Junior and Adult Novice Racing Regattas

Combined Report of Junior and Adult Novice Racing Regattas

Two sailing events were held on the 22nd of July and 23rd of September to promote racing to both juniors and adults in a beginner friendly way. Adults who considered themselves ‘novices’ at racing were encouraged to take part to enable them to build confidence and get some close races with others of similar abilities. Juniors competed to gain extra knowledge and have new experiences, with some starting their first ever proper race. There were three categories to enter based on age and experience criteria, Adults (self-explanatory!), Junior Gold (for sailors’ stage 2 and above) and Junior Silver (for ‘newer’ sailors aiming for stage 1).

Saturday 22nd of July 2023

The previous agreed date was postponed due to very high winds and a new date was set before the BBQ summer social which was planned later that afternoon. Due to this last minute cancellation and an unseasonably cold, wet and windy day, numbers were lower than expected. Despite this the sailors took on the tricky conditions, spurred on by the promise of prizes and of course the amazing BBQ after. Racing was extremely closely fought at the top end between both the junior and adult fleets, with lots of position swapping and nail biting finishes. It was two races to count from two so no slip-ups could be afforded if the competitors were aiming for a medal. The results are as follows below.


  1. Rhiannon (Splash) – 3 points
  2. Andy (Splash) – 4 points
  3. Gary (Laser) – 7 points
  4. Jane B and Jane M (Wanderer) – 8 points
  5. Chris and Angus (Heron) – 11 points

Junior Gold:

  1. Henrietta (Optimist) – 2 points
  2. Evie (Optimist) – 4 points
  3. Matthew (Topper) – 9 points
  4. Nicholas (Optimist) – 10 points
  5. Saturday 23rd September

Saturday 23rd of September 2023

With the end of the Friday evening junior celebrations the day before, spirits were high and the turnout was great with 19 boats taking to the water. The wind was a shifty and gusty westerly, with some sailors opting for reefs to manage these conditions and all dressing warmly for the cooler air. The day started off quite windy and cold, but by lunch time the sun made an appearance but took the wind away! Again there was very close racing to be had in all fleets but this time sailors were allowed to discard their worst result from the three races with countback being taken into consideration. The rescue boat crew worked hard, relaying information about shorten courses and giving the newest racers in the junior silver fleet some additional guidance and support to get around their course. Things went down to the wire in the final junior gold race, as first place could have gone to anyone and the positons at the top end were constantly changing. Everyone displayed great tactics and skill to navigate the headers, lifts and patchy wind often inadvertently ending up with two beats! Slower boats seemed to benefit as their ‘good’ handicaps worked out well in the hotly contested races where most boats finished close together. By the end of the last race the wind had dropped to almost nothing and some boats drifted round to the finish. The sailors had well-deserved prizes waiting for them and the results follow below with a more detailed breakdown available in the club house.


  1. John (Laser 13) – 2 points
  2. Suzanne (Topper) – 3 points
  3. Andy (Splash) – 5 points
  4. Ed (Laser) – 7 points
  5. Don (Solo) – 8 points
  6. Toni (Pico) – 10 points

Junior Gold:

  1. Henrietta (Optimist)  – 2 points
  2. Matthew (Topper) – 3 points
  3. Evie (Optimist) – 5 points
  4. Kerry (Topper) – 7 points
  5. James (Topper) – 11 points
  6. Adam (Pico) – 11 points
  7. Eleanor and Elsa (Wayfarer) – 12 points
  8. Nicholas (Optimist) – 14 points
  9. Una (Optimist) – 17 points

Junior Silver:

  1. Josef (Topper 4.2) – 2 points
  2. Bronwen (Optimist) – 4 points
  3. Jack (Topper 4.2) – 4 points
  4. Ketty (Optimist) – 7 points

A huge thank you is owed to our rescue boat crews, training team and the parents who all volunteered their time to help the event run smoothly. Another big thanks is given to all competitors who came out to support the club at these new events and showed such great determination and racing skills. A special mention also goes out to those juniors whose very first races were had as they all did amazing, taking to the race course in some challenging conditions and all completed at least once race. We look to run more events in the future so keep your eyes out! The team looks forward to seeing more of you out on the water racing on Sundays, doing the Wednesday Evenings Series next summer and the junior blocks in 2024, or just out for a casual sail next season when the weather returns. We hope you have enjoyed this season’s programme and will hopefully see you again sometime!

Club Junior and Novice Start Racing Regatta

🌟The planned date is Saturday 23rd September and hopefully the weather will be better this time around! The overall plan and pre-event information is basically the same as last time but notable changes are 3 planned races (rather than 2) and if anyone has already paid for club boats their fee will roll over.

💫A polite reminder for members to please read the full information before signing up. You can WhatsApp me if you have questions but I am at the club Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays as well.

✏️I have not deleted any sign ups so members can use the digital form in the document again to add/remove “comments” which I will then update as I get an email when ever someone suggests a change. If you are on mobile, you can click on the 3 dots and switch to ‘print layout’ to make it easier to read and ‘suggest changes’ but on a desktop mode I believe you just click and type in the box you want to make a comment on.

📝Paper copies and the cash tub will be in the club house from this Friday evening for people to sign up with and I will of course be checking those weekly on Sundays! Looking forward to having a great turn out again.

⛵There will hopefully be a mass email coming round soon so those who are not in the WhatsApp group can get the document as well, but please share this link with other members who may be interested. I will also produce a ‘report’ of the combined events (Saturday 22nd of July and this upcoming regatta) that could hopefully be posted on the website but that will all be in due course!

Here is the link for the updated document for our upcoming RBSC Junior and Novice Start Racing Regatta.


Wednesday Eve 2023 – Final Report

The Wednesday evening series has now finished for this year and was once again enjoyed by Club Members. Thirty-five different helms took part with about twelve boats out each week.  Two nights were lost because of thunder and lightning arriving at the wrong time, but racing took place over sixteen summer evenings.

Picture by Daniel Harvey

Although this series is known for a relaxing time the pursuit race is still keenly contested. The early leader was Phil Alison this year sailing his newly acquired “fast Harrier.”  Followed by Clive Girling and Henrietta Highfield the series looked close for some weeks. 

It was nice to see Roger Wilson out with his lovely Classic Merlin Rocket. We were all pleased to see new sailor Andy Adcock improving his position each week in the splash.  Daniel Harvey was regularly racing again and getting very good results in his laser, but with his personal handicap increasing to plus 6 minutes he was having to work hard at the end of the series. As usual with the pursuit races the boats closed  together towards the end of each race with competitors checking their watches to see who would end up in front of whom at the bell.

After discards kicked in and at the penultimate race, Phil Alison and Henrietta Highfield were level on points. The series winner would come down to the last night.  Henrietta crewed by Dad Phil in the Mirror started in front and held the lead until passed on the last lap by Bob Hawkins in a Wayfarer. With Phil Alison and Daniel Harvey close behind Henrietta manage to hold on to second place and so take the series trophy. Phil came second overall with Daniel third just leading Clive Girling by 2 points.

So well done to Henrietta whose personal handicap this year has increased from -4 to +3 minutes.

We are all looking forward to next years series with the current handicaps carried forward.

SO reserve your Wednesday evenings for Rollesby in 2024

Full Series Results can be found here…………

John Saddington

Solo Open – Sat 15th April

Eastern Area Solo Open Meeting

Saturday 15th April 2023

Organising Authority : Rollesby Broad Sailing Club (RBSC)

Event Location: Rollesby Broad Sailing Club, Burgh Wood Rd, Rollesby, Norfolk

Racing Schedule.

There will be a race briefing in front of the club house at 10.30 am. The first start with be scheduled to start no sooner than 10.45.

It’s planned to schedule 4 races . 2 races in the morning a 2 races after lunch.


Competitors may enter on the day by completing the entry form.  Entry Fee will be £5. We can accept cash payment only.

A maximum of 20 entries will be accepted.

Full Notice of Race Here…….

Solos racing during the 2010 Open regata
Solos racing during the 2010 Open regata

2023 – 2024 Season Membership


Season runs from 1st April 2023 – 31st March 2024

Half year Winter membership from October to March is available 

Joining Fee £30.00,
Family £100.00,
Couple £90.00,
Single £75.00,
Junior £35.00,
Berth £55.00,
Extra Berths £55.00,

Join Online Please click here

If you have further questions

Phone Pete or Rachel, our Membership Secretaries, on 01953 606334 




Come down to Rollesby and meet us on a Sunday morning.


Xmas and New Year Sailing

Christmas & New Year Sailing.

Monday 26th Boxing Day –
Pursuit, Watson Cup & Bottle Race
(See details below.)

Sunday 1st January
Our renowned – FREE – New Year’s Day Open Meeting, tell your friends! 

Please Note – Sunday 25th December – No Racing or Sailing




( Solo 10.43,Wayfarer 10.45 ) ( An oppi start is 10.17)

Click here for Full Start times list……







NB No catering this year so bring your own refreshments.
No afternoon races

50th Photographs

After a spendid day celebrating 50 years of sailing we have 2 great sets of memories to share.

With a huge thanks you to Toni for some great memmory of the days celebrations.

RBSC Cake 2

Or see them directly on FLICKR

For those how didn’t get to see the splendid video of the Club back in 1972 – 74. Here is another opportunity it include the opening of the clubhouse and building of the jetties. You may even spot some familiar faces.

Fifty years on the Water

2022 marked the 50th anniversary of RBSC

It was great to see so many members, new and old, turn out to help the club celebrate our 50th anniversary last weekend.  It was a real collective effort by lots of members to stage the event.  The car park was extended, gazebos erected, bunting put up, food prepared, and club boats rigged.  We were blessed with fine weather and the celebration was attended by over 100 members and guests, some who joined when it first started in 1972. It was especially pleasing to see so many of our younger members sailing the club Oppies and Toppers.  The day was marked by a barbeque and a huge cake cooked and magnificently decorated by Angie, along with a pursuit race, a junior race and social sailing.  Some members even camped under the stars overnight.

The Pursuit race attracted 21 boats to race in a warm southerly moderate breeze.
Early starters were David Taylor in the rarely seen 11plus dinghy and Suzanne Thompson in her Topper.
Long standing Club member Heather Vaughan set out in a Pico next.
Over five laps places rapidly changed, with the faster boats chasing . At one stage the Edwards family held the first three places with Ellie and Jo each sailing a splash followed by Kevin in his Solo.
As the race progressed Ellie built up a commanding lead and stayed ahead for the win. Daniel Bull in his Laser was catching up fast at the end but had to settle for second place. Tamsin Highfield in her Streaker enjoyed a good race and was not far behind in in third position. Daniel Harvey who we have not seen on
the water for while was next in his Laser. Tom Quale with his D Zero handicap was the last to start with a 19 minute delay but pulled through to a mid fleet 11th place.

1 Splash Ellie Edwards
2 Laser Daniel Bull
3 Streaker Tamsin Highfield
4 Laser Daniel Harvey
5 Comet Trio Tony Fulford
6 Leader Ian & Sharon Ayres
7 Solo Kevin Edwards
8 Splash Jo Edwards
9 Ent David & Diane Goodwin
10 Wayfarer Pete & Rachael Smith
11 D Zero Tom Quale
12 Laser Clive Girling
13 Wayfarer Steve Vaughan & Jim Anderson
14 Stratos Chris Toothill & Libby
15 Wayfarer Phil Harlow & Lorna
16 Wayfarer Auriel Gibsin & Lindsey
17 Splash Elenor Holmes
18 Topper Suzanne Thompson
19 Spash R Alger
20 Pico Heather Vaughan
21 11Plus David Taylor

The Pursuit race was followed by a cake cutting ceremony. We were very pleased and grateful to Bob Haines and  Margaret Shearing, two of original members of the club, for their help in cutting the cake and to John Sallis for his recollections on sailing at RBSC as a junior in the mid 70’s.  After consuming more cake than many of us should have, the club Oppies and Toppers were rigged and took to the water with their young helms . The race was one by Henrietta highfield closely followed by Evie brown.

Many members took the opportunity to take to the water. Amongst the flotilla of craft was “Warpath”, one of the original fleet of Merlin Rockets that sailed at Rollesby, still proudly owned and sailed by Roger Wilson who learnt to sail in her back in the 70’s .

Barbeques were then lit and the delicious smell of sizzling burgers and sausages cooked over charcoal soon filled the air accompanied by a delicious spread salads and side dishes all prepared by Auriel. The celebrations continued well into evening. After securing a special concession from our landlord, some members chose to camp out overnight on part of the site specially prepared down by the water’s edge making for a truly memorable evening.

There are lots of people to thank for their help organizing the event, but special recognition must go to Auriel for the salad and side dishes, to Mike for his excellent Barbecue cooking skills, to Angie for the  most fantastic cake anyone will have ever seen, to John Saddington for doing the race management on the day, and the Tom Quale for all his hard work preparing the site.

It truly was a special celebration that will last long in the memory of many members.

50th Anniversary Celebrations

2022 is the 50th anniversary of our sailing club.

50 Years

The date to save is 23rd July kicking off at 12:00. 

Not long now until the 50th Anniversary Celebrations and Summer Regatta/BBQ (Saturday 23rd July)!

The program roughly is as follows:
12.00 – Site open for picnics. Casual sailing. Junior sailing, fun and games
14.00 – 15.12  Pursuit Race (Adults and juniors) for Pike Goblet and prizes.  
15.45 – Cake cutting ceremony
16.15 – Casual sailing and Eels Foot Cruise
18.00 –  Light BBQ.

A few reminders:

– For the BBQ, the club is supplying the food, you need to bring your own drinks.
– You may like to bring along folding chairs.
– We are expecting around 100 people, so when you park your car please use the space available in the most efficient manner.

Help required:
– Friday morning we will be setting up BBQ, gazebos, parking and camping areas, cleaning some windows and any remaining strimming. If any of you can join us, please let me know.

– On the day we will obviously all have to chip in, in setting out the food and cleaning up afterwards. But specifically for BBQing there is Ian Ayers and myself, we could use a few more to light fires and flipping burgers, so please get in touch if you are able to help. 

– Last of all if any of you are musicians and would like to supply some music in the evening, that would be great (not to loud, we don’t want to scare away the wildlife).

If you have any questions, please get in touch.
Looking forward to seeing you all Saturday,

It would also be nice to have any past, particularly founding members to attend. So if you know any please pass on the word and ask them to get in touch with me. We are also looking for old photographs, which you can bring along or scan and email in advance to pictures@rbsc.org.uk

Read about how it all started here………..(All 8 pages!).

Best Regards,
