CANCELLED Treasure Hunt 7th July 2pm


Due to a number of people been away and Englands progression in the World Cup 😀  the Treasure Hunt is CANCELLED look out for another date in the future.

7th July 2pm onwards. Fun for all the family. Find clues on and off the water. BBQ available, bring your own food; salads provided courtesy of the club.

For more information contact Sarah on 07920387655


RBSC Rescue Boat Training 2018

Sunday Afternoons 1st and 29th July starting approx 1.30pm

Slots are still available for both sessions on 29th July though we do still need another instructor if we are to run two separate sessions, If you can help or wish to attend on the 29th please let me know by the weekend before.


We have had several requests to offer rescue boat training however due to other commitments it has not been possible for us to arrange any Saturday training this year so we are offering the above instead.

The above sessions will not be a full training but will offer two options over each afternoon and should last about 2 hours maximum.

We will start with a quick ‘tour’ of our main rescue boat for everyone; to familiarise people with what is onboard.

Option 1 – Refreshers for existing / up grading rescue officers to concentrate primarily on boat /person recovery using the main rescue boat.

Option 2 – For those starting out – boat handling exercises – coming alongside / to a standstill and leading to person recovery if time allows using one (or possibly even both of our smaller boats).

Chris Toothill has agreed to run the Option 1 sessions on both afternoons and Ian Ayres is available to run the Option 2 on the 1st July. We do need a volunteer to do this on the 29th, and some ‘bodies’ willing to get wet on both afternoons.

Provided there is sufficient uptake we are proposing that we run these sessions instead of afternoon racing on these dates.

If you would like to take part (first come first served) or are willing to volunteer to help, please contact me on my email or give me a ring 01692 670457 letting me know what you are interested in doing.


Video Race 2 start May 27th

May 27th


Check them out on our Flickr Page its easier to view and offers a full screen slideshow.

Full size images can be down loaded from the RBSC Flickr Page,
How To Downlaod a Photo from the RBSC Flickr page 2014

Rollesby Broad Multisail Open 2018

In the event neither the forecast force 6 nor heavy rain arrived at Rollesby on Sunday 13th May for their Mutlisail regatta; however it had put off a few longer distance travellers who missed out on a very pleasant days sailing.

In race one John Saddington & Dennis Manning led the fleet round in their Albacore, but they could not escape the clutches of the main fleet and the race was won by Bob Sparrow and Simon in their Wayfarer, with Chris and Jane Wharmby from Milton Keynes leading the mid-fleet Leader group home. Race two was dominated by the Leaders; local pairing Ian & Sharon Ayres chasing the Albacore closely for most of the race before some late penalty turns let Ben & Ben Rickard from Hickling through for the win with the Wharmby’s third.

So the whole event was wide open and down to one of Rollesby’s infamous Eels Foot passage races. With a long run down Rollesby Broad, the Ayres were able to fly their spinnaker all the way, even through the cut; leaving everyone including the Albacore playing catch up. The two Bens were the closest pursuers but lost out as the wind went fickle in Eel’s Foot Broad. A long beat home in a rising breeze gave the Ayres the win over the Albacore with the Bens recovering well to take a well deserved third. The Ayres win gave them the event overall with the two Bens representing the visitors in second and John and Dennis third.

The Bitterns sailed shorter courses, despite the best efforts of Bruce Thompson especially in race one, John Atkinson and Leona Levine took a clean sweep of wins and the bittern trophy once again.

Multisail Fleet

  1. Ian & Sharon Ayres (Leader)
  2. Ben & Ben Rickard (Leader) – Hickling Broad
  3. John Saddington & Dennis Manning (Albacore)
  4. Chris & Jane Wharmby (Leader) – Milton Keynes
  5. Bob Sparrow & Simon (Wayfarer)
  6. Julius & Clare Mach (Leader) – Netley
  7. Chris Mann & Jo Sapsford (Enterprise)
  8. Mike Broadbent & Hugh Rout (Xenon)
  9. Sarah & Chris Toothill (Stratos)

Bittern Fleet

  1. John Atkinson & Leona Levine (Norfolk Punt Club)
  2. Bruce Thompson (NPC)
  3. Colin Burrow & Frankie Lorimer (Bittern Owners Assoc)
  4. Gareth Barham & Genevieve Prothan (BOA)

RBSC BBQ This Saturday 19th May

As a round off to our Try Sailing sessions the club will be lighting a barbecue at around 3:30 or 4:00pm on Saturday afternoon.

Please bring your own food to cook on the barbecue together with your favourite tipple and share what looks to be a lovely sunny afternoon with the new members who have joined the club over recent weeks. If you fancy a sail beforehand we will have rescue cover all day

For our new members this is will be a time to reflect on the last few weeks and have an informal chat with knowledgable sailors as to what your next steps might be,

Kind Regards
Pete and Rachel


GYGSC – Spring Regattas and Open Day.

Gt Yarmouth and Gorleston Sailing Club would like to invite friends to a number of events the first on Monday 28th May.

Event Details.

Monday 28th May – Bank holiday open Day. – Start time 10:30

Come with or without you boat, and experience the joys of clean wind and open spaces, GYGSC – members will be available to offer an introduction to the Sea sailing experience.

Sunday 10th June Britannia Pier Race. – Start Time 10:30

“It’s back”, race out to Britannia Pier and back.

If guests would like to leave their boats on site until the regatta this should not be a problem.

Thursday 21st June – Thursday Evening Regatta – Start time 7pm

This is likely to be 2 races over a shorter inshore course than Sundays and with usually lighter evening winds a great opportunity to race on the sea. The evening sailing tends to attract more Single Handers especially Lasers than the larger weekend courses.

Saturday 23rd June Beach Regatta . – Start time 13:00 Briefing 12:00

Sunday 24th June Beach Regatta  – Start Time 10:30

This is our main open event of the year with 3 races back to back races each day.


Sunday 29th July – Lowestoft passage Race. – Start time 10:30

The planned race is to Lowestoft and back depending on favourable conditions

Directions to GYGSC can be found here (Club, Location)

Any Questions please contact

Please feel free to display this advert 2018 Regatta Poster

Solo & Single-Handers Open

Rollesby Broad Solo & Single-Handers Open

A bright sunny day, with considerably more breeze than first looked likely greeted 21 competitors at Rollesby Broad for their annual Solo Open on 22nd April. A brief but significant wind shift between laying the course and the first start meant a general recall in race one, but by the end of this race the direction settled back and the wind rose.

Bob Suggitt comfortably won the first race having pushed the reeds hard on the left hand bank off the line and gained from a rare port shift up that side. The rest of the fleet were closely packed. Alan Bishop narrowly led them round, with Steve Ede and Jarvis Simpson in close pursuit. Local sailor Ian Ayres was rapidly recovering from a poor start and after a brif spell in third had to settle for 4th place.

In race 2 Ede was getting the measure of his new craft and led more or less form start to finish. Simpson managed to just sneak round the leeward mark before the pack to escape for a secure second, Mark Maskell was the big gainer rising to third in the following melee, which was only fair as he’d lost out at the same place in race one. Ede then provide confusion by not crossing the finishing line, he had sufficient lead to return and still win but most of the fleet added a fifth unnecessary lap to their race!

After lunch two shorter back to back races were held, Bishop took the first by a margin, from Ede and Maskell , with Terry Palmer having his best race in 4th and Steve Bishop enjoying the livelier conditions to just pip Ayres for 5th. The first two reversed places in race 4 to give Ede the meeting with Maksell again third to confirm the podium places.

The Solos were joined by a nine strong handicap fleet, including for the first time, four visiting Streakers, joining one home boat, who had their own very close racing. Veronica Falat won with a 1,2,1 was a solid winner, with  Daniel Bull in his radial second after a tie break with Doug Horner from Swanage, hopefully this new fleet will return and possibly earn their own class start.

Solo Results

  1. 5804 – Steve Ede (Ardleigh); 4pts
  2. 5723 – Alan Bishop (Girton); 5
  3. 5779 – Mark Maskall (Blackwater); 9
  4. 5232 – Ian Ayres (Rollesby Broad); 14
  5. 5406 – Jarvis Simpson (Brightlingsea); 16
  6. 5724 – Terry Palmer (Upper Thames); 16
  7. 5649 – Steve Bishop (Girton); 19
  8. 5318 – Bob Suggitt (Barnt Green); 21
  9. 5001 – Peter Matthews (WOBYC); 23
  10. 5472 – Robert Hawkins (Hickling Broad); 23
  11. 5138 – Pat Overs (Paxton Lakes); 28
  12. 5665 – Paul Aldridge (Brightlingsea); 31
  13. 4258 – Ian Hanson (Rollesby Broad); 36
  14. 5443 – John Saddington (Rollesby Broad); 40
  15. 5648 – Simon Strode (Rollesby Broad); 41
  16. 4589 – Phil Atherton (Hickling Broad); 41
  17. 4180 – Phil Alison (Rollesby Broad); 46
  18. 4405 – Mike Horwitz (Rollesby Broad); 49
  19. 2842 – Steve Leigh (Rollesby Broad); 53
  20. 5648 – Chris Mann (Rollesby Broad):
  21. 2019 – Gordon Jewell (Rollesby Broad):

Handicap Results

  1. Streaker 1972, Veronica Falat (WOBYC); 4 pts
  2. Radial 207011, Daniel Bull (RBSC); 8
  3. Streaker 1940, Doug Horner (Swanage SC); 8
  4. Streaker 1817, Ian Bradley (Ouse ASC); 9
  5. Streaker 1490, Tamsin Highfield (RBSC): 13
  6. Streaker 1920, Mark Langston (Beccles SC); 17
  7. Phantom 1212, Chris Toothill (RBSC); 20
  8. Laser 169153, Stuart Highfield (RBSC); 21
  9. Laser 853365, Daniel Harvey (RBSC); 28


Sunday Afternoon Pursuit Racing (2018)

Sunday Afternoon Pursuit Racing (2018)

We are trying out a pursuit format for afternoon racing over the
three summer series; Spring, Whit and Summer; for 2018.

For the Spring series the pursuit will be purely based on boat class start times to give everyone a chance to get use to these races. Class Start times are displayed on the notice board directly above the sign on sheet for Sunday Race 3!

We expect that races will generally be based on lasting 50 minutes (Standard version) for a British Moth. However there is an option for the race officer to increase the race to 60 minutes for a Mirror (Long version) if there are any slower boats entering. The race officer will display an S or an L in the lap slot on the course board (they will probably announce it for the first few weeks as well.

The intention is to introduce Personal Start Times (in a similar but slightly simpler format than Wednesdays) for the Whit series. Those who have sailed on Wednesday Evenings please be ready to answer questions from anyone else when this happens.

Photo’s from Feb 25th & March 11th

March 11th


February 25th


Thanks to Kevin for these.

Check them out on our Flickr Page its easier to view and offers a full screen slideshow.

Full size images can be down loaded from the RBSC Flickr Page,
How To Downlaod a Photo from the RBSC Flickr page 2014