Saturday Social – Reminder

Hello to everyone who has booked their place at the club social this Saturday 25th November; just a quick note to remind you to bring your own drink and maybe glasses, and more importantly please bring your cash for the meal  (£12.00 per person)

Please try to bring the correct money as it simplifies the collection on the night) 

PS Should you wish to donate a raffle prize they will be gratefully received.

Many Thanks


Report 18th November

The fine weather and slightly lighter breeze than the previous week brought out a fantastic turnout at Rollebsy Broad on Sunday 18thwith 38 sailors taking to the water at some point during the morning.

In the multisails; Chris Sallis & Matthew Frary won both raceson the water in their Tasar; but they couldn’t pull out enough of a lead overthe pack of five Wayfarers, Dave Houghton & John Symonds wrapping up the Autumnseries with a week to go by winning both races on handicap. Bob Sparrow &Steve completed the podium places with a third and a second place.

The short first beat meant the eighteen boat single-hander fleet remained more mixed up on handicap. Mike McNamara (Harrier) and David Frary (Finn) managed to break clear of the pack in race 1. Steve Leigh in his OK led the mid fleet pack before a navigation error brought him back into the clutches of Tamsin Highfield’s Streaker and John Saddington & Ian Ayres Solos. After pulling well clear on lap 2 a further course reading error by Ayres cost him the race, giving Saddington third; Steve Whitby hung on to the back of the pack in his MiniSail to take fourth.

It looked like the same service at the first mark in race two; but some smart downwind sailing by Phil Highfield (Streaker) and Gareth Thomas (Phantom) meant these two had the lead after a lap, with Ayres in closest pursuit. McNamara did eventually get clear on the water but could only count 4th on handicap with Highfield well clear of the rest and Whitby again in close enough proximity, this time for second.

The weather was even nice enough to entice eight boats back out after lunch!


Race 1 (7 entries)
1. Dave Houghton & John Symonds (Wayfarer)
2. Chris Sallis & Matt Frary (Tasar)
3. Bob Sparrow & Steve (Wayfarer)

Race 2 (8)
1. Dave Houghton & John Symonds (Wayfarer)
2. Bob Sparrow & Steve (Wayfarer)
3. Chris Sallis & Matt Frary (Tasar)


Race 1 (18 entries)
1. Mike McNamara (Harrier)
2. David Frary (Finn)
3. John Saddington (Solo)
4. Steve Whitby (MiniSail)

Race 2 (17)
1. Phil Highfield (Streaker)
2. Steve Whitby (MiniSail)
3. Ian Ayres (Solo)
4. Mike McNamara (Harrier)

Mixed PM Race 3 (8)
1. Ian Ayres (Solo)
2. Mike McNamara (Harrier)
3. John Saddington (Solo)

Report 11th November

Who has the fastest survival mode, was the order of the day at Rollesby Broad this Sunday; following a delayed start to observe two minutes silence at 11 am.

The singlehanders made up the majority of the sailors on the water, with Chris Toothill rightly leading the fleet round the course in his Phantom in both races. However an ability to stay upright was more important than outright speed and Ian Ayres led (all be it by a long way) a trio of Solos to handicap victory with Phil Alison and John Saddington having survived the rather scary long run second and third.

A zig-zag downwind with several gybes proved a more stable course in race two, favouring the Lasers of Keith Sykes, who worked really hard in the later stages to catch Stuart Highfield, as they enjoyed some great planing reaches; neither however could quite get far enough ahead of Ayres as he won by a handful of seconds.

In race one for the multisails, Dave Houghton & John Symonds put their Wayfarer into hyper-drive by flying their spinnaker and left the opposition lagging far behind. The only other finishers were Daniel Harvey & Andy Smith with a somewhat more cautious but very seaman like performance. When Houghton & Symonds performed their ‘once a year’ capsize before the start of race two the rest of the fleet elected to stay ashore, only to watch them very nearly repeat the feat on lap two!

‘once a year’ 

Race 1 (5 entries)
1 Dave Houghton & John Symonds (Wayfarer)
2. Daniel Harvey & Andy Smith (Wayfarer)

Race 2 (2)
1 Dave Houghton & John Symonds (Wayfarer)

Single Handers
Race 1 (11 entries)
1. Ian Ayres (Solo)
2. Phil Alison (Solo)
3. John Saddington (Solo)

Race 2 (8)
1. Ian Ayres (Solo)
2. Keith Sykes (Laser)
3. Stuart Highfield (Laser)

Video Nov 4th – Race 2 starts

November 4th

Some Clips of the Race 2 starts. 
Multi Fleet Start Race 2
Single Fleet Start Race 2

Thanks to Clive for these.

Check them out on our Flickr Page its easier to view and offers a full screen slideshow.

Full size images can be down loaded from the RBSC Flickr Page,
How To Downlaod a Photo from the RBSC Flickr page 2014

Photo’s from Oct 28th

October 28th

Thanks to Kevin for these.

Check them out on our Flickr Page its easier to view and offers a full screen slideshow.

Full size images can be down loaded from the RBSC Flickr Page,
How To Downlaod a Photo from the RBSC Flickr page 2014

Wednesday 25th – Report

Last night saw a great turnout of 12 boats (4 solos, 2 lasers, 2 mirrors, Streaker, Wayfarer, D-zero, Rs300) who enjoyed a great sail with a good northerly breeze.  The ever-popular Wednesday night figure of eight course allowed some good racing with a good bit of overtaking and some close battles. At the end is was  Tamsin (Streaker) taking the win from the 2 lasers or Richard and Daniel.   One of the best evening sails of the year.

Why not come and join us for the last 4 of the year?


22nd July, Race, Sunset and Sunrise.

Yesterdays Racing followed by, a stunning sunset and sunrise over our beaytiful Sailing Club. How lucky are we?.

July 22nd


Check them out on our Flickr Page its easier to view and offers a full screen slideshow.

Full size images can be down loaded from the RBSC Flickr Page,
How To Downlaod a Photo from the RBSC Flickr page 2014

RBSC Novice/Youth Regatta and BBQ This Saturday

Tamsin will be running a sailing afternoon this Saturday July 14th aimed at our new sailors  young and old.
There will be some informal racing with the first start expected around 13:00. So if you’re coming along then I’d get their around 12:00 to get rigged and ready.

For those of you who don’t fancy racing please come along and just have a sail with some help at hand if you need it.

We’ll follow the sailing with a club BBQ around 15:30. If you want to pop down for a pleasant late afternoon BBQ then please bring your own food and drink and we’ll provide the coals.


Look forward to seeing you there on Saturday.

Kind Regards
Pete and Rachel