening by the water.

The early series leader was Ian Curtis sailing his Wayfarer crewed by Richard Bailey with a number of first places. Later months though, saw Ian unable to attend enough evenings leaving the way open for David Taylor to take the trophy sailing his Enterprise single handed. Great to see David winning the series as a relative new comer to sailing and racing. With a changing personal handicap he will have to work hard next year!

Full results can be seen on the race results section of the web site

50th Photographs

After a spendid day celebrating 50 years of sailing we have 2 great sets of memories to share.

With a huge thanks you to Toni for some great memmory of the days celebrations.

RBSC Cake 2

Or see them directly on FLICKR

For those how didn’t get to see the splendid video of the Club back in 1972 – 74. Here is another opportunity it include the opening of the clubhouse and building of the jetties. You may even spot some familiar faces.

Fifty years on the Water

2022 marked the 50th anniversary of RBSC

It was great to see so many members, new and old, turn out to help the club celebrate our 50th anniversary last weekend.  It was a real collective effort by lots of members to stage the event.  The car park was extended, gazebos erected, bunting put up, food prepared, and club boats rigged.  We were blessed with fine weather and the celebration was attended by over 100 members and guests, some who joined when it first started in 1972. It was especially pleasing to see so many of our younger members sailing the club Oppies and Toppers.  The day was marked by a barbeque and a huge cake cooked and magnificently decorated by Angie, along with a pursuit race, a junior race and social sailing.  Some members even camped under the stars overnight.

The Pursuit race attracted 21 boats to race in a warm southerly moderate breeze.
Early starters were David Taylor in the rarely seen 11plus dinghy and Suzanne Thompson in her Topper.
Long standing Club member Heather Vaughan set out in a Pico next.
Over five laps places rapidly changed, with the faster boats chasing . At one stage the Edwards family held the first three places with Ellie and Jo each sailing a splash followed by Kevin in his Solo.
As the race progressed Ellie built up a commanding lead and stayed ahead for the win. Daniel Bull in his Laser was catching up fast at the end but had to settle for second place. Tamsin Highfield in her Streaker enjoyed a good race and was not far behind in in third position. Daniel Harvey who we have not seen on
the water for while was next in his Laser. Tom Quale with his D Zero handicap was the last to start with a 19 minute delay but pulled through to a mid fleet 11th place.

1 Splash Ellie Edwards
2 Laser Daniel Bull
3 Streaker Tamsin Highfield
4 Laser Daniel Harvey
5 Comet Trio Tony Fulford
6 Leader Ian & Sharon Ayres
7 Solo Kevin Edwards
8 Splash Jo Edwards
9 Ent David & Diane Goodwin
10 Wayfarer Pete & Rachael Smith
11 D Zero Tom Quale
12 Laser Clive Girling
13 Wayfarer Steve Vaughan & Jim Anderson
14 Stratos Chris Toothill & Libby
15 Wayfarer Phil Harlow & Lorna
16 Wayfarer Auriel Gibsin & Lindsey
17 Splash Elenor Holmes
18 Topper Suzanne Thompson
19 Spash R Alger
20 Pico Heather Vaughan
21 11Plus David Taylor

The Pursuit race was followed by a cake cutting ceremony. We were very pleased and grateful to Bob Haines and  Margaret Shearing, two of original members of the club, for their help in cutting the cake and to John Sallis for his recollections on sailing at RBSC as a junior in the mid 70’s.  After consuming more cake than many of us should have, the club Oppies and Toppers were rigged and took to the water with their young helms . The race was one by Henrietta highfield closely followed by Evie brown.

Many members took the opportunity to take to the water. Amongst the flotilla of craft was “Warpath”, one of the original fleet of Merlin Rockets that sailed at Rollesby, still proudly owned and sailed by Roger Wilson who learnt to sail in her back in the 70’s .

Barbeques were then lit and the delicious smell of sizzling burgers and sausages cooked over charcoal soon filled the air accompanied by a delicious spread salads and side dishes all prepared by Auriel. The celebrations continued well into evening. After securing a special concession from our landlord, some members chose to camp out overnight on part of the site specially prepared down by the water’s edge making for a truly memorable evening.

There are lots of people to thank for their help organizing the event, but special recognition must go to Auriel for the salad and side dishes, to Mike for his excellent Barbecue cooking skills, to Angie for the  most fantastic cake anyone will have ever seen, to John Saddington for doing the race management on the day, and the Tom Quale for all his hard work preparing the site.

It truly was a special celebration that will last long in the memory of many members.

Whit Series Report.

“So after Sunday’s sunny and blustery conditions that concludes the RBSC 2022 Whit Series. The windy conditions – and with some no doubt feeling they eat too much cake after the fantastic 50 years Celebrations the day before, the turnout was a little down on normal. Congratulations go to Daniel Bull for scoring two bullets in the morning races to consolidate his position overall morning series winner with 9 points. It was a close run thing, with a tie on points for 2nd and 3rd place, but Tony Fullford manged to pip Clive Girling on countback into 2nd place leaving Clive finishing 3rd and Richard  Bailey 4th.  The morning Whit Series was as competitive as ever with 14 competitors completing 7 races needed to qualify.

With strong wind conditions and tied bodies meaning there was no afternoon race this week the afternoon series was concluded last weekend. One again it was very tight for the podium positions with Tony Fullford just winning the series on countback from John Saddington in 2nd with Clive Girling in 3rd.

 The full Whit Series provisional results for AM and PM races can be found on the website.

Time now to look forward the 2022 Summer Series which kicks-off next weekend with our one-day Summer Series Club Regatta. With no weed to worry about, lots of new members taking to the water and the weather continuing to look set fair for some time to come it looks we could be set for another great series of races. If you haven’t qualified for a race series before or maybe want to try racing for the first time, then the summer series provides a great and relaxed opportunity to join in.  There are lots of very experienced sailors within the club willing the share their knowledge and help those looking to improve their sailing skills.”


50th Anniversary Celebrations

2022 is the 50th anniversary of our sailing club.

50 Years

The date to save is 23rd July kicking off at 12:00. 

Not long now until the 50th Anniversary Celebrations and Summer Regatta/BBQ (Saturday 23rd July)!

The program roughly is as follows:
12.00 – Site open for picnics. Casual sailing. Junior sailing, fun and games
14.00 – 15.12  Pursuit Race (Adults and juniors) for Pike Goblet and prizes.  
15.45 – Cake cutting ceremony
16.15 – Casual sailing and Eels Foot Cruise
18.00 –  Light BBQ.

A few reminders:

– For the BBQ, the club is supplying the food, you need to bring your own drinks.
– You may like to bring along folding chairs.
– We are expecting around 100 people, so when you park your car please use the space available in the most efficient manner.

Help required:
– Friday morning we will be setting up BBQ, gazebos, parking and camping areas, cleaning some windows and any remaining strimming. If any of you can join us, please let me know.

– On the day we will obviously all have to chip in, in setting out the food and cleaning up afterwards. But specifically for BBQing there is Ian Ayers and myself, we could use a few more to light fires and flipping burgers, so please get in touch if you are able to help. 

– Last of all if any of you are musicians and would like to supply some music in the evening, that would be great (not to loud, we don’t want to scare away the wildlife).

If you have any questions, please get in touch.
Looking forward to seeing you all Saturday,

It would also be nice to have any past, particularly founding members to attend. So if you know any please pass on the word and ask them to get in touch with me. We are also looking for old photographs, which you can bring along or scan and email in advance to

Read about how it all started here………..(All 8 pages!).

Best Regards,


Race Report – Wed 27th April

Personal Handicap Pursuit Race.

Wednesday sailors arrived at Rollesby on a dull chilly evening for the first of this years pursuit race. The ten crews that set out though were treated to a good moderate wind blowing straight down the Broad.

The “calm” between 5 and 6

The conditions suited the two Wayfarers who started out in mid fleet but by the end of lap three had worked their way up to the front. Ian Curtis and Allen stayed ahead for the win. Jason Elmer sailing with Bob Sparrow as crew was second. With ten boats out they will both have to start a minute latter next week!

Keith Sykes “survived” the breeze in his RS300 for a third place.

Starting at the back Chris Foster caught up with Clive Girling and the two lasers had a close race ending with Chris in front at 6th place.

Full results on here………

RBSC – Solo Open Report

Last Sunday Rollesby Broad Sailing Club hosted a Solo Open Meeting, which was part of a two-day Norfolk weekend qualifier for the Solo Class Association Easter Area Championship. The forecast was for 20+ mph north easterly wind all weekend which may have deterred some, but the event still attracted 9 visitors together with 6 club members making a fleet of 15 Solos for a very lively and competitive day’s racing.

Kevin Edwards was the Race Officer for the day ably assisted in the race box by Jo and Clive and Chris Foster on safety boat who were kept very busy  with plenty of capsizes and incidents to attend to. Thankfully whilst still very strong, the wind settled nearer to the north than the east which enabled Kevin to set a course which included some nice long beats and white-knuckle surfing downwind legs up and down the broad. 4 races were scheduled, and all were completed with 2 held back-to-back before lunch and 2 further, slightly shorter, races held back-to-back in the afternoon.

Steve Ede – Gets a great start.

In race 1 Steve Ede from Ardleigh Sailing Club hit the front up the first beat and was the leading boat at the windward mark, a position which he maintained  throughout race 1 and repeated in race 2, 3 and 4 to score 4 straight 1st places, leaving the overall result in no doubt. Mark Maskell from Brightlingsea was 2nd  in Race 1 with Howard Ashley-Jones, who had traded in his Vereo to take up Ian Ayres kind offer to borrow his boat for the day, right up there in the mix battling it out with the other visitors in 3rd place. 

A breezey reach to Mark 4

Back down the fleet race positions were changing rapidly throughout the day as capsizes, breakages and fatigue all took their toll on the competitors. Jack Ibbotson deserves special mention for taking out the clubs old wooden Solo which Brian donated to the club and showing us all that you don’t need a nice new shiny epoxy Solo to be competitive. Jack, forsaking his Finn and jumping in a Solo for the  first time,  put together a spectacular set of results which would have been all the better had he not capsized on the start line with 10 seconds to go before the start of race 2.

2nd Place Roger Wilson

With 3 races to qualify some boats decided enough was enough after race 3. This included Mark Maskell, who was still throwing off the effects of a recent covid infection and his heroic efforts of securing 1st place in arguably even windier condition at Hickling the day before decided to gamble that he had done enough to secure 2nd overall.   The result was already in the bag for Steve Ede but that didn’t stop him joining Roger Wilson, Godfrey Clark (from Fishers Green Sailing Club) and Jack Ibbotson in Race 4 who still had scores to settle. Mark Maskell’s gamble didn’t pay as Roger was able to snatch a 2nd place from Godfrey on the last beat leaving Roger to snatch  2nd place overall on countback with Mark in 3rd place. 

The Fleet recovering from the 1st 2 races and enjoying Angie’s Curry

At the prize giving Steve Eve, on behalf of all the visitors, thanked the club for putting on a fantastic day’s sailing, praised the excellent race organisation and Angie for the homemade cakes.  Steve, was very conscious that the club had forgone their normal regular Sunday sailing in order to host the event passed on his thanks on behalf of the Solo Class Association.

Full set of results can be found on the website here :-    
 Sailwave results for RBSC Eastern Arear Solo Open Meeting at RBSC 2022

Wed Eve Pursuit – Starts.

The popular Wednesday Evening Series starts on 27th April.

The pursuit race starts at 18.30 for a mirror dinghy on standard handicap. Start times for all dinghies will be based on the boat handicap adjusted with a personal handicap which can be changed over the series, depending on results. Everyone has a chance to win a race.

The series is an ideal opportunity for inexperienced sailors to try racing and sail a course. Slower sailors find their handicap adjusts so that they start early and can try to stay ahead of the fleet. For the more experienced racers it is good fun to start later and see if any boats can be passed. The race ends at 19.42 when positions are recorded and we often pack up the boats enjoying the sunset over the Broad.

More information can be found here…….

Solo Open – Sunday April 24th

Rollesby Broad Sailing Club (RBSC) is hosting a Eastern Area Solo Open Meeting on Sunday 24th this conveniently follows a similar event @ Hickling Sailing Club on the Saturday..

Racing Schedule.

There will be a race briefing in front of the club house at 10.30 am.

The first start with be scheduled to start no sooner than 10.45.

It’s planned to schedule 4 races . 2 races in the morning a 2 races after lunch.


Competitors may enter on the day by completing the entry form.

Entry Fee will be £5. We can accept cash payment only.

Lunch and Snacks will be available.

Notice Of Race

Sailing Instructions

Solo Open Results

All enquires can be made to or contact Roger Wilson on 01493 750434