Report 19th Jan

A bright sunny morning with a rising wind greeted 28 boats at Rollesby Broad on Sunday 19th January.

Nine multisailed craft took to the water, though a couple were at least a little late for their start! Roger Wilson & Dennis Manning had the best start in their Wayfarer, though it took very little time for Mike McNamara & Any Smith to take the lead in their Albacore. McNamara could not get far enough ahead and with two doewnwind legs suitable for spinnakers Wilson took the win with Richard Foster & Tony Ingram sailing an excellent race to finish third in there Xenon. McNamara made no mistakes in race 2, but was very closely challenged by Howard Astley-Jones who missed victory by just four seconds in his Vareo.

With nineteen starters (including 8 Lasers and 8 Solos) the single-handers were a little more crowded at their start. A short first beat meant some very wide routes and large gains and losses at the first two gybe marks as the fleet rounded both several deep. A rare appearance of Darren Pikes Phantom saw him establish a good lead, but once the pack has settled down it was Kevin Postlethwaite in his Solo and Andy Bassetts Laser who appeared to have cleared trouble most profitably. Postlethwaite held close enough order to the encroaching Laser pack to win, whilst Terry Palmer led Matt Boreham home to complete a Solo podium.

Race 2 Starts – Thanks Daniel

In race two Pike couldn’t quite escape; Chris Foster (Laser), Ian Ayres (Solo) and Phil Highfield (Streaker) all in line with Phantom on the first run. However the leaders met a lull as they reached the gybe mark and the pack arrived on mass on a gust turning the fleet almost inside out. On the longer leg down the broad Pike just got in front, but never by far. Highfield and Foster were able to stay near the front whilst Ayres got swamped and dropped to 18th! Highfield hit his stride up wind to gain sufficiently for the win with a charging Bob Hawkins enjoying the rising breeze to bring his Solo home second with Foster third.


Race 1 (9 entries)
1. Roger Wilson & Dennis Manning (Wayfarer)
2. Mike McNamara & Andy Smith (Albacore)
3. Richard Foster & Tony Ingram (Xenon)

Race 2 (9)
1. Mike McNamara & Andy Smith (Albacore)
2. Howard Astley-Jones (Vareo)
3. Dave Houghton & John Symonds (Wayfarer)


Race 1 (19 entries)
1. Kevin Postlethwaite (Solo)
2. Terry Palmer (Solo)
3. Matt Boreham (Solo)
4. Andy Bassett (Laser)

Race 2 (18)
1. Phil Highfield (Streaker)
2. Bob Hawkins (Solo)
3. Chris Foster (Laser)
4. Terry Palmer (Solo)

Report – Winter Series – 5 of 7

The forecast was for very strong winds for the fifth episode of the winter series, however, most of the time conditions were manageable although there were some big gusts and equally big shifts which tested the eighteen boats which entered. 

The race team used most of the broad when setting the course which comprised of two beats, two reaches and a run. In the multi-sail fleet Mike McNamara and Andy Smith , sailing their Albacore, led off the line, closely followed by Howard Astley-Jones in a Vareo and Dave Houghton and John Symonds in a Wayfarer.  The Albacore slowly pulled away, crossing the line a minute and a half ahead of the Vareo, to win by one second on corrected time.  Houghton and Symonds were just behind the Vareo but capsized when tacking just metres from the line.

In the single-hander race Chris Foster, sailing a Laser, led the fleet for the first two laps only to be caught by the Solos of Ian Ayres and a charging Terry Palmer who picked up several places on the last lap to finish just five seconds behind Ayres.  Tamsin Highfield, in a Streaker, maintained her position throughout the race to claim third place on corrected time. 

At the start of Race Two the multi-sail fleet were hit by a big header which resulted in Astley-Jones capsizing to windward on the line.  McNamara and Smith led the fleet once again and opened up a good lead after the first lap.  However, on lap two Houghton and Symonds enjoyed a good downwind leg, using their spinnaker, closing the gap which helped earn them a win on corrected time. Astley-Jones recovered well from his slow start to claim third.

In the single-hander fleet Solos took the top two positions after the first lap.  Daniel Bull, in his Laser, proved to be fastest on the water, took the lead a couple of times and finished thirty seconds ahead of the next boat but a few capsizes probably cost him the race.  Next across the line was Phil Highfield in the family Streaker who took third place on corrected time but just behind him was Ayres in his Solo and Steve Whitby in a Europe who claimed the top two places, respectively.

Race 1 Multisail (6) :
1 Albacore 8225 (M McNamara & A Smith),
2 Vareo 516 (H Astley-Jones),
3 Wayfarer 10000 (D Houghton & J Symonds),
4 Wayfarer 10213 (R Sparrow & A Gibbs)

Race 1 Single handers (12) :
1 Solo 5232 (I Ayres),
2 Solo 5724 (T Palmer),
3 Streaker 1493 (T Highfield),
4 Laser 207011 (D Bull),
5 Europe 12 (S Whitby).
6 Laser 169158 (S Highfield)

Race 2 Multisail (5) : 
1 Wayfarer 10000,
2 Albacore 8225,
3 Vareo 516,
4 Wayfarer 1809 (D Harvey & G Jewell)

Race 2 Single handers (11) : 
1 Solo 5232 ,
2 Europe 12 (S Whitby)),
3 Streaker 1493 (P Highfield),
4 Laser 207011 (D Bull),
5 Solo 5724,  
6 Laser 171864 (C Foster)

HORNING SAILING CLUB Winter Workshops 2020

We have kindly been invited to attend a series of workshops hosted by Horning Sailing Club. If you haven’t attend Mikes Rig Tuning it’s one not to miss.

Come and learn new skills at a series of Winter Workshops hosted by Horning Sailing Club. 

Thursday 20th Feb 7pm: Horning Sailing Club – Aerodynamics – Carl Brady

Thursday 26th March 7pm: Horning Village Hall – Rig Tuning – Mike McNamara                                

Thursday 9th April 7pm: Horning Sailing Club – Running the line and timekeeping – Toby Fields


For more information contact Holly Hancock on

New Years Day Open 2020

The slightly grey sky and lightish forecast brought only two visitors to Rollesby Broad’s annual free open meeting on New Year’s Day this year, however the fact that so many previous visitors have joined for our full winter series meant we saw 30 boats on a somewhat crowded first start line.

A good length beat saw Dave Houghton & John Symonds in their Wayfarer get to the first mark ahead of the Albacore of Mike McNamara & Daniel Harvey. Hoisting their spinnaker took Houghton & Symonds clear for a good win; it looked like the Solos would clean up the minor places but some last lap navigational errors saw Roger Wilson & Dennis Manning (Wayfarer) recover from a poor start to take third with Ian Ayres fourth in his Mirror despite being last (30th) on the water.

New Years Day Regatta

Race 2 saw an increased start line length, with the fleet was just about evenly split over its full length. McNamara and Richard Fryer (RS300) got the best starts and McNamara seemed to have entirely his own air as he did a horizon job on the fleet. Houghton held on to second on handicap after Phil & Tamsin Highfield in a borrowed Albacore had wriggled through the fleet on the water. John Saddington led home the Solos and Lasers who finished very closely bunched together after rounding almost every mark several ranks deep.

The afternoon race began with a little more breeze and Houghton took full advantage of a rare McNamara penalty to lead at the first mark. Several mid fleet sailors were surprised to be accompanied by the Mirror at the first mark! However as the wind fell away the faster craft re-established their positions, McNamara won to take the meeting but Saddington had stayed with the pack for long enough to take a well earned second from the Highfields.

McNamara & Harvey took the binnacle home on a good day for the multisails, with Houghton & Symonds second and the Highfields third. Saddington was the first singlehander on a tie break from Wilson & Manning……

Overall Results:

  1. Mike McNamara & Dan Harvey (Albacore) – 2 pts
  2. Dave Hougton & John Symonds (Wayfarer) – 3
  3. Phil & Tamsin Highfield (Albacore) – 6
  4. John Saddington (Solo) – 7
  5. Roger Wilson & Dennis Manning (Wayfarer) – 7
  6. Matt Boreham (Solo) – 12
  7. Ian Ayres (Mirror) – 13
  8. Simon Strode (Solo) – 14
  9. Terry Palmer (Solo) – 15
  10. Nick Crickmore (Vareo) – 17
  11. Mike Horwitz (Solo) – 25
  12. Bob Sparrow & Tony Gibbs (Wayfarer) – 26
  13. Clive Girling (Laser) – 26
  14. Ellie Edwards (Splash) – 27
  15. Richard Fryer (RS300) – 27
  16. Steve Whitby (MiniSail) – 28
  17. Val & Chris Hanson (Wayfarer) -30
  18. Paul Warnes (Solo) – 31
  19. Steve Leigh (Solo) – 31
  20. Chris Codling (Laser) – 32
  21. Phil Alison (Solo) – 36
  22. Daniel Bull (Laser) – 36
  23. Bob Hawkins (Solo) – 37
  24. Vince Steele (Solo) – 38
  25. Stuart Highfield (Laser) – 40
  26. Pippa Edwards (Splash) – 48
  27. Richard Foster (Laser) – 49
  28. Oscar Norris (Radial) – 53
  29. Phil & Lorna Harlow (Wayfarer) – 54
  30. Carl Buck (Laser) – 60

Xmas Sunday – Race Report

 The annual Christmas Pursuit Race at Rollesby attracted a mixed fleet of 28 boats ranging from a Splash to an RS700. With the breeze blowing down the Broad the course was set with a beat, run and two reaches. Ellie Edwards in  her splash was first away and held the lead for four laps. On the final part of the last lap Roger Wilson and Dennis Manning got passed in their Wayfarer. The next Wayfarer of David Houghton and John Symonds also passed. Good spinnaker action at the gibe mark allowed Houghton to  get in front of Wilson to take the win and Bent Vase Trophy. 

With a building breeze a general all commers race was next using the full length of the Broad. Phil Highfield in his RS 700 soon established a commanding lead but with a PY number of 845 stood no chance of a win. The other asymmetric  boat the RS Vareo sailed by Howard Astley made good use of his down wind speed to take the win followed by Dan Bull, Laser and Roger Wilson now in his Solo.


Pursuit Race (28)
1. W10000 D.|Houghton & J. Symonds,
2. W11111 R. Wilson & D. Manning, 
3. Splash E. Edwards,
4 Laser A. Basset,
5 Solo R. Hawkins

All Comers (19) 
1. Vareo H. Astley,
2. Laser Dan Bull, 
3. Solo R.Wilson
4. Splash E.Edwards.

Ready for All Comers Start at Rollesby
All comers start

15th Dec – Another Stiff Breeze!

Another breezy Sunday at Rollesby Broad on the 15th Dec, with a slightly more southerly direction than the previous week the gusts were just as strong but perhaps a bit less sharp and therefore more manageable.

Clearly retirement from work is suiting Commodore Stuart Highfield ( Laser) as he led both races in the single handed fleet at the first mark, we won’t over play his downwind performances! In race 1 Ian Ayres led the Solo charge early on with Bob Hawkins in close pursuit and Matt Boreham & Kevin Postlethwaite not too far behind. Ayres and Hawkins showed their experience, dodging a couple of dicey gybes in the strongest gusts and Hawkins got the best of the third lap beat, eventually winning by just 2 seconds. Boreham took third with Ellie Edwards beating the Lasers on handicap for fourth place in her Splash.

Clearly the Solos were burnt out after race 1! Highfield had a narrow lead from fellow Laser sailor Chris Foster early on in race 2 but once in front Foster simply extended away from everyone for a good win. Andy Bassett (Radial) and Tamsin Highfield (Streaker) had a really tight battle for second on the water with Bassett just in front after a storming last run! Ellie was again holding her own in the bunch to tie for third with Tamsin watch out gents the ladies are up for the challenge!

Dave Houghton & John Symonds continued their dominance of a reduced double handed fleet; Daniel Harvey & Andy Smith challenged them up wind, but without a spinnaker were unable to keep up and had to settle for two second places. Phil Harlow & Richard Foster took third in race one, whist Steve Grey sailed his D-One to first on the water (third on handicap) in race 2.


Race 1 (4 entries)

1. Dave Houghton & John Symonds (Wayfarer)
2. Daniel Harvey & Andy Smith (Wayfarer)
3. Phil Harlow & Richard Foster (Wayfarer)

Race 2 (4)

1. Dave Houghton & John Symonds (Wayfarer)
2. Daniel Harvey & Andy Smith (Wayfarer)
3. Steve Grey (D-One)


Race 1 (15 entries)

1. Bob Hawkins (Solo)
2. Ian Ayres (Solo)
3. Matt Boreham (Solo)
4. Ellie Edwards (Splash)

Race 2 (15)

1. Chris Foster (Laser)
2. Andy Bassett (Radial)
3.= Tamsin Highfield (Streaker)
3.= Ellie Edwards (Splash)

Christmas and New Year Sailing

Christmas & New Year Sailing 2019/20

For a Change there is no interruption to our usual program over the festive season, so

NO Sailing on Boxing Day this year.

however there are plenty of opportunities to get out on the water (properly equipped of course!)

Sunday 22nd Normal Club Racing 

Sunday 29th Pursuit Race  (10:30 start for Mirrors) 

followed by the Watson Cup – double handed boats sailed single handed,

and a bottle race for normal single handed fleet if demand.

Wednesday 1st January – Our renowned – FREE – New Year’s Day Open Meeting, tell your friends! 

3 races, 2 to count.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Safety Bulletin

The Risk Assessment has been updated, the full version can be found on the web page:

The one change is to do with the Eels Foot Series and is as follows:

16) Eels Foot Series
Low – Medium Depending on weather.

1) In adverse weather conditions it is the OOD who will decide if the race will be run or not, with advice from the Committee members.
2) A second safety boat will be launched and ready to use if required. To be manned by OOD and assistant, or a suitable person(s) available onshore.
3) Radio and First Aid kit to be carried by safety boat in the Eels Foot broad.

Winter Regatta Report

It certainly felt seasonal as 25 boats were rigging for Rollesby Broad’s Winter regatta in a cold northerly breeze on Sunday 1st December. However the sun appeared from behind the cloud, the rain eased off and an excellent days racing ensued.

Heading out to the start

With a short first beat set into the more sheltered corner of the broad it was a question of who would gamble on a port or at least port end start and who would play the safer but less windy starboard end!

Despite launching their new boat the multisails were not in generous mood, cutting out Bob Sparrow & Steve Gibbons attempt at the port start. Dave Houghton & John Symonds starting near that end lead round the first mark. Roger Wilson & Dennis Manning recovered well from a mid fleet start to eventually take the win by one second, with Mike McNamara & Andy Smith third in their Albacore. 

In the single handers Ian Ayres (Solo) nailed the port start with Daniel Bull (Laser) in close attendance, these two rapidly cleared off into a huge lead as the rest of the fleet blanketed each other on the run down the broad. Chris Foster (Laser) and John Saddington (Solo) led the chasing pack with only Richard Brown in his Solution ever getting clear. The rising wind on the last lap favoured Bull who won by 10 seconds on handicap from Ayres with Brown third.

A slightly more even start in race two saw McNamara gain just enough ground on the Wayfarers to take the win from Wilson by 8 seconds with Houghton third. Bull was not messing around, leading the single-handers from start to finish with only Foster in close pursuit. Keith Sykes and Stuart Highfield made it a top four of Lasers on the water, though Ayres recovered from dead last at the second mark to take third on handicap.

Race office Chris Mann had kept the results hidden and with a good turnout decided to keep the fleets in split starts for the afternoon sail. McNamara showed how a port start should be done leading well round the first mark; the Wayfarers set their spinnakers for the run and were off in good pursuit. Wilson pipped Houghton on the line but was forced to retire following an earlier incident, leaving the first three boats all on three points! Houghton & Symonds took the event on countback.

The single handers were more spread out on the line; Ayres, Foster and Saddington were ahead in that order at the first mark. After a close three way battle, Foster had to retire with gear failure on lap two leaving the two Solos to swap places several times with Ayres getting well ahead on lap 3 and Keving Postlethwaite completing the class podium clean sweep.

Multisails (10 Entries)

  1. Dave Houghton & John Symonds (Wayfarer) – 3 pts
  2. Mike McNamara & Andy Smith (Albacore) – 3
  3. Roger Wilson & Dennis Manning (Wayfarer) – 3
  4. Bob Sparrow & Steve Gibbons (Wayfarer) – 7
  5. Jim Anderson & Steve Vaughan (Wayfarer) – 9
  6. Phil Highfield (RS700) – 16

Single Handers (15 Entries)

  1. Daniel Bull (Laser) – 2 pts
  2. Ian Ayres (Solo) – 3
  3. Chris Foster (Laser) – 6
  4. John Saddington (Solo) – 7
  5. Kevin Postlethwaite (Solo) – 8
  6. Daniel Harvey (Radial) – 10
  7. Richard Brown (Solution) – 11
  8. Keith Sykes (Laser) – 11
  9. Clive Girling (Laser) – 13
  10. Stuart Highfield (Laser) – 14
  11. Chris Codling (Laser) – 17
  12. Steve Leigh (Solo) – 20
  13. Phil Alison (Solo) – 21