Wednesday Race report.

Wednesday Evening Personal Handicap Pursuit Race  – Report 24/04/2024

The cold fresh wind during the day put members off coming for an evening sail.  By the time of the race, however, the evening turned out to be bright, with a pleasant steady N.W. sailing breeze. Six boats took part.

Henrietta Highfield had an early start in the Oppie and had a couple of fast laps while the wind was still fresh but then decided to retire. David Taylor, returning  after the winter, was next away in his solo. David was soon overtaken by the next starter, Auriel Gibson in her Wayfarer crewed by Chis Foster. Auriel then held the lead for five laps to win the race.

As the race timed out Mike McNamara with Ian Curtis was 2nd, Dave Taylor 3rd, John Saddington 4th, Jason Elmer with Steve Gibbons in a Wayfarer 5th followed by Phil Alison who can now start a minute earlier next week!



The recent poor weather improved on Boxing Day and 16 boats turned out on a sunny morning with a varying N.E. Breeze.
Kevin & Joe Edwards in their Norfolk set of first at the start of the Pursuit Race followed by daughter Ellie in her Splash. These two held the lead for three laps but were eventually passed by the faster boats.

Roger Wilson in his Solo built a substantial lead by laps four and five but during the sixth lap a number of the positions changed.

David Houghton and John Symmonds in their Wayfarer came through at the end to take first place and won the “Bent Vase” for the third consecutive time.

Mulled Wine and mince pies, organised by Roger, warmed competitors up between races.
Three helms took part in the Watson Cup Race by sailing double handed boats with no crew. Tony Fulford in the Comet Trio and Ian ayres in his Leader raced in close proximity for all three laps. At the line Tony was just ahead but Ian took the Trophy on handicap result.

Seven boats stayed for the Allcomers race. Howard Astley-Jones lead the way round in his Vareo and finished a few seconds ahead of Dan Bull in his Laser. Dan took the win on handicap.

Full Results for all Races Here………….

Photos on WhatsApp thanks to Toni Hancock.

John Saddington.

Wed Eve- Series Report


The evening races again proved to be a popular event this year with 36 different helms taking part. The entrants spanned the generations from young Henrietta Highfield in her mirror to the “long time members” in their favourite boats. One evening saw a record 17 boats joining the pursuit race and several others out practicing sailing.

The lovely warm evenings made this year series particularly enjoyable and it was nice to see new members from the training courses coming along. The event also attracted non sailing spectators out for an evening by the water.

The early series leader was Ian Curtis sailing his Wayfarer crewed by Richard Bailey with a number of first places. Later months though, saw Ian unable to attend enough evenings leaving the way open for David Taylor to take the trophy sailing his Enterprise single handed. Great to see David winning the series as a relative new comer to sailing and racing. With a changing personal handicap he will have to work hard next year!

Full results can be seen on the race results section of the web site

Race Report – Wed 27th April

Personal Handicap Pursuit Race.

Wednesday sailors arrived at Rollesby on a dull chilly evening for the first of this years pursuit race. The ten crews that set out though were treated to a good moderate wind blowing straight down the Broad.

The “calm” between 5 and 6

The conditions suited the two Wayfarers who started out in mid fleet but by the end of lap three had worked their way up to the front. Ian Curtis and Allen stayed ahead for the win. Jason Elmer sailing with Bob Sparrow as crew was second. With ten boats out they will both have to start a minute latter next week!

Keith Sykes “survived” the breeze in his RS300 for a third place.

Starting at the back Chris Foster caught up with Clive Girling and the two lasers had a close race ending with Chris in front at 6th place.

Full results on here………