2014 Annual Dinner & Summer Prizes

Members are invited to the 2014 Annual Dinner & Summer Prizes

This year it will be again  held at the Filby Bridge Restaurant on Saturday the 22rd November at 7:00pm for 7:30pm .Filby Bridge Restaurant

Directions can be found here.

RBSC Dinner Menu £20.95


Homemade Soup of the Day
Iced Melon & Raspberry Cocktail
Deep Fried Mushrooms & Garlic Dip
Prawn Cocktail
Fruit Juice

Main Course

Chicken Supreme Wrapped in Bacon with Homemade BBQ Sauce
Peppered 8oz Rib Eye Steak (Cooked Medium)
Grilled  Lemon Sole
Deep Fried Scampi
Rogan Josh Vegetarian Curry


Hot Sweet of the Day & Custard
Homemade Stem Ginger Cheesecake
Ice Cream
Homemde Cinnamon Doughnuts and Banana Fritter

Please sign up on the list in the Club house or send your Menu choices and cheque to

Tony Gibbs
7 Neves Close
NR13 4AW

Workday this Saturday Nov 1st………..

This is a reminder that this Saturday November the 1st is RBSC workday, there are lots of jobs BIG and small to be done so come along and meet other members – remember this help to keep our fees down.

Mainly need lost of gardening done around the clubhouse and boat park. Please bring gardening tools of any sort, a couple of spades would be useful too.


Tea & coffee  will be provided FOC.

Here is the regular list of jobs so you know what tools to bring if you have them

Workday Jobs List



RBSC – AGM 2014

Members and invited to attend the Annual General Meeting of RBSC, to be held on Sunday 19th October 2012 at 2pm in the clubhouse


Minutes of the last Annual General Meeting
Any Matters Arising
Commodore’s Report
Secretary’s Report
Treasurer’s Report and Acceptance of Accounts
Election of  Officers and Committee
Subscriptions for 2014/2015
Sailing Programme for 2014/2015
Any other business including the purchase of a new rescue boat

Clive Wells

Hon Secretary September 2014



 Kidz Day

Chris has organised a fun packed afternoon of water activities for everyone.

Members are welcome to bring friends.

Being the last one of the season let’s come out and have some fun.

This will run from 2.30pm till 5.00 pm.

Remember to bring a change of clothes.

If you require more information you can phone Chris Toothill on 01603 211606.




GYGSC – Training Day and Barts bash

Our Friends at Gt Yarmouth and Gorleston Sailing Club would like to invite the members of RBSC to a  couple numbers of events in September..

Event Details.


Training Day 13th September – Start time is 10:30 with your boat rigged

The last training day of the year is the 13th September.  Start time is 10:30 with your boat rigged.  An ideal chance to tune your sailing and racing skills.  All welcome, members and non members alike.   Visitors are also welcome to stay and sail on Sunday in the club racing.  All completely free of charge  


Barts Bash 21st September – Start time will be the usual 10:30am.

GYGSC will be joining in with probably the biggest sailing race ever!  In memory of Andrew ‘Bart’ Simpson.  .  Start time will be the usual 10:30am. More details about the event in general at  www.bartsbash.co.uk

We are hoping for a big turnout, so please remind anyone you see not to miss a great day and invite your friends from other clubs to come and join in the fun!   D

irections to GYGSC can be found here http://www.gygsc.co.uk/ (Club, Location)

GYGSC – Spring Regattas and Open Day.

Our Friends at Gt Yarmouth and Gorleston Sailing Club would like to invite the members of RBSC to a  numbers of events the week commencing  Monday26th May.

Event Details.


Monday 26th May – Bank holiday open Day. – Start time 10:30

Come with or without you boat, and experience the joys of clean wind and open spaces, GYGSC – members will be available to offer an introduction to the Sea sailing experience.

Sunday 15th June – Lowestoft passage Race. – Start time 10:30

The planned race is to Lowestoft and back depending on favourable conditions

Saturday 21st June Beach Regatta . – Start time 13:00 Briefing 12:00

Sunday 22nd June Beach Regatta  – Start Time 10:30

This is our main open event of the year with separate starts for the Phantom and allcomers fleets, there will be 3 back to back races each day.

Thursday 26th June – Thursday Evening Regatta – Start time 7pm

This is likely to be 2 races over a shorter inshore course than Sundays and with usually lighter evening winds a great opportunity to race on the sea. The evening sailing tends to attract more Single Handers especially Lasers than the larger weekend courses.


If guests would like to leave their boats on site for the Week this should not be a problem.

Directions to GYGSC can be found here http://www.gygsc.co.uk/ (Club, Location)

Please feel free to display this advert 2014 Regatta Poster