Report 8th March.

It was another windy day at Rollesby for the fifth instalment of the Frostbite series. There were several white horses visible on the broad which may have deterred a few from venturing out.

Twelve boats took to the water with the Singlehander fleet once again the larger of the two fleets. The race team set a course using almost the full length of the broad with a course providing two beats, a reach and a run. There were several capsizes during the two races although only one retirement with Keith’s day brought to a wet and early conclusion when his toe strap failed in his Laser.

In race one of the Multisails the fleet were reasonably close going up the first beat. Once on the run Dave & John benefited by using their spinnaker, gradually opened up a gap on the others to take the win. Howard, sailing his Vareo kept far enough ahead of the two chasing Wayfarers to take second.  Bob & Chris and Dan & Andy enjoyed a close battle throughout the race with the latter just taking third position.

In the Singlehander fleet Daniel (Laser) took an early lead which he gradually extended throughout the race. Matt (Solo) managed to keep close for the first lap but was overtaken by Tamsin in the family Streaker on the second lap opening up a sufficient gap to claim second.

In race two both fleets started together.  Dave & John rounded the windward mark first closely followed by Daniel. These two gradually pulled ahead with a few place changes throughout the race with Daniel ahead at the finish.  Howard recovered well from a capsize to cross the line next with Tasmin not far behind.

Race 1 Multisail :
1 Wayfarer 10000 (D Houghton & J Symonds),
2 Vareo 516 (H Astley-Jones),
3 Wayfarer 1809 (D Harvey & A Smith). 

Race 1 Singlehanders :
1 Laser 207011 ( D Bull),
2 Streaker 1490 (T Highfield),
3 Solo 035 (M Boreham). 

Race 2 Multisail : 
1 Wayfarer 10000,
2 Vareo 516,
3 Wayfarer 10213 ( R Sparrow & C Gibbons)

Race 2 Singlehanders : 
1 Laser 207011,
2 Streaker 1490,
3 Solo 035

Dave Houghton

More Photos on Flickr

Sailing Sunday

Yes the club is open on Sunday, winds look a bit fresh but let’s get down to the club and hopefully onto the water. Even if you decide not to sail it will be worthwhile coming down to check your boats and have a tea, snack and a chat
See you on Sunday 

No Sailing Sunday 23/2

An inspection of the trees at the club was made by our landlords tree surgeon and he has identified a number of trees that are considered to be in their words  ‘a potential danger to life’ the area affected has marked with tape. Unfortunately the tree surgeon can only deal with the trees on Sunday and we have been requested to  stay away from site until the work has been completed therefore we have no option but to cancel sailing again this coming Sunday. (23rd  February).
Please keep away on Sunday but If anyone has to go to the club at any other time please ensure that you do not enter into the taped off area for any reason.
Just to keep your minds at rest the trees are mainly affecting the car park area and no dinghies appear to be threatened at present. Lets hope that the weather is good for the following Sunday and we can all get out on the water.


Stuart (commodore)

No Sailing Sunday 16/2

Hi All
Due to the high winds forecast for Sunday racing is cancelled and due to possible safety issues with trees it is recommended that you do not visit site on Saturday or Sunday .Let’s hope the the weather improves and we can have a good turnout on 23rd February 
Stuart (commodore)

Sailing Update 16/2

The weather forecast for this Sunday is for high winds and it may be necessary to cancel racing and  the site may be closed due to safety issues concerning the trees on site. A decision will be made on Friday evening so please check your emails before coming to the club on Sunday. As Angie prepares the food in advance to avoid wastage she will not be providing food this Sunday so if sailing goes ahead you will have to bring your own food. Stuart (Commodore)

New Weather Station.

New weather Station up and running @ Club and on Website frontpage and WX top menu..

Click on Image above for more detail.

Note – When page opens (First Time) Speed is displayed in M/S Click settings adjust to Mph / Knt etc. (Don’t forget to scroll down and hit Save!!)

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is wc-Settings.png
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is wc-Settings2-300x323.png
This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is RBSC_Weather_Sta1-267x400.jpg

Get more weather info from the links below.

Weather station on Met office

Weather station on weather cloud

Weather station on weather underground

Weather station on Windguru

Frostbite Regatta – 2 Feb 2020

Sunday Feb 2nd saw Rollesby’s Frostbite Regatta day, a somewhat grey early morning with light winds may have put off a few competitors, but a sensibly short course was set with legs in every direction, in the hope that the wind would settle!

In the multisail fleet Mike McNamara & Andy Smith led from start to finish in each race. In race one it looked as if they had a big enough lead but they got held up when catching the rear end of the singlehander fleet which cost them significant time against the Wayfarer of Dave Houghton & John Symmonds, with Howard Astley-Jones also enjoying clearer air to bring his Vareo home in second place. Though McNamara established a good lead in the next two races it was never quite enough to hold Houghton on handicap and with three wins the Wayfarer took the cup!

Race 2 Multi sail start – Ian C will be pleased with this!

In the single handers, Phil Highfield (Streaker) dutifully let his wife Tamsin (Laser) have inside room at the first mark, but they both misread the next leg which was actually a one sided beat rather than a fetch and let Ian Ayres (Solo) take the lead which he extended away downwind for a comfortable on the water win. Phil stayed in front of the pack with Terry Palmer (Solo) enjoying a great last lap to rise to third. In race two a significant mis-navigation by the front end of the fleet saw Daniel Bull in his Laser lead after a lap with Roger Wilson (Solo) and Ayres in close pursuit. Ayres took the lead with an early tack on the short beat and looked to have the race won until Wilson found a shift all of his own and sailed past Ayres and Bull at a completely different angle on the final leg! Wilson stayed for the afternoon and enjoyed the rising breeze to take victory overall.

Race 2 Single Hander Start

Multisails (5 Entries)

1. Dave Houghton & John Symonds (Wayfarer) – 2 pts
2. Mike McNamara & Andy Smith (Albacore) – 4
3. Howard Astley-Jones (Vareo) – 6

Full Results Here………

Single Handers (17 Entries)

1. Roger Wilson (Solo) – 2 pts
2. Ian Ayres (Solo) – 3
3. Phil Highfield (Streaker) – 4
4. Terry Palmer (Solo) – 6

Full Results Here………

Report -End of Winter Series – 26th Jan

Sunday 26th January saw the end of a very mild and variable wind strength winter series at Rollesby Broad and our very competitive fleets produced four different winners over the five series! Next week sees our one day Frostbite Regatta – followed by the series. Watch out for the forecast, you have been warned………

A good south westerly blowing almost straight up the broad saw youth triumph over experience on the day in the singlehander fleet as Daniel Bull found the turbo button on his Laser, narrowly out pacing the pack upwind, but really nailing the two main downwind legs, which were almost dead runs. Clearly the course suited the Lasers as Andy Bassett took second from Tamsin Highfield in her Streaker. Terry Palmer was the dominant Solo, leading home from Ian Ayres whose fifth was good enough to give him the series.

Pre Start – from webcam..

Bull was again on form in race two but this time challenged more closely by Phil Highfield who brought the Streaker home in second place to take this series with Steve Whitby’s Europe in third in the race and the series!

With Mike McNamara & Andy Smith having already secured the first race multisail series, and not on the water, the Wayfarers of Roger Wilson & Dennis Manning and Dave Houghton & John Symonds were able to play with their kites on the favourable downwind legs. However neither could stay close enough to Chris & Angie Sallis in race one, who won in their Tasar. Wilson won the Wayfarer battle but Houghton took second in the series with Howard Astley-Jones securing third overall with a fourth place in his Vareo.

Wilson and Manning had a faulty drop in race two to give the victory and the series to Houghton & Symonds from McNamara with Astley-Jones third in the race and overall again!

With a smaller turnout in the afternoons McNamara took the series without winning a race! Wilson & Manning took the final win very narrowly from Palmer with Whitby’s third close enough to give him second overall.

Full series results are on the club website.


Race 1 (7 entries)
1. Chris & Angie Sallis (Tasar)
2. Roger Wilson & Dennis Manning (Wayfarer)
3. Dave Houghton & John Symonds (Wayfarer)

Race 2 (6)
1. Dave Houghton & John Symonds (Wayfarer)
2. Roger Wilson & Dennis Manning (Wayfarer)
3. Howard Astley-Jones (Vareo)


Race 1 (14 entries)
1. Daniel Bull (Laser)
2. Andy Bassett (Laser)
3. Tamsin Highfield (Streaker)

Race 2 (13)
1. Daniel Bull (Laser)
2. Phil Highfiled (Streaker)
3. Steve Whitby (Europe)

Mixed PM Race 3 (7)
1. Roger Wilson & Dennis Manning (Wayfarer)
2. Terry Palmer (Solo)
3. Steve Whitby (Europe)

Autumn Series Results Overall


Race 1 (14 entries)
1. Mike McNamara & Andy Smith (Albacore) – 5pts
2. Dave Houghton & John Symonds (Wayfarer) – 7
3. Howard Astley- Jones (Vareo) – 12

Race 2 (13)
1. Dave Houghton & John Symonds (Wayfarer) – 4
2. Mike McNamara & Andy Smith (Albacore) – 7
3. Howard Astley- Jones (Vareo)- 11


Race 1 (30 entries)
1. Ian Ayres (Solo) – 5pts
2. Tamsin Highfield (Streaker) – 11
3. Bob Hawkins (Solo) – 13
4. Terry Palmer (Solo) – 13
5. Matt Boreham (Solo) -16

Race 2 (31)
1. Phil Highfield (Streaker) – 5
2. Ian Ayres (Solo) – 9
3. Steve Whitby (Europe) – 11
4. Chris Foster (Laser) – 16
5.Daniel Bull (Laser) – 16

Mixed PM Race 3 (23)
1. Mike McNamara & Andy Smith (Albacore) – 6pts
2. Steve Whitby (Europe) – 12
3. Chris Foster (Laser) – 13