Moth trapping

Hi All, Norfolk Wildlife Trust are doing a moth trapping activity in the woods by the Sailing Club on Saturday 3rd August from 8pm.

Eilish will take a couple of bat detectors. If any members are interested and would like to come along they would be very welcome.

Unless they want to see the trap in daylight I would suggest coming along after 9pm (and bring a torch).

Many thanks


Warden – Trinity Broads

Raffle for a Great Cause

Hi All,

Daniel has organised a Raffle in aid of Heart2Heart a great charity that instals public use Defibrillators in Norfolk in Suffolk, one of which saved Richard Brown’s life back in 2018, so why not buy a ticket or 5.

Tickets are £1.00 each with all proceeds going to Heart2Heart Norfolk.  If people would like to donate could they please remember to leave their name on the JustGiving page (Click Here) so I can then private message them with their raffle ticket numbers.  

Prizes include:-
£100.00 cash, multiple tickets to Pleasurewood Hills, Pleasure Beach, Model Village, Sea Life Centres, Hippodrome Circus, Time & Tide (and lots of other local museums), ‘Bar 1’ buffet for up to 50 people, bottles of wine, candles, beauty products, large cuddly toy and more……..

The raffle will be drawn at the Heart2Heart charity shop on Bells Rd on the 10th of August (tickets also available from the shop).

Many Thanks


Leader / Multi-Sail Open

20 Sailors (40% of whom were women) took part in Rollesby Broad’s Leader /Multisail Open Meeting on Sunday 19th May. A good northerly breeze blowing straight down the broad meant a long beat could be set, with the run being significant tactically as wind shifts came into play downwind more than normal.

In the Leaders Ian & Sharon Ayres started the first race poorly but port-tacked back under the fleet to lead at the first mark. Mike and Val Sherwen were in close pursuit, but the Ayres spinnaker pulled them well clear downwind. On the second lap the wind dropped slightly bringing the Sherwens back into contention as the wind shifted and filled in from behind.

The Ayres held on and these two boats finished well clear of Mike & Sally Newlove who took third by a whisker from Chris & Jane Wharmby.

Starting race two more strongly it looked like an easy win for the Ayres, but again the variable wind brought the rest of the fleet back to them on the long run down the broad.

The Wharmby’s briefly pulled through into second, but the Sherwens seemed to have an edge over them upwind and though the gaps closed and spread the order remained unchanged for the second and third laps.

The afternoon saw one of Rollesby’s Eel’s Foot races; starting with a mile long run and with sufficient wind to sail (with spinnaker full) though the cut into Ormesby Little Broad. The Ayres had a short but reasonable lead at the downwind cafe mark. However leading up a beat on a broad is never totally secure and as they converged from different directions at the windward pub mark, both Sherwens and the Wharmbys moved to the front. Flying the spinnaker on the next reach took the Ayres back to the front and they picked the right side of the beat second time round. Unusually there was still sufficient wind to beat back through cut and the Ayres pulled well clear here with the Sherwens in second. At this point, third looked like going to the Newloves, but the Wharmbys were not done and managed to pull through on the very last tack, after beating the full kilometre length of the broad on the way home. 

A fleet composed largely of Wayfarers made up the mixed fleet. Pete & Rachel Smith were on form and showed the fleet how to sail with excellent upwind performances and some sensible covering on the runs. Bob Sparrow & Steve Gibbons looked like leading home the rest whilst Auriel Gibson & Lindsey Nettleton couldn’t quite hang on to them despite being brave enough to try their spinnaker! However Jon Burnell & Malcolm Page in their Stratos were able to use their extra sail area downwind to steal second place from the Wayfarers.

Race 2 resorted more to form with the Smiths first and Sparrow second.

Only three ;but those who had been closest to each other all morning; Wayfarers ventured out for the Eel’s Foot Race. Daniel Harvey & Andy Smith had a good first run staying in touch with the others and then read the shifts in Ormesby Little Broad well to push Sparrow all the way round. Eventually however they just ran out of pure speed on the long beat back and had to settle for second behind Sparrow & Gibbons.

Overall Results:


1. Ian & Sharon Ayres (Rollesby) – 2 pts
2. Mike & Val Sherwen (Felixstowe Ferry ) – 4
3. Chris & Jane Wharmby (Milton Keynes) – 6
4. Mike & Sally Newlove (Reading) – 7
5. Dave & Anne Lomas (Reading) – 10

Multi-Sail Fleet:

1. Pete & Rachel Smith – Wayfarer – 2 pts
2. Bob Sparrow & Steve Gibbons – Wayfarer – 3
3. Auriel Gibson & Lindsey Nettleton – Wayfarer – 6
4. Daniel Harvey & Andy Smith – Wayfarer – 6
5. Jon Burnell & Malcolm Page – Stratos – 7

Charity Bike Ride

To support Heart2Heart a great charity that has now installed over 100 publicly accessible defibrillators, one of which was on hand when Richard really needed it last year Richard has organised a charity bike ride.

It’s a 60 mile ride around Norfolk on Sunday June the 9th.  Club members involved that I know of are Richard, Tamsin, Vince and myself along with around 20 others from GYGSC and friends/colleagues of Richard. 

I have attached a link to the Anglia News feature that was on TV last week about Heart2Heart Norfolk and also a link to a Just Giving page.

All money received will be split between Heart2Heart Norfolk and the British Heart Foundation.

Anglia News feature

Daniels Just Giving page

Richards Just Giving page

Or Just grab Tamsin or Vince

Kind regards, Daniel

Pick your duty date

The July to December 2019 Duties List has been posted on the Results Board and will be there until 22nd June (see attached). I suggest you get in early to sign up for the date which suits you best. If you can’t make it to the Club house then please send me an email ( with your 1st, 2nd and even 3rd choice of duty and duty date and I will fill in your name. As before the Duties List in the Club House takes precedent over emails.

Picking your own date makes it better for yourselves and easier for me to complete the list. So please come along to the Club house and pick a date or send me an email with your preferences.

Best regards,

Mike Horwitz

GYGSC – Spring Regattas and Open Day

Our Friends at Gt Yarmouth and Gorleston Sailing Club would like to invite you to a number of events this summer

Monday 27th May – Bank holiday open Day. – Start time 10:30
Come with or without your boat, and experience the joys of clean wind and open spaces, GYGSC – members will be available to offer an introduction to the Sea sailing experience.

Sunday 9th June Britannia Pier Race. – Start Time 10:30
We also have a Training Day on Saturday 8th June so why not stay for the whole weekend?

 Beach Regatta 2019

Thursday 20th June – Thursday Evening Regatta – Start time 7pm
This is likely to be 2/3 races over a shorter inshore course than Sundays and with usually lighter evening winds a great opportunity to race on the sea. The evening sailing tends to attract more single handers especially Lasers than the larger weekend courses.

Saturday 22nd June Beach Regatta. – Start time 13:00 Briefing 12:00

Sunday 23rd June Beach Regatta. – Start Time 10:30
This is our main open event of the year there will be 3 back to back races each day.
If guests would like to leave their boats on site for the Week this should not be a problem.

Sunday 4th August – Lowestoft passage Race. – Start time 10:30
The planned race is to Lowestoft and back depending on favourable conditions

Directions to GYGSC can be found at Location

Post Code  – NR31 6PL

Any Questions just email us –

Please feel free to display the attached poster wherever you can………..

Eels Foot race Sunday 12th May (not 5th).

Hi Folks
Please take note, the Club Series Eels Foot race is incorrect on the printed / published programme.It should be on Sunday 12th May (not 5th). It is correct on the duty list.
For those of you with double-handers, don’t forget our double-hander open on May 19th which also includes and Eels foot in the afternoon!
Can I also take this opportunity to ask race officer that if they work out the times for races on a separate scrap paper (this is fine by me) that they copy at least the finish times (ideally calculated times as well) onto the official sheet so that if anyone questions a result I have something to refer back to and not just the positions.


Try Sailing 27th April Postponed

The weather looks absolutely awful on Saturday. Too wet and too windy and not for beginners!.

So the Saturday event is postponed until 11th May, where we will ask everyone, volunteers and newbies alike, when to fit the missing day back in to the schedule.
I have spoken or left voicemails with everyone who has offered to help on Saturday but if any of you were intending to turn up on spec this is just advise you of the cancellation.

Try Sailing has been a great success for the club and it’s disappointing to have our first cancellation in however many years.
But hopefully we’re all OK for the 11th May.

Kind Regards

Pete and Rachel

Solo / Single-hander Open 2019 Report

A beautiful sunny morning greeted the competitors for Rollesby Broad’s Solo and Single-hander open meeting on Easter Sunday, only the wind direction was not ideal creating shifty conditions but it was at least strong enough to give a reasonable first beat all day.

The Solos completed four races; Mark Maskell (Blackwater) set off as he meant to continue by leading from the start with John Saddington (Rollesby) his closest pursuer at the first turn. The rest of the pack was very tight and there were regular changes for any boat jumping from 10th to fourth and just as quickly back again! Steve Bishop (Girton) was a little unlucky to be in the pack but once clear set off in pursuit of the leading twosome; eventually nailing the short beat at the farther end of the course to take a narrow win. Ian Ayres (Rollesby) recovered from being OCS to take third by overtaking Pete Matthews (WOBYC) a few meters from the finish..

Maskell won race two by a large margin after sailing away from the first mark on his own private puff! Bishop and Ayres slowed each other by arriving at the mark together but slowly cleared the rest with Saddington leading the pack home in fourth.

After lunch a slight change of course clearly suited Maskell as he won both races, in the third his long term closest challenger was Roger Wilson (Rollesby) before Bishop and Saddington came through on one of the long reaches.

The final race proved the closest. Maskell again looked clear with Ayres and Matthews in pursuit before Bishop spotted an in filling shift at the bottom of the beat on lap two and took several places, bringing through Terry Palmer (Upper Thames) with him. The leading pair pulled clear as the pack played snakes and ladders until the last lap when Maskell had just enough to hang on for the win. Matthews came from behind to gain an overlap on Ayres at the last mark and this time held on for third.

Six Streakers joined a mixed single-handed fleet and proved how keen they were by needing a general recall in race 1! Tamsin Highfield (Rollesby) had a good first beat but couldn’t live with the ultimate speed of visitors Veronica Falat (WOBYC) and Ian Bradley (Ouse Amateur). These two swapped places twice within the last 30 seconds of the race with Falat coming out on top.

Bradley had much less problem winning race 2 after picking the right side of the first beat with Falat and Mark Langston (Beccles Amateur) taking the minor places. Having decided their meeting would be only three races Falat set off with determination in race 3 but the shifty beats meant Bradley and Langston could never be written off until the last beat which Falat sailed almost straight up whilst they had to tack several times to reach the finish line.

Mike McNamara in his Harrier perhaps unsurprisingly won the mixed fleet, though he did have to come from behind after race 1. Steve Whitby in his MiniSail took second on count-back from Daniel Bull’s Laser.

Overall Results:


  1. 5779 – Mark Maskall (Blackwater); 3pts
  2. 5649 – Steve Bishop (Girton); 5
  3. 5232 – Ian Ayres (Rollesby Broad); 10
  4. 5443 – John Saddington (Rollesby Broad); 12
  5. 5001 – Peter Matthews (WOBYC); 13
  6. 5259 – Roger Wilson (Rollesby Broad); 16
  7. 4258 – Ian Hanson (Rollesby Broad); 17
  8. 5724 – Terry Palmer (Upper Thames); 22
  9. 5648 – Simon Strode (Rollesby Broad); 24
  10. 3941 – Steve Leigh (Rollesby Broad); 27
  11. 5496 – Ron Laurie (Harlow Blackwater) 30
  12. 4405 – Mike Horwitz (Rollesby Broad); 35
  13. 4864 – Chris Mann (Rollesby Broad); 37
  14. 4180 – Phil Alison (Rollesby Broad); 42


  1. 1972, Veronica Falat (WOBYC); 4 pts
  2. 2121, Ian Bradley (Ouse ASC); 5
  3. 1920, Mark Langston (Beccles ASC); 10
  4. 1568, J Blankley (Beccles ASC); 13
  5. 1490, Tamsin Highfield (RBSC); 14
  6. 1723, Ian Mansfield (Alton Water SC); 17

Mixed Fleet:

  1. Harrier 70, Mike McNamara; 3 pts
  2. MiniSail 4220, Steve Whitby; 7
  3. Laser 207011, Daniel Bull; 7
  4. Phantom 1212, Chris Toothill; 11
  5. Laser —-, Steve Vaughan; 13