Learn to Sail with us.

Free lessons provided for new club members

Courses will run on Saturdays
April 22nd
April 29th
May 20th
May 27th
From 10:00 to 16:00
Training Leaflet Pic
Please pass on to any interested parties.
The course will be run by club members in both members’ boats and our own club boats.
The course will be open to both youngsters and adults.
Sailing is perceived as being an expensive sport. Nothing could be further from the truth. You don’t even need to own a boat since we have a fleet of club boats available.
For more information all Rachel or Pete on 01953 606334.

ICE WATCH @ RBSC 27th Jan (updated 28th)

I can confirm that as of this afternoon (saturday) there is comfortably enough clear water for sailing tomorrow, still some sheet ice at the far end of the broad where the wind hasn’t yet got to it, but not enough to prevent a decent course being laid – see you on the water tomorrow for the last races of the winter series – Frostbite Regatta next Sunday (5th Feb)
I Drove past Rollesby Broad this afternoon (Friday) it is still 70% Covered but larger areas of water near cafe on the far bank and between buoys 2 & 4. The rest of the broad is covered in a fairly good layer of ice but the edges were melting.. There is a breeze forecast for Saturday and temperatures generally higher around 7/8 degrees. Hopefully it well break up,  the forecast predicts a ;low  +3 degC for Saturday night,  so fingers crossed.
An optimistic

Ice Watch.

New Years Day Report

Rollesby Broad New Year Open 2017

The dubious weather forecast probably reduced the overall turnout as just two visiting RS300s joined the home turnout of 20 on New Year’s Day at Rollesby Broad. In the event those who stayed all day enjoyed a cracking sail with significantly different conditions between the morning and afternoons races.

Race officer Jon Sallis was keen to get racing started before the early morning south westerly wind disappeared and the forecast mist and drizzle took over. Visitor Richard Fryer quite rightly led the way round; he was closely followed, to the wrong first mark by David Frary in his Finn and these two merged with John Saddington & Dennis Manning in their Albacore and Ian Ayres in his Solo to create the top four both on the water and handicap as they pulled out a large lead on pack; many of whom were also suffering a navigation hangover! Ayres took the win by a considerable margin with Saddington second and Frary third, despite finishing behind these two on the water, with Fryer first visitor in fourth.

As the wind died and the mist rolled in the postponement flag was raised and the outstanding catering team went in to full action to provide lunch an hour earlier than initially expected. A good call by the race team as right on forecast the cold (and it certainly was) front arrived at 1 pm and after a brief heavy shower the wind settled in a northerly direction at a good force 3 with stronger gusts.

A somewhat biased first leg saw 5 of the probable front runners called over the line allowing Jamie Freeman (RS300) to narrowly lead Ayres and Matt Boreham (Laser) round the first mark. Freeman then disappeared into a large lead. The stronger conditions suited the Lasers as Stuart Highfield joined Ayres and Boreham in leading the pack. Despite some good recoveries none of the early starters could pull back sufficient time and after nearly ‘putting it in’ at the windward mark Ayres beat Boreham by just 12 seconds with Highfield third and Freeman in the first visitors spot of fourth.

A significantly reduced fleet started the last race as the wind stayed and the temperature dropped further! The two visiting RS300s were starting to enjoy themselves with Freeman eventually gaining enough of a lead to take fourth again; the other single-handers were working a very similar pattern to race 2 and this time Boreham got the upper hand by 9 seconds! So Ayres collected the penalty of the dreaded Binacle Trophy and will need to invest in extra brass polish for 2017…..

Results (21 entries)

  1. Ian Ayres – Solo – 2pts
  2. Matt Boreham – Laser – 3
  3. John Saddington – Albacore -5
  4. Stuart Highfield– Laser – 8
  5. Jamie Freeman – RS300 – 8
  6. Richard Fryer – RS300 – 10
  7. Ashley Warnes – Solo – 15
  8. Tamsin Highfield – Vareo – 15
  9. Gareth Thomas – Phantom – 17
  10. Bob Sparrow – Wayfarer – 20
  11. Steve Leigh – OK – 20
  12. David Frary – Finn – 24
  13. Paul Warnes – Solo – 25
  14. Val Hanson – Wayfarer – 26
  15. Phil Alison – Solo – 29
  16. Keith Sykes – RS300 – 32
  17. Richard Brown – Laser – 35
  18. Ian Curtis – Quest – 36
  19. Richard Foster – Laser – 38ny-race-2-start ny-race-1-mist-descends ny-race-1-start


Boxing Day Regatta 2016 – report

Boxing Day Regatta 2016

A hardy nine boats started the Boxing Day pursuit race at Rollesby; with the four Solos expecting an hour’s race and everyone else chasing on. There were a few early signs of the gusts which were later to prove more influential on the result. Roger Wilson led away followed by Mike Horwitz, the only competitor to stay upright throughout, whilst Ashley Warnes gave dad Paul a head-start by performing the first capsize of the day!

Matt Boreham and Stuart Highfield both in Lasers and Tamsin Highfield Vareo were never far behind even though Stuart capsized on the first leg and so more spectacularly did Tamsin whilst flying her kite on the long run back down the broad. Wilson should have had a big enough lead but decided to introduce an extra, totally unnecessary, gybe manoeuvre at the windiest spot on the course, result capsize!

The first four lined up nose to stern at the final leeward mark; Stuart was the first to tip over; Boreham looked on for the win but managed to capsize twice in the last 4 minutes of the race; Tamsin rounded the upwind mark with greatest momentum to pass Wilson with less than a minute to go and take the win by 3 lengths.

Let’s hope the racing is as close and competitive at our New Years Day Open this Sunday.

Result (9 Entries)

  1. Tamsin Highfield (Vareo)
  2. Roger Wilson (Solo)
  3. Matt Boreham (Laser)
  4. 4. Stuart Highfield (Laser)